• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



Twilight has been studying so much recently, so Rarity comes over to try to shake her out of it.
Then, the next day, Rarity comes over again.

Winner of the second Spookfest competition for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group.
This is also a prize fic for the very talented Snow Quill, who graciously provided the cover art.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Ahhh I love this so much! Thank you again Seer, this was a really awesome story and I just love this story. The increasing sense of wrongness and little hints that something isn’t right, it’s the perfect build up for an interesting and dark ending.

Incredible as always, Seer. I know you've already heard me gush about this fic, so consider this both a friendly reminder and an advance review for potential readers:

This piece manages to do so many things so well that narrowing it down to one strength wouldn't be nearly enough. As Snow Quill mentioned, the sense of wrongness is pervasive. Your manner of twisting dialogue is as creative as it is haunting. You've managed to portray a fractured mind in a manner that is oppressively familiar and horrifically realistic. This is a story that will truly never leave me, and manages to both transcend fanfic while also grounding itself so firmly in these characters and this universe.

It's amazing, amazing, amazing. 10/10, Seer

Congrats on being featured

Decaf #4 · Dec 2nd, 2020 · · ·

I'm impressed with how the author managed to have Rarity use exactly the same dialog in every scene while still having it make sense with Twilight's different reactions.
This story was really well-paced, with a suitably creepy ending. Nicely done.

Oh... my...,,,......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... That was real dark. I literally sat here with my finger resting on the period key for a good long while (which is why you see so many periods) but that's how shocked and traumatized I was... wow, that hit hard.

Edit: Read it with this playing for even more terrifying vibes

Jesus dude...

I don't got words.

Fucking art. 10/10. Great job.

Great job on this story. As mentioned, it's impressive how Rarity's dialogue remains the same each loop yet fits as a response to Twilight each time. The growing unease is very well handled, as is the final reveal.

Understatement of the century.
This was absolutely phenomenal, arguably the best I've read in the last few days (yours is close, though...).

A stellar story indeed.

Seer, I genuinely go nuts every single time you do a cyclical format. You're how I learned it's my favorite thematic horror trope.

I have no words, but just an emotion: dismay.

Very well written. Very heart breaking. Lesson learned, Twilight.

Is it a time loop or just a dream???

Speechless, but I do wanna know what happen in reality :applejackunsure:


This was so good.
and so sad.
and so horrible.


The moment you finish the story and realise what Rarity is drinking in the front image...
Good lord, this will stay with me for a while.

In the cover Twilight is drinking chamomile tea. "Rarity" is drinking her own clotted blood like in the third scenario. Or maybe that's what she was actually drinking in every scenario?...

That was a good story.

Absolutely delightful

I pretty much only lurk but I've read your works for a long time now and every time I read them I'm reminded of why you're my favorite author on this site <3

What a cool story :yay:

I'd never sern that ending coming up. Really made me re-analise all the previous loops. It was really cool reading, thank you so much :pinkiehappy:

Coming back for a second read makes me appreciate this fic even more. Every detail comes together so perfectly. For example, it's so cool how Rarity's repeated words take on more meaning as they're said each time.

Through all the details you come to understand what's going on in Twilight's head and it leaves you feeling her grief. Stellar stuff.

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