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Just some dude living out his life in Calgary. Got a brother that annoys me to hell, but other than that, life is pretty boring. I'm athletically active, in the terms that I run and play b-ball.
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Well I look forward to the sequel if you get around to it
Thanks! We're actually coming close to the end, but me and NC might work on a sequel if we can find the motivation to do so.
Don't worry bout the uploads, I'd rather quality over quantity ya know? I love the story so far, so I can't wait to see where it goes!
Thanks for the fav on Odium! I'd like to apologise for the upload delays, but we're slowly making them
Its just so engaging! I have many theories about where it might go, and all of them are so exciting! I can't wait to see where you take the story now, but I do know that I'm gonna love every word