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The mare sat next to an apple tree, looking at the empty spot between two others. It looked extremely plain on that side. Absolutely nothing weird, absolutely nothing at all really. And yet, it had looked so different on the other side. So... Well, she couldn't exactly describe how it looked, exactly. Everything looked weird on the other side, and something looking doubly weird in it made it quite weird to decipher overall.

Maybe, a second look would help. She bit her lip, considering the possibility. Then, slowly, she slipped into the other side.

.niaga tuo deppils ehS ...nees d'ehs ekil ,teY .did ti ekil tlef ehs tsael ta ro ,ecalp fo tuo yletelpmoC .ecalp fo tuo kool did tI .tnedive erom demees ti srehto ta ,ylreporp nees eb neve t'ndluoc ti selgna niatrec tA .riadim ni sevlesmeht nopu gnitsiwt dna gnignah ,no tsac eb ot gnihton dna meht tsac ot gnihton htiw ,swodahs ekiL .spahrep ,mortsleam a ekil tsomlA ...ekiL .ddo kool did yllaer tI

And indeed, still nothing there. Completely plain, an empty space between two trees. That was weird. Things like that, shadows if they could be called that, usually had something casting them. Like the Wall did, like the castle there in Ponyville did, like yet other things did. So maybe something was there. It had to be, probably. Or maybe it had been, or it would be.

That last one was worrying, somewhat. Something might be there at some point. Soon, maybe. It was worrying, yes. It didn't look nice. Maybe it was a silly way to judge things, but nice things usually looked nice on that other side. And things that weren't didn't. Like the Wall. Or the Behemoth itself, though she hadn't much looked at it. She didn't really like looking at it.

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