I find it so hard to not get wrapped up in memories of you
Entry for the 'Mini-EU' contest in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group's series of 5 year anniversary contests, where it placed 3rd.
Found 64 stories in 334ms
Total Words: 293,670
Estimated Reading: 19 hours
I find it so hard to not get wrapped up in memories of you
Entry for the 'Mini-EU' contest in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group's series of 5 year anniversary contests, where it placed 3rd.
This story is a sequel to Black Sun
"Avert thine eyes!" screamed Luna.
It was, of course, too late for that.
This story is an expansion to my talented friend Novelle Tale's story Black Sun, and was written in 24 hours for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group's 'Expanding Universes #4' Contest, where it placed fifth.
The coverart was a generous gift from my other very talented friend Shas
Story is finished and chapters will be posted over the course of this week
This story is a sequel to Tomorrow Was Beautiful
Tomorrow terrified her, because she had no way of knowing what was going to happen.
But if Tinker was able to overcome that, maybe she could stop worrying.
She'd do anything to make that happen.
This is a sequel to my friend Flashgen's story, Tomorrow Was Beautiful and was submitted for, and eventually won, the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group's 3rd Expanding Universes Contest.
It should be noted, though this is a spoiler, that this story also expands on my story Onkalo which was itself a sequel to another Flashgen fic, Pneuma. Going into the fic knowing this will spoil some of the content, but will make a couple of details clearer. That said the fic is very much understandable without this. The choice whether to go in blind or not is left to the reader.
This story is a sequel to The Silent Wind
Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying.
And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back.
This story was a gift for my mate Zon, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics.
NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to Shadow Within. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.
The story is finished and will be published daily until finished.
Thanks to all who helped, particularly Drider and Bike without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish
This story is a sequel to That Isn't Me
Sweetie Belle used to dread looking in her mirror, because she would see so many different monsters. Monsters wearing her face, monsters wearing her friend's faces, monsters that didn't look like anything she'd ever seen before.
Nowadays, she doesn't see all these monsters, and that is so much worse.
Because now, she only sees the one.
This was for silly joke contest among friends where we had to write terrible expansions to each other's fics. Please be aware that this is actively meant to be a stupid and terrible sequel for the purposes of amusement so please adjust your expectations accordingly.
Somnambula would take the mountain pass to Canterlot any day
A commission in a fundraiser generously donated to by Vic Fontaine. This was their story request!
There is little more exciting for Twilight than coming across a new problem. Especially when it's something she doesn't understand. And this...thing, that she's found out there... this is something she definitely doesn't understand.
Written for my mate Zontan as a part of an anthology of short stories compiled as a gift for him. You can find the others Here.
The story is finished and chapters will be published over the next week.
Thank you to Shaslan for the incredible cover art, on top of her help with the fic and description, and thank you to Snow Quill for additional editing help.
Life is more beautiful in the movies
Winner of the Quills and Sofas 2nd Anonymous Write Contest
Thank you to Wish for helping with the art and description, and Silent for listening to me rant about the fic