• Member Since 15th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss


The Golden Oaks has been destroyed and with it nearly all of Twilight's possessions.

But Big Mac has one of hers that she doesn't know about - a singular memento that escaped the flames.

Featured 1/30/2024 - 2/2/2024!

And featured on Equestria Daily on 2/3/2024, as well as in 25 More Fanfics to Read for Twilight Sparkle Day on 8/6/2024!

Cover art generously used with permission from Harwick's Sun And Moon portrait collection.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

Well ain’t that the coinky-dink. Twilight does appreciate her stuffed animals.

Lovely stuff. Big Mac of all ponies knows what it means for your home to get torn down, and just because the Acres pops back up between episodes doesn’t mean there wasn’t effort — including emotional effort — to rebuild in between.

Beautiful work, with both Mac and Twilight at their best. Thank you for a wonderful bit of friendship in action.

What a sweet and wonderful tale. Good job!

That ending...

This was really beautiful, and such a readily available premise I'm surprised this wasn't done until now like this. Amazing job once again <33

Aww, isn't that just adorable... Why can't I stop smiling? What have you done, filling me with such simple happiness, you heartful author!

i'm not crying... you're crying!!

Isn't crazy they're two doll stories on featured right now. This and your own fine story. I guess people do be loving their plushies today, I had mine snuggled next to me when I was reading (don't tell anyone.)

Oh, this was just... beautiful.

As someone who lost almost everything to a fire myself... this hits especially hard. Well done.

Howdy, hi~!

Loved this. A nice cozy slice of life with a great emotional core. Was super sweet and just oozed feel-good vibes. Thanks for the read as always Tempest :)

This was genuinely touching to read. The gentleness in how you write Big Mac makes me so happy

Aw this is so sweet.

A lovely read. I am particularly fond of the way you flipped the usual Mac is embarrassed because he has Twilight's doll paradigm. Smarty Pants has become Mac's as much as her own.

Well… That’s a happy little story. I quite enjoyed it.

A little peace and love to go around is never a bad thing, I’d say.

The cast iron pot in the kitchen had bravely sacrificed itself, sheltering a fork, two spoons, and one saucer under itself. It took the brunt of the blast - warping terribly - but it saved the smaller items from complete destruction.

The cast iron pot was a true hero.


The cast iron pot in the kitchen had bravely sacrificed itself, sheltering a fork, two spoons, and one saucer under itself. It took the brunt of the blast - warping terribly - but it saved the smaller items from complete destruction.

I love writings like this.
Small and insignificant to the story itself, but still very fleshed out.

That evening, Spike slept in a proper bed for the first time

:moustache:: "Finally!"

Big Mac's wide eyes watched it, and his voice was barely a whisper. "You remembered."

I hope you also remembered to put some protection spells on it.
We want the doll to last after all.
It had a long journey behind it, and I'm sure there is another long journey still ahead.

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.


i'm not crying... you're crying!!

Let's settle for we're all crying.


:moustache:: "Finally!"

Funny thing: Spike getting a bed was the source behind all this! I'd originally been researching a story where Twilight and Spike go shopping for his first bed following the destruction of the Golden Oaks. Then I found out that that actually happens during the events of Castle Sweet Castle. I was disappointed, but the situation spun off into this story after a bit of other thinking around that time period in the show.

This is so sweet. Loved every moment.

This was such a beautiful little story. And I love what you did at the end. :twilightsmile:

Wow, that got me legitimately misty-eyed. Just... beautiful. :fluttercry:

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