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Adream | Concerning Words Unwritten

Fluttershy stared towards the ceiling, eyes wide open, head sinking into the pillow. There wasn't much to see with how dark the room was, but that wasn't the point. She'd had someone, she couldn't quite remember who right then, recommend she keep her eyes open while trying to fall asleep should trying to keep them closed not work out. Right then, she was trying to fall asleep as fast as she could, and the nervousness from trying to force herself to sleep and knowing there wasn't much time for her to do it was doing her no favours whatsoever.

But she was tired, still, technically. She could probably fall asleep. She could definitely fall asleep. And Luna was meaning to talk with her, so there was nothing to worry about, because if Luna wanted then she could make sure she would fall asleep. And if Luna did nothing then there was nothing to worry about, because it meant she didn't need to do anything, because sleep would come by itself and Fluttershy just needed to sleep. Focus on sleeping. Because she was going to sleep. Because she needed to. So she was going to sleep.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. Then another. She had to calm down, and stop rushing through her thoughts. Focus on nothing, and let her own tiredness overtake her. Slowly she closed her eyes, her breath grew slower and slower, her head began to swim and eventually she fell asleep, drifting into the world of dreams.

Sweetie Belle was walking down the road in Ponyville, halfway lost in thought but still paying attention to where she was going. So when she suddenly noticed, out of the corner of her eye, a pegasus tripping and falling, she immediately stopped and turned in that direction to check if they were okay. But they weren't there, and no one else seemed to have seen anything.

Confused the filly looked around for a moment, then shook her head. It must have been something else that she saw, or maybe she'd just imagined the whole thing. She turned back again and started walking. She was a bit surprised to see Twilight in front of her, crossing the road, but not too much. True, she'd expect the alicorn to be in her castle at that time, but it wasn't unusual for her to occasionally be spotted in town if she ever went looking for something or someone. Sweetie was a lot more confused, though, when she reached the entrance to the alley she could have sworn she'd seen Twilight walk into and realised that there was no alley there, just a wall.

Most confusing still was when she turned away from the wall, and saw Pinkie Pie moving across the street with piles of plates on her hooves and back. And yet more confusing was how the pony disappeared from her sight after she'd rubbed her eyes, as if she'd never been there at all, and no one else seemed to notice.

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