“Uhhm, wait. Wait.” Derpy squinted in thought. “Sunset has the same magic app? Ummmmm… you know that can’t be a coincidence, right?”
“Maybe not, but who even knows how pony magic works? It’s probably something you’d have to be Twilight Sparkle to explain." Wallflower poked at the dirt of Trixie's parents' yard, equally anxious and annoyed. "But what I'm saying is, Sunset is using it wrong. She’s using it just to make herself feel bad, when she shouldn’t!”
“Rrrrriiiiight,” Derpy said hesitantly, wringing her hands. “Uhhhmmmm. I’ve just been thinking about it, and it really seems like that app might be…. um…. evil? Sorta?”
“Duh, of course it’s evil,” Trixie said, sipping the iced coffee she had definitely not offered to either of her guests when they came over. “But whatever, you know? Evil things can be good.”
“See, but, no they can’t…”
“It’s just facts,” Wallflower interrupted.
It annoyed her more than she wanted to admit to hear Juicy called evil. She had been using it a lot. Losing sleep over it, actually. Often the same questions over and over, the same ways she was objectively pathetic. “Facts aren’t good or evil, they just are.”
“But. Well.” Derpy scratched the back of her head in confusion. “Then how could Sunset be using the app wrong?”
“Because…” Wallflower trailed off, realizing she had no clue how to answer that question. “Because Sunset shouldn’t feel bad. She’s a really good person, right?”
“Yyyyyeah? But… the way you’re using it…”
“I’m using it because I’m actually bad!” Wallflower snapped.
Derpy blinked at her. “Um. But. I don't think you're bad."
"Well, you're wrong." Wallflower vaguely realized her voice was harsh and bitter, and Derpy stepped back, looking almost afraid. "You're blind and wrong. If you like hanging out with a loser like me, maybe that says something about you, doesn't it?"
"...Oh." Derpy laughed nervously and awkwardly, apparently not knowing what to say. Behind her, Trixie looked, of all things, concerned.
"Gagh, this isn't even..." Wallflower sighed angrily; their insistence on missing the point had derailed things enough. “Look. I have all these ideas in my head about Sunset, and I shouldn’t. I keep almost forgetting she’s too good for me! In fact…” She pulled out her phone. “Hey, Juicy?”
“Is Sunset too good for me?”
Sunset Shimmer is too good for Wallflower Blush.
“See?” Wallflower’s voice was getting loud, which was so satisfying, she barely noticed a couple of tears had slipped out of her eyes. “I’m just dumb and I’m just ugly, and I’ll keep using this thing until I can get it through my dumb, ugly skull!”
She absolutely had been yelling by the end of that, and she was definitely outright crying. Without waiting for anything else, she stomped out of Trixie’s parents’ yard.
Sunset had been using Juicy a lot. She’d been losing sleep over it, in fact. She wasn’t a low self-esteem person by nature (another way to say she ‘was a total narcissist’) so she had to keep training with it. Reminding herself of who she’d hurt and how badly. Remind herself of important things.
So it took a few days, but she was ready. Ready to do what she needed to do.
She knew she shouldn’t have been doing this in the Sweet Shoppe. She shouldn’t have been doing it in public at all, but something about the presence of onlookers, even if they didn’t know what she was doing, kept her motivated. This sucked. But it was necessary.
“You’ve been really wonderful,” the text said. “I looked forward to our texts every day, over the past month, and after I came back, all I’ve wanted to do is see you. But”
She backed up. That was way too much. The point was making this easy for Wallflower, not lingering over everything that would be great about them being together.
“Hey, Sunsetttttt!!” And right there, that was the main reason she shouldn’t be doing this in the Sweet Shoppe. Pinkie swooped down upon her, huge grin first. “Texting?!” Her grin turned sly. “Texting Walllllllflower?”
“No.” Sunset’s voice was harsh, which made Pinkie pull back in surprise and dismay. “I mean. Yeah. Actually.”
“Oh. Things not going well?”
“That’s not really…” Sunset trailed off, realizing the place was empty except for the two of them. “Ah, damn,” she muttered, glancing at her watch. “Did I stay past the time you close again? I’m sorry, Pinkie.”
“No way, I like it when I get to hang out with one of my friends after closing! Otherwise it’s just me and the cleaning supplies, and they’re great at what they do but not so awesome at conversation.”
Sunset wasn’t sure what to say.
Pinkie took a step back, frowning. “I was trying to be all silly because you looked sad, and…” She trailed off.
Pinkie literally winced at Sunset’s tone, which immediately made Sunset feel twice as bad, which she hadn’t thought was possible. “What are you trying to say, Pinkie?”
“The girls are worried about you. I talked to Applejack, and she said you were kind of a meanie to her yesterday.”
Yes, she had totally snapped at Applejack when she had run into her. It had been completely unfair, but Applejack had been trying to compliment her, and Sunset very much did not want to be complimented. “Pinkie, you can drink legally. Don’t say ‘meanie.’”
“Oh. Um. Okay.”
Aaaaand she was doing it again, of course, just moreso. Punishing her friends for trying to be nice.
“It’s just, you’re not acting like yourself. And um. Either you’re dating Wallflower, or you want to be dating her, and so maybe. I just thought if things weren’t going well there, that was why you were unhappy.”
Sunset grunted in frustration. “That’s not even the right question. It doesn’t matter if they’re going well. They shouldn’t be going at all.”
Pinkie blinked, looking utterly confused. “Whyyyy… not?”
“Because Wallflower shouldn’t have to be with someone who… someone like me. Someone who’d hurt everyone.”
Pinkie didn’t say anything for what felt like forever. Eventually, wringing her hands, she asked miserably, “Do…I have anything to do with this? Is this at all about last year?”
“No! Why would you think that?”
“Because. Because I should have told you how I felt instead of leading you on, and things have been weird, and we barely even ever talked about it.”
“No, Pinkie…” Sunset sighed, exasperated. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one who always messes up. That’s the point. I always end up hurting the people I love, and I somehow just forget.”
“Sunset, you didn’t hurt me! And you won’t hurt Wallflower! I just felt so sad I couldn’t make you happy like you wanted, and…”
“Not everything is about you, Pinkie! God!”
Pinkie stared at her, eyes huge and watery. “I know. I just thought… well. Never mind.”
She sniffled, then turned and walked towards the kitchen. “Um. Hey!” She turned back, a grotesque parody of a smile on her face. “Hey, I’m super-sorry, Sunset, but we’re closed, now. Could you go so I can start cleaning up?”
Sunset knew this wasn’t okay. As she gathered her things and stepped out into the night, she completely knew that yes, she had made herself feel appropriately guilty and bad, but it had been at the expense of Pinkie’s feelings and that was completely not okay.
She quickly fumbled into her pocket and pulled out her phone. “Hey, Juicy.”
“Am I the world’s biggest bitch, or what?”
“Bitch” is a 1997 song by singer-songwriter Meredith Broncs.
“Gaaaghhhh!” Sunset let out a loud cry of frustration. A passing stranger gave her a judgmental look. Appropriately.
Maybe going into The Sweet Shoppe was the right move after all. She probably hadn’t felt bad enough to actually write and send the text; she hadn’t really believed she was gross enough to have to. But now, she knew.
Wallflower had written about thirty different versions of the text by the time Sunset’s arrived. It was pretty much the same message she’d been trying to pass on, but, of course, much better-written than anything Wallflower could come up with.
“Please don’t think I don’t care about you,” the text said, “I really, really do. But I don’t think we should keep hanging out.”
It was for the best, she reminded herself. It was what she’d wanted, too; Sunset was just strong enough to actually press send. This was the only thing to do to keep everyone from feeling bad.
She was already sobbing.
Things were totally awkward when Wallflower saw her friends the next morning. That was of course their fault for not understanding why Wallflower had to do the things she did. But she still felt bad.
She also felt bad because she’d cried for a billion hours the night before, and then spent the rest of the time asking Juicy for more reasons to cry.
When she first showed up, she had tried to smooth things over to Derpy. “All that stuff we were arguing about last time is settled,” she’d said. “Sunset said we shouldn’t hang out any more. She accepted I’m too ugly and dumb. So it’s over, and we don’t have anything to fight about, right? We can just garden?”
Derpy hadn’t said anything in reply. Wallflower figured it was what she deserved.
They gardened (and, in Trixie’s case, lounged) for half an hour. It wasn’t actually that bad. Hanging out in this nice, suburban front yard, feeling both the warm sun and the cool dirt. Except for all the awful stuff, mornings didn’t get better than this.
Derpy finished up her row of flowers, stood, and regarded them critically. After a moment, she nodded to herself, took a deep breath, and turned to Wallflower. “All right, I’ve built up the courage!”
“Freakin’ finally,” Trixie said.
“Uhm?” Wallflower raised an eyebrow, confused. “What are you talking about?”
“This!” Trixie announced, posing, “Is an intervention!!”
Wallflower’s eyes narrowed. “What.”
Derpy glared over at Trixie. “You said you weren’t going to be dramatic about it.”
“That doesn’t sound like me.”
“What!” Wallflower grunted. “Wait, are you serious? You think I’m on drugs?!”
“No. It’s for Juicy.”
Wallflower’s hand flew to her pocket; she grabbed her phone and held it to her chest. “What?”
“You’re using it to make yourself feel bad,” Derpy said. “It’s not healthy.”
“This is ridiculous!” Wallflower snapped. “I’m only feeling bad in, like, specifically just the healthy ways! Don’t be stupid!”
Derpy shut her mouth tightly. “Please don’t call me stupid,” she said after a moment.
Wallflower glowered down at the ground. “Okay. Sorry. But I don’t need an intervention for my phone app. It just tells me things I need to know. Objective. Facts.”
“Oh, please,” Trixie grunted dismissively. “If you’re all worried about being objectively correct, or whatever, why’re you making such a big deal about Sunset? Yeah, she’s hot, fine, but come on. She’s no Roseluck, or anyone.”
Wallflower gaped, then shook her head. “What are you… Gah, Sunset is more attractive than Roseluck, anyway, but… but I’d do the same for anyone! I wouldn’t want to go around thinking Roseluck would like me, either!”
“Uhhm.” Derpy wiggled her fingers awkwardly. “Roseluck… did… like you?”
Wallflower almost dropped her phone. She couldn’t think of a response; she was too addled trying to figure out why Derpy would say such a thing.
“Like. All of senior year. And then you hooked up, and… well, she thought you rejected her. You apparently didn’t even know she was interested.”
“This is insane,” Wallflower growled. “You… look, I know you’re not dumb, but you somehow misunderstood things.”
“Hey, Juicy,” Trixie said, “Did Roseluck like Wallflower?”
I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question.
“Mm-hmm.” Trixie put her hands on her hips, smirking. “Isn’t that convenient. I bet it does this all the time, right? It just won’t ‘understand a question’ if the answer isn’t something that would make you feel bad about yourself.”
“Listen.” Wallflower glared. “It’s just objective facts. That’s all that’s important.”
“Give me a thousand breaks. If it was objective facts, you’d be into Roseluck instead of Sunset, anyway. Or, um.” Trixie spread her arms. “Hello?”
Wallflower looked at Trixie, then at Derpy, then back at Trixie. “....Hello what?”
“Um, right here? I’m obviously the most gorgeous person you know, but you’re into Sunset. Objective facts aren’t everything.”
Again, Wallflower glanced at Derpy, then back to Trixie.
“Oh, come on!” Trixie snapped. “Hey, Juicy?”
“How much hotter is Trixie than Sunset?”
Trixie Lulamoon is negative twelve percent hotter than Sunset Shimmer.
Trixie started to speak, then stopped. “Oh, well, here’s your problem,” she said eventually, glancing over at Wallflower. “Your damn phone is a damn liar.”
“My phone is not a liar!”
Wallflower Blush’s phone is not a liar.
“Oh, well, if the obviously lying phone says so, then sure.” Trixie rolled her eyes magnificently. “What’s wrong with you?”
“Uh hey?” Derpy spoke up, raising her index finger in the air in a mostly vain attempt to get attention, “you didn’t ask it a question just now, and it spoke up on its own. I reaaaaaaally think it might be evil.”
“It just. Tells. The truth.” Wallflower hugged the phone to her chest protectively. “Just because it’s not what I want to hear, that doesn’t mean I should just ignore it!”
“What does that even mean, though?” Derpy asked, scratching her head. “‘More attractive’ according to who? Meaning what?”
“It… look, don’t overcomplicate this!” Wallflower growled. “It’s just the truth!”
“Yeah, but…” Derpy looked around vaguely, confused. “Hey, Juicy? What does it even mean that you say someone’s more attractive than someone else?”
Wallflower blinked. Juicy had just actually said ‘uh.’
It regained its neutral tone as it continued, though: Trixie Lulamoon is found to be attractive by an average of twelve percent fewer potential partners than Sunset Shimmer.
“Liar!” Trixie snapped.
I am not a liar.
“It’s not a liar!” Wallflower confirmed. She could be nicely certain of that compared to everything Derpy was saying, so that was nice.
“But… wait, but ‘potential partners?’” Derpy argued, starting to look pretty annoyed. “What makes someone a potential partner? And what does ‘found to be attractive’ mean? Is there some threshold? If someone likes me but then my eye goes weird and they stop, would that count?”
I’m sorry, I don’t understand your…
“Wait, and hold on, ‘an average of twelve percent?!’” Derpy was yelling at the phone, now. “I’ve just taken one stats class, and even I know you can’t average percentages!”
I’m sorry, I…
“And what are the percents even of?! Why do you even have different percentages to average in the first place?! Graagh, this is making less and less sense the more I think about it!”
“That’s because you’re ignoring the important part!” Wallflower insisted. She stood in front of her friends, feeling very very sure of herself. “You’re just talking about all this peripheral stuff that doesn’t even matter, and…”
Trixie interrupted Wallflower by grabbing the phone out of her hands and throwing it into the street, where it was immediately run over by a truck.
No one moved for what felt like an extremely long time. The wreckage of Wallflower’s phone kept getting run over by cars.
For a few more seconds, no one moved.
Finally, Wallflower turned to Trixie, mouth hanging open in gobsmacked horror. “....What!” she barked.
Trixie raised an eyebrow at her. “What what?”
Wallflower waved her hands around ineffectually, somehow gathering the wherewithal to finish her question. “...What did you just do?!”
“I just made your problem…” Trixie waved her fingers around mysteriously, “...disappear.”
“How could you! What! But!” Expressing frustration to Trixie was not usually a difficult thing to do, but Wallflower was having a hard time with it, all of a sudden. The world shifted, and a second later she realized her knees had buckled, and Derpy was holding her up. “Uh?”
Derpy guided her down to a seated position. It felt like Wallflower’s brain was trying to escape through both ears.
“Are you okay, hon?” Derpy’s voice was kind, which helped.
“I’m…” Wallflower took a deep breath, then forced open her eyes. “No. Yes?”
“I’m sorry I got so mad. I really can’t stand it when people say someone just ‘is ugly’ or ‘is dumb.’ It doesn’t do anything but make people feel bad.”
“That was the point.”
“The point was hurting you. But. Ummmm.” Derpy glowered. “It was also hurting me, and I don’t think you realized that.”
“And me!” Trixie snapped huffily. “You’re not the one the stupid liar phone told a bunch of lying lies about!”
“I’m sorry,” Wallflower said, mostly to Derpy. “Uh. Wow. Yeah, okay. My head is killing me. I wanted what it was selling, but it totally had me zonked, too.”
She suddenly realized how enormously tense her entire body was, and how it'd been that way for days. "...Why did I want it so much? The magic made me keep wanting it, but why was I so desperate to feel bad?"
Derpy smiled sadly, one eye kind and gentle. "I think sometimes it's way scarier to think people aren't looking down on you?" Her other eye drifted. "Because. Then if they are, you at least aren't dumb for getting your hopes up."
Even though she was sprawled out in Derpy's lap, Wallflower somehow collapsed upwards into a full embrace. Either affectionate or simply tired of being ignored, Trixie wrapped her arms around both of them. They just sat there for a little while.
When Derpy pulled away, she looked firm and strong again. “Are you okay, hon? Do you want to lie down?”
“No.” Wallflower took a deep breath, then forced herself to a standing position. “Sunset’s got one of these, too. We have to help her. Let me just…” She reached to her pants pocket, felt nothing inside it, and sighed. “Right. Actually, could someone else text her to find out where she is?”
“Don’t need to!” Trixie asserted. “Because this was actually just half an intervention!”
Derpy nodded. “Pinkie called me last night. You aren’t the only one who needed help.”
Rarity and Applejack hadn’t said much all morning, and Sunset felt sour about it. They had tried to talk to her about Wallflower, which was the absolute worst thing they could have done, but they acted like she was being weird, and then she just felt like a jerk.
“Are you saying she isn’t attracted to you?” Rarity asked.
“No. Look. It’s settled. Okay? We’re not going to hang out any more. It’s done.”
Of course they didn’t get it; they were just both equally good people, perfectly matched. She felt intensely sad all of a sudden: she might be able to have something like that with Wallflower if only she wasn’t… her.
“Look,” she grunted, “Why’d you want me to come over to the farm and just sit around outside? I was up really late last night” (crying) “and I didn’t really want to get up early.”
Rarity cleared her throat. “Well. We were wondering if we could speak with you about a... substantial matter."
Sunset sighed. “Is this about Pinkie?”
“Not precisely.” She glanced at Applejack, both clearly uncomfortable, but they were rescued by a shrill voice rolling over the fields.
“Don’t worry!!” it called. “Trixie is here!” And yes, Trixie bounded up to them from seemingly out of nowhere,
Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Huh. So she is.” She stood up and waved. “Y’all are done already?”
Sunset realized Trixie wasn’t alone, and with dread, she saw who was with her.
“Trixie found a way to finish things up quickly,” Wallflower said. She was just standing there, shy, but with Derpy behind her, supportive hand on her shoulder, she looked strong and certain, too.
Rarity walked up to stand beside her girlfriend. “Well, now I’m embarrassed. We hadn’t even really started yet.”
“Started what?” Sunset grunted. “What is going on?”
“It’s an intervention!” Trixie declared, somehow trilling the r. “We’re here to help you!”
“It’s for Juicy,” Wallflower clarified. “You need to get rid of it.”
“Wait.” Sunset felt the urge to slap her own forehead, but she didn’t. “Wait. You arranged an intervention for an app?!”
“It’s not just an app,” Wallflower explained. “It’s Equestrian magic. Come on, Sunset, you have to know it is.”
“I don’t…” The denial died in her throat. She sighed. “Okay. Yes. But it’s not bad.”
“We shoulda guessed it was magic pony stuff, with you acting so unlike yourself,” Applejack muttered. “Pinkie figured it out last night, and then she talked with Derpy, and everything came together.”
Sunset squeezed her fist tightly. “You’ve all been talking about me behind my back?”
“Yes, we absolutely have,” Rarity answered. “Because every time we’ve tried to talk to you, you clam up.”
“But I can't talk to you about this! You would just want me to go date Wallflower and be happy, or whatever."
“Yep," Applejack replied, "you nailed it.”
“Agggh!” Sunset groaned, shaking her head. “Look. It’s not a big deal!” She grabbed her phone from her pocket and waved it around. “It’s just an app. It just keeps me from forgetting stuff I should be remembering.”
“But it’s hurting you.” Wallflower’s voice was soft, a little scared. “Right?”
“I’m just using it to protect you!” Sunset insisted. “I’m really good at pretending to be a good person, but I can’t do that when it’s important!”
“Pretending to…” Rarity and Applejack shared a look. “Sunset, you’ve proven yourself more than enough times.”
Sunset shook her head firmly. “No. Look, I’ll prove it. Hey, Juicy.”
“How many promises have I broken?”
Sunset Shimmer has broken one hundred fifty-five promises.
“No, this is the trick,” Wallflower said. “Hey, Juicy, how much more or less is that than the average person Sunset’s age?”
I’m sorry, I don’t understand your question.
“I had that app too, Sunset. And that’s how it works. It’ll only answer questions that confirm what you already think, and it twists how it talks about them.”
“You had…” Sunset stepped forward, suddenly alarmed. "Wait, you weren't using it to feel bad about yourself, were you?"
Applejack put her hands on her hips, glowering. "Seriously, Sunset?"
Sunset glowered back. "Wallflower's just an amazing person, and she beats herself up too much!"
"Seriously, Sunset?? It's affecting you so strongly, you don't even realize how you're using it?"
"Affecting me? Why..." Sunset trailed off, then shook her head as if shaking off a distraction. “No, look, come on, that doesn’t make sense.”
“It’s making a lot of sense to me,” Applejack replied. “I really shoulda known something was weird, from the way you’ve been acting.”
“You’re not listening!” Sunset snapped, face starting to burn with frustration. “What about Flash?” She held up her phone smartly. “Thanks to this, I know exactly how long I led him on. Six months, one week, and two days.”
Applejack threw her arms up in the air. “Why would you even…”
“Flash is fine,” Rarity cut in hesitantly. “Flash is dating a different model every time I see him. ...Actually, if anything, he’s been getting a little cocky.”
Sunset could not believe her friends’ continued ability to miss the point. “I… look, this guy in my program last year was really into me, and I dated him for two months, even though I knew I wasn’t that attracted to him. I thought I could, like, learn to like him, but it kept not working out.”
“...Is that how it is for me?” Wallflower asked softly. Sunset didn’t answer, so she continued, louder: “You don’t really like me, but you, um, know I like you, and that’s a problem?”
“No, that’s not what I mean!” Sunset promised. “I just wasn’t careful. He was such a sweet guy, and he was really upset about everything, and…”
“Sunset, please.” Rarity reached out a hand, but did not look confident enough to actually touch her fingers to her friend’s arm. “Sometimes relationships don’t work out. Are you so determined to beat yourself up about it?”
“Ugh,” Applejack grunted, “and do you not even remember how we’re best friends, and you told us all about this as it was going on? In detail?”
Sunset frowned. “I… yeah.”
“Including how nice you were to him about everything?”
“And about how he got a new girlfriend a month later, and you even bought him a beer to celebrate?” Applejack glared sternly. “Were you lying about that back then, or are you lying to yourself now, to keep feeling bad?”
“...No, but…” Sunset glanced over at Wallflower, face sloshed with shame. “...but what about Pinkie, too? I hurt Pinkie, and…”
“Pinkie is sad because she thinks you’re sad,” Rarity ventured. “She only wishes you’d talk to her, and I hope you will, too. But that’s the only thing anyone cares about.”
“...It’s the app,” Wallflower said quietly. “It’s twisting the ways you think about things.”
“It’s not doing anything like that,” Sunset said, trying to ignore the calmness that just automatically came when she heard Wallflower’s voice. “It just knows things. It just tells the truth.”
“Ha!” Trixie grunted, but Sunset successfully ignored it.
“It’s… Applejack, come on, help me explain it, okay?” Sunset turned to her friend, who looked back stoically. “It’s just forcing me to be honest with myself. You of all people should be in favor of that.”
“Don’t put those words in my mouth, there,” Applejack replied testily. “I ain’t in favor of anything that hurts my friend like that.”
“That’s because you don’t know…”
“Nuh uh. In fact…” Applejack walked forward and grabbed Sunset’s phone. “Gimme that.” She pulled, without super-strength but still almost enough to grasp it away.
Sunset felt herself almost panic; she’d have to do it. She’d have to. She hadn't realized before she started using Juicy, but she had huge 'Sunset is a terrible person' bombs she could drop for a wide variety of combinations of her friends, just in case she ever needed to convince any of them. This was Rarity and Applejack's. She'd have to use it.
“I was going to out you.”
Applejack froze, still holding on to the phone but not trying to pull it away any more. “What, now?”
“Back in high school. I had a whole, big plan.” Sunset yanked her phone away. This wasn’t something she’d told them about, where they’d already drawn some wrong conclusion about things. This was clear-cut. “If you hadn’t stopped talking to Rainbow, I was going to lead you on and have someone take pictures of us and... leak them. It was how I was going to get rid of you.”
This wasn’t something Wallflower knew, either. But Sunset was almost glad she was there. She glanced up at Applejack. Maybe she’d get punched in the face.
But Applejack didn’t seem very upset. Sunset looked at Rarity, who also didn’t look upset. They must not have believed her. “It’s true!” Sunset insisted.
“I’ll prove it!” Sunset interrupted, almost frantic. “Hey, Juicy? Did I plan to out Applejack in high school?”
“No, Sugarcube…”
Sunset Shimmer planned to out Applejac...
Applejack glared at the phone. “For pete’s sake, shut up!” Juicy fell silent, and Applejack sighed. “Sunset. Why are you telling me this as if I didn’t know you used to be meaner than you are now?”
Sunset held her phone to her chest possessively. “That’s… look, you knew I was mean, but outing you crosses a line. Right? Why aren’t you mad?”
“Ohh, I’m getting mad,” Applejack confirmed, rolling her eyes in exasperation. “Lord sakes, Sunset, I stopped trusting you like a year before that, and I was already out to everyone who mattered, anyway. You didn’t do it, you couldn’t have done it, and it wouldn’t have mattered if you did.”
“How can you…” Sunset waved her hands around in bewildered frustration, noticing for the first time her cheeks were wet. “That was supposed to work! How can you just…”
“Sunset!” Wallflower’s voice wasn’t shy and hesitant any more. “Sunset. Stop. Just…” She actually did take that extra step forward, and Sunset felt her cool fingers on her arm, surprisingly solid. “Your friends are too nice, and Juicy is too mean. Can we just talk? Just us.”
Sunset squeezed her phone tightly and just stared at Wallflower. She couldn’t think of any way to react, because this whole discussion was just so frustrating and also because Wallflower being all assertive was enormously distracting.
“Please?” Wallflower asked, tracing her fingertips down Sunset’s arm to softly but firmly grasp her hand. She looked over at Applejack, frowning. “Is there anywhere…”
“If you don’t mind hanging out in a barn, it’s nice and private.” Applejack indicated the nearby structure, which was actually completely charming and rustic, with a tip of her head. “But Sunset’s gotta hand over her phone.”
She found herself squeezing it even tighter upon hearing that, but Wallflower’s gaze was even firmer. “Sunset? You’ll get it back. Let’s just talk.”
So, she passed it over to Rarity, and she wasn’t sure if the immediately subsequent daze was magical or just the result of noticing Wallflower was actually pretty strong as she pulled her along down the dirt path and into the nearby barn. Wallflower had always been sinewy under her bulky clothes, but Sunset had never actually felt that strength demonstrated on her. Even if it was just fingers around her hand, it was overwhelming.
But once they actually got into the barn, Wallflower shrank again. She let go of Sunset and stood, facing away, shy and uncertain. “Um,” she said eventually, “what happens to magic once it stops enchanting something? You know all about that stuff, right? Where does it go?”
Even at her best, Sunset barely knew the answer to a question like that; not outside of Equestria where the rules had always been all weird. So she didn’t answer.
Wallflower hunched her shoulders. “I think it’s the memory stone,” she said. “I think it’s the same magic, and it found me because. Um. Because I wanted it again. Except I wanted it to do the opposite, this time. And then it spread to you, because you wanted it, too.”
“The… opposite?” Sunset hugged her arms to herself, feeling shivery. “What?”
“Because the point wasn’t ever forgetting,” Wallflower grunted. “The problem’s solved either way. If you don’t know anything, or if you know everything, then either way you don’t have to worry about it.”
She turned and very hesitantly took a step forward. “You, um. Everything you’ve been thinking is totally stupid.” Sunset must have looked offended at that, because Wallflower flinched, but it wasn’t enough to stop her. “You’re making it so you’re the villain no matter what. This dumb guy from college likes you and you don’t like him? You’re awful for rejecting him. You like Pinkie and she doesn’t like you? You’re awful for making her have to reject you. See?”
“You don’t…” Sunset paused, suddenly realizing she had a splitting headache. “You don’t get it, Wally, you…”
“I do get it!” Wallflower insisted. “I was doing the same thing, just a different way! I was using Juicy to tell me all the reasons why you’re too cool and beautiful and smart for me. But like, you shouldn’t… I mean. It’s not healthy for us to start something if I can’t believe you’d ever really like me.”
“I do like you,” Sunset said, without even thinking about it. “I really do.”
“Grph.” Wallflower paused, cheeks scarlet. She pressed both palms into her face and took a deep breath, then looked back up to Sunset. “Sorry. That was just.” She shook her head quickly. “Anyway, um… I don’t know you’re not lying about that.”
“I’m not lying.”
“Okay, but I can’t know that. Not for sure. But that’s gotta be okay, right? Because the alternative is just assuming you are lying, and god, that was so seductive. Almost as seductive as you, believe it or not.”
Sunset wanted to say “I wouldn’t lie to you about that!” but she totally would, right? Juicy could list a jillion people she’d lied to about stuff like that. But she knew better now. Except she didn’t. Or something.
Her thoughts weren’t making a lot of sense. The realization that this actually really did feel a lot like the effects of enchantment was the only one staying solid in all the confusion.
“But we can’t start something either unless you, uh.” Wallflower’s arms suddenly were around her, which didn’t help the addled feeling. “Sorry. You just looked really shaky. ...This is okay, right?”
“Yeah.” It was absolutely 100% okay, and even though some parts of her were trying to remind her this was dangerous territory, nothing changed. Being embraced by Wallflower Blush was very much okay.
Wallflower just held her for a few seconds, then she spoke up again. “I really do get it. If you’re just going to hurt me no matter what, then that sucks, but at least you don’t have to feel uncertain. You can just know.” She paused; she might have been tearing up. “But. Um. But that’s not fair. Because you’re just assuming you’re the one with all the power. And I can’t…” She coughed uncomfortably, but she kept going: “I can’t have a relationship if the person sees things as so unbalanced.”
Sunset wrapped her own arms around Wallflower, returning the embrace. She didn’t feel shivery anymore. “The magic was trying to help us, I think,” Wallflower was saying. “But what we wanted wasn’t right.”
“That’s…” Sunset paused, then sighed. “...Give me a second. I’m starting to be able to think again, but the only thought I’m capable of is ‘this hug is real nice.’”
“Grmph.” She was probably blushing and it was probably adorable.
Sunset was quiet for a long time, but soon she was ready. “It’s hard,” she admitted finally.
“I know.”
“I spent so long hurting people on purpose, you know? I feel like it’s this big responsibility I have to keep from ever doing that again, even by accident.”
“Yeah.” Wallflower sighed. “Sometimes I feel really small. And it’s arrogant to think anyone would even notice me.”
“Yeah.” Sunset squeezed, then regretfully pulled back, leaving her hands on Wallflower’s shoulders. “I like you. It’s your decision what you do about that. I wouldn’t want to try to make it for you.”
Wallflower looked dazed, but she also somehow kind of looked like an amazon warrior. “I want to be with you. If that makes sense to you, then I wouldn’t want to tell you that you don’t understand your own feelings.”
Sunset pressed her forehead against Wallflower’s and laughed gently. “This is, like, perfect kissing moment,” she said. “But I am way too magic-zonked.”
“Don’t worry,” Wallflower promised. “I’ll make sure we have plenty of perfect kissing moments.”
“Um, okay. See…” Sunset’s hand cupped Wallflower’s cheek, marveling. “See, you are way too good at that. I have to go apologize to a bunch of friends and then nap for a million hours, and you’re saying sexy things like that?”
“How about just one kiss?” Wallflower offered, hand gently touching Sunset’s side. “Just quick.”
“Yeah. Just one. Just a smooch.”
Fifteen minutes later, they walked out of the barn, holding hands. Everyone was sitting around drinking iced tea Granny Smith had probably brought out, looking totally comfortable. “So, she’s bi?” Trixie asked.
Derpy nodded. “I think so.”
“You know what this means. Road trip to Manehattan! Who’s in?”
“Uh, hi,” Sunset interrupted. Everyone looked at them, not a single speck of surprise on any of their faces.
“Oh, hello, darling,” Rarity replied smoothly. “Is everything better?”
“Yeah.” Sunset couldn’t help smiling. “Way better.”
“Hey, Wallflower,” Derpy called, looking absolutely delighted. “Introduce me to your new girlfriend!”
“Don’t tease me,” Wallflower snapped, blushing but smiling. Derpy just grinned back.
Sunset shrugged. Apparently this just wasn’t going to be a thing. After a squeeze, she let go of Wallflower’s hand and walked up to Applejack and Rarity. “I’m really sorry I was arguing with you guys like that,” she said. “You were just trying to help, and I wasn’t letting you.”
Applejack nodded. “It’s all right, sugarcube. You can pay us back by just giving yourself a break sometimes.”
“Now, well, hold on,” Rarity spoke up. “She can pay us back by giving herself a break sometimes… and by agreeing to go on the double dates I have planned!”
“Rares.” Applejack sighed, not looking the slightest bit upset.
“Double dates are the new brunch,” Rarity insisted. “They’re very urbane and chic!”
“That’s…” Sunset trailed off. She had looked at the picnic table they were all sitting at, and she noticed plastic scraps and electronic detritus strewn on it. “...Wait. Is that my phone?”
“Oh yeah,” Derpy said, smiling blithely. “Trixie smashed your phone with a hammer.”
“You’re welcome,” Trixie added.
Sunset blinked. “Where did she even get a hammer?”
“It was…” Trixie waved her fingers around mysteriously, “...magic.”
Sunset stared at her. Then she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Wallflower spoke up. “Double dates would be fun.”
Sunset nodded. She was too tired to do much else.
Sunset left her motorcycle at the farm; going back to get it later was a small price to pay if it meant she could rest her hand on Wallflower’s thigh while she drove.
“Our friends love us,” Wallflower mused, after just driving in silence for a few minutes.
“Yep. It’s great, isn’t it?”
“It really is.” More silence, comfortable, easy.
Finally, Wallflower spoke up again. “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?”
“Well, I am not getting any work done,” Sunset replied, glancing at her watch. “So first thing: naps.”
“Naps for sure,” Wallflower agreed.
“Then… yeesh, I really should talk to Pinkie, but I don’t think that’ll take long. So. Um. Tonight...”
Wallflower choked slightly. “Mm-hmm?”
“Tonight can be our first actual date. I guess.”
“We’ve been dating for two weeks. We just had to use magic to lie to ourselves about it.”
Sunset coughed. But she was smiling, too.
Wallflower grinned. “What do you want to do?”
“Huh.” Sunset paused, frowning. “I don’t know. What do you want to do?”
“I don’t know, either.”
Neither of them said anything.
“Let’s just wing it,” Sunset decided finally.
“Okay.” Wallflower briefly reached down to her lap to squeeze Sunset’s hand. “Sounds good to me.”
I chose this image because it looks like she's beat-boxing.
Well well. This was quite the entertaining ride. I particularly liked the way you took a common concept, that being the constant reminders of the mistakes we've made, and then use that in the form of a very silly named phone app. Perfectly fits and yet is hilariously silly at the same time. I love it.
Where did you come up with the name Juicy? Or was it a case of you were thinking something like juicy gossip? Either way I thought that name was brilliant.
Also, I do quite like that Wallflower's other best friend besides Trixie is Derpy, just because it's fun to see Derpy used in this way. I liked the way you characterized her.
Gotta object to the hottest person Sunset's ever kissed being Flash though when the answer is clearly Adagio Dazzle.
Anyways good luck in the contest.
Wow wow wow I really like this story. I'm actually sad there's no more chapters. Also even though I saw the comedy tag I couldn't breathe for five minutes after trixie threw her phone onto the road. I'm definitely checking out your other stories.
Nice. :)
Actually, one of the first questions Sunset asked was "Is it an enormous waste I'm using this app to just find ways to feel bad about myself?" and Juicy said yes and then Sunset felt bad about herself.
In the original version of this, everyone was arguing about who the hottest person would be, and then it turned out Sunset had kissed Applejack, and everyone was like, oh well, duh, okay, it's Applejack obviously. Because it's hilarious to me that Applejack would be this blindingly hot supermodel-level beauty who wears a stetson and goes around talking like Reba McEntire.
But that was getting complicated so I dropped that element and just threw in the skinny rich girl, because it's who Wallflower would be most insecure about. Juicy would get nothing out of mentioning Adagio, even if it was true, because the whole time that was going on, Wallflower was just clasping her hands behind her back and frowning.
Gotcha, gotcha. Makes sense to me. And it's too bad that got too complicated because that does sound equal parts hysterical and frankly like something I can agree with. Cause Applejack is awesome.
I doubt it would have answered. As Derpy points out in story, its answers are meaningless despite sounding like they mean something. And this bit of magic was, as Wallflower points out, geared around one thing: keeping them from forgetting. Unless one of them hit their head on a sink while hanging a clock and had a vision in their head, I don't think it would've helped them do anything except what they did with it.
Well, if Trixie doesn't want to steal every scene she's in, then she should stop being so much fun to write, now shouldn't she.
No, no she can not. That is a recipe for an XK right there
Why am I reminded of P!AtD?
Biggie just literally exploded in his grave.
I meant from the title alone
I liked how the simplest, and most common-sense solution (destroying the phones) was actually the one applied, and that it was also the one that was so unexpected (even by most readers) that it was the most surprising!
At the same time, with all that hinting you were giving Apple Bloom earlier, I thought for sure it was a foreshadow of her and the Crusaders being the ones yo solve the problem this time after it turns out that their sisters and all the others were secretly using Juicy.
And since Wallflower made it a point that the magic from the memory stone didn't just go away after the stone was destroyed, but instead turned into an app, then what happened to the magic after the phones were destroyed? (Insert humorous answer here, please)
This was really nice. The highlight, though, wasn't the relationship between Sunset and Wallflower, it was the whole thing about the Juicy app. I feel like it's a wonderful allegory of the negative impact of social media on people of this generation. This is a wonderful example of using fantasy to paint a picture of our reality.
Also, when I read your comment about Wallflower beatboxing, I literally thought this was gonna be a fic about Wallflower joining the Rainbooms as a beatboxer
"I'm sorry, I don't understand your question."
....actually, I'd totally read a story about Fluttershy's completely accurate fears that the band's new beat-boxer makes her tambourine even more unnecessary than it already was.
I also think it's a good allegory for addiction. How both Sunset and Wallflower get so defensive about the usage of the app, how they ignore the clear signs of the damage it's causing them while convincing themselves that they need it, and how it slowly pushes them away from their friends.
The Moondancer / Fluttershy series is fantastic
This cranky old sourpuss maintains the wisdom and humor of a bygone era
And references to bands that are good that I have not checked out enough yet
The first sentence stating that the phone was ran over hit me but the immediate continued follow up of several more trucks and cars running over the phone is what really broke me too
The hilarious, deadpan, showstealing heroism that we all need in our lives
You are absolutely right, it is fantastic, I'm actually reading the sequel right now.
I adore this Trixie.
That's... Oof. That hit a bit too close to home
I, too, would 100% read that story
That was a really great story!! It's a wonderful exploration of emotional self-harm and how horrifyingly addictive it really can be. Not to mention, the comedy you weaved into it was great (particularly Trixie in the second chapter!)
One thing that put me off a bit was the way you set scenes, I'm not sure if it's intentional, but a lot of the story didn't have a sense of space or location in a lot of the scenes (if that makes any sense). In particular, it felt like characters and set pieces were popping into my mental image of the scene out of nowhere as the scene went on, instead of feeling like a space, where things in the environment are mentioned as they come into focus. It's a bit hard to articulate what thee problem is exactly, but I hope this helps a bit!
I'm looking forward to what else you have in store!! (Definitely going to go back and read some of your older fics soon!)
You're not wrong. I hate setting scenes, I think because I used to write screenplays way more than I ever wrote prose fiction, and I lost patience with everything but dialogue.
In fact, I had to go back, scrambling to meet the contest deadline, and make it clear that last scene happened at Applejack's farm, because it kinda happened nowhere just at first. And I distinctly remember reminding myself to describe Sunset's sublet, but then I really felt like I should add a running gag with something about the phrase "Sunset's sublet" and then I just ran out of time. Oops.
Well, your dialogue more than makes up for the lack of scenery!
My subconscious impressions kinda run wild when I'm visualizing a scene, and the fact that, in my head, I imagined "applejack's farm" not as an apple orchard, but as a completely nondescript seemingly infinite field of wheat kinda fits your initial plan of the scene happening nowhere in particular
Maybe next time I read one of your fics I'll just imagine characters entering from stage left, instead of popping into existence
That was nice.
What do you mean the exact opposite of Facism? And what do you mean people in college campuses support it, and its just as bad?
Totally not what I thought it was going to be. The description left me expecting something cute and fluffy along the lines of sunset trying to flirt wallflower into admitting she likes her. What I got was something so deep and introspective that it made me think about some of my own thought patterns. And yet it was still cute and fluffy. Very impressive.
Hello there! One of the judges for Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest checking in for your donation choice for this submission. Which of the three charities would you like $20 donated to on your behalf?
Yeah, okay, rereading this, it really should be Pinkie in that last scene instead of Rarity and Applejack. She's the one with stakes in the main conflict, and she's the one who's been part of things since the story began.
I should have seen this coming from a mile away... however, I did not, and laughed out loud at that moment.
The final scene evokes Pleasantville vibes:
"Where do we go from here?"
(amiably) "I don't know!"
The sass is strong with this one. :D
Excellent thesis statement.
As cute as the Sunflower part was I’m ashamed to say that Trixie and Juicy stole the show and became the best characters eon the story.
But I must admit I also like how the addiction aspect is added to everything with them panicking about losing the magic app. As someone who had my family do an intervention about my Porn and Self-harm addictions I appreciate the way you moved the intervention along while still keeping it real.
And despite the silly nature Juice the app was/is genuinely a good villain!
Feeling inadequate and unworthy of affection? Yupp, know that one.
Feeling guilty for hurting those you care about? Yupp, know that one, too.
I don't think I would use Juicy, though. I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself.
You write a damn good Trixie. She was annoying, she was obnoxious, and she saved the day in a way that makes you grumble in frustration. And I love your version of Derpy as well.
Seeing as the phones got smashed, I wonder where that magic will show up next. Because apparently, it doesn't just vanish, so it should reemerge somewhere, sometime. Makes me think about the Sirens, for some reason...
The writing and characterization was top notch and you had such great pacing.
Thank you.