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You may have noticed a number of recent chapters take place on trains. This was a coincidence, but at this point we might as well have another.

"Is that Princess Twilight Sparkle?" asked the mare, leaning slightly out of her seat yet at the same time holding back, as if she was afraid of being spotted.

The pegasus sitting at her side also tried to get a look, though he found himself partly inconvenienced by the mare's movements. "I believe so," he said, when he finally managed to push his head far enough to the side. He looked around a little longer. "And those seem to be her guards. I'd say that's probably her, yes."

"What do you think she's here for?" asked the mare, a quiver in her voice.

"Well, I wouldn't know that." The stallion turned, and noticed the mare was shaking. "Are you okay?" he asked, suddenly worried, leaning closer to her.

The mare had meanwhile retreated into the corner of her seat, and looked like she was trying to wedge herself into it. She looked up, teeth clattering a bit. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little cold."

"Do you want me to fetch you a blanket or something?" The stallion drew back, ready to stand up and reach for his suitcase, but he was stopped by the mare grabbing him with a hoof.

"No, it's not a problem, really. It'll pass in just a bit, I'm sure," she said, still shaking but making an effort to stop it.

Reluctantly, the stallion returned to his regular sitting position. He kept his eyes on the mare, but seeing she did seem to be shaking less decided she was probably going to be alright. He looked towards Twilight again. "Actually, do you think she's here to see about that business with the bridge, and then the town hall?"

"Maybe." The mare seemed to have picked up shaking again, just a bit. "It's been a while since that happened, hasn't it? You'd expect she'd have come here sooner if that was the reason."

"She's a busy mare," the stallion replied. "I'm sure she had more important things to take care of. And maybe the news didn't get to her until recently. The town was probably trying to deal with things by themselves, they might have decided not to bother her."

"So you think it wasn't something worth her attention?" There had been a weird, sudden shift in the mare's tone. From shaky, it had jumped to being snappy, sounding almost annoyed or offended. Her expression was also slightly different, an odd mix of the one she'd had until just a moment before and one more fitting her new apparent mood.

The stallion was a little taken aback by the unexpected change. "Well, no, not what I was saying. If she's here now for it she clearly thinks it is worth her time. Maybe whoever didn't tell her before didn't, but they were wrong."

The mare seemed to have calmed down. "You're right. I suppose you're right. I'm sorry, this whole business has had me nervous for a while. You understand, I'm sure." She looked to the opposite side, at the wall and the window and the fields strolling by outside. "But now Princess Twilight is here to settle things right." She giggled. "Princess Twilight herself is here for that."

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