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"Because that's not what I'm here for," Twilight replied. "I'm here to talk, not to fight. You know that much."

"You say that just because you're afraid," the Charioteer replied. "You're too scared to try to stop me, because you already know you'd fail."

"That's not-" Twilight cut herself off, noticing the Charioteer's expression. "You're messing with me, aren't you?"

"Absolutely," he replied, "and it's a great deal of fun."

"What are you getting out of this?" Twilight asked him. "Why? I thought you were the one who wanted to have this conversation."

"I was. I can't deny that I was." The Charioteer nodded. "But, well, all of a sudden I've gotten very bored of nothing happening. And you've made me realise there's something much more entertaining I could be doing. I was trying to get a reaction out of you, Twilight." He grinned. "But you're just so... indecisive. So static. So stuck in your own comfortable shell and refusing to take decisions. That's not good, Twilight."

"Ironic coming from the one who's sat here motionless for months," Twilight said.

"That isn't lost on me," noted the Charioteer. "But I am inherently a spirit of change, after all, perhaps I am allowed a pass. Although..." He had a vague look at the oddly translucent surface they both stood upon. "It has indeed been a while since the Behemoth moved. Maybe..."

Twilight felt her blood go cold as it raced up her back. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I absolutely would." The Charioteer returned to staring straight ahead at Twilight. "What better way to force a reaction out of you? You're too entrenched in your own beliefs about dialogue to ever take the first step, and me attacking you would ruin this whole ordeal. So why not, Twilight? Why not force you into action, why not give you something you need to stop? If words won't do it, why not this?"

"I thought you said the Behemoth wasn't supposed to move just yet," said Twilight, clearly on edge about the situation.

"One more step won't hurt the plan, and it won't bring about the end of the world." The Charioteer licked his lips and then clicked his tongue. "But it will be worse than the last one. I do wonder how the creatures down there will take it."

"Why?" Twilight asked again. "What's the point? I thought-"

"Because you are just so utterly, annoyingly nice, Twilight," the Charioteer interrupted her. "You can stop the oncoming destruction of your world just by stopping me, and you already know I'm responsible for what damage has already been done, and yet you'd rather just talk. If you're not going to do the sensible thing out of your own will, I'll have to force you to." He tensed his front legs, and Twilight saw the reins tightening around them.

"Wait! W-"

"I'm done waiting. You have about three seconds, I'd say." The muscles in the Charioteer's shoulder began to tense as well.

In a flash of panic, Twilight fired from her horn.

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