• Member Since 20th May, 2020
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Snow dog

Why go outside when you can red fanfics about the MLP universe


After the mane six return to Ponyville after the wedding in Caterlot, Twilight can't help but think about what her friends and her brother said during the event. She decides to run away wanting to never to return but a series of unfortunate events might lead her back to home.

What might fall upon poor Twilight and how will her friends and Equestria cope with her absence?

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 67 )

Interesting, would love to see where this goes

Oh dear. I wonder how the others will react to Twilight leaving their lives forever.

I will probably be posting the next chapter tomorrow and thanks for your support

I wonder how the others will react to Twilight's departure and will they try to bring her back?

I do hope those thugs don't harm Twilight or worse. I did spotted a few spelling errors here and there.

I’m not sure if Twilight’s parents should be blamed for not visiting Twilight.

Oh god. Twilight was attacked by thugs. I hope they didn't seriously hurt her. And why would they even attack her in the first place?

Thanks for the reminder, I'll check it but it might be cultural differences

I don't think they should be blamed either but in Twilight's head she feels they love her and that's why they don't visit

She as carrying half of all the bits she owned

Well all will be revealed later on

Yes but they gonna do it the conventional way but as it stated in the chapter, she put up a fight so they went with a different approach

Honestly, How come I'm getting a sense of Deja vu with the ending part of this chapter, I could have sworn there's another story that has the same outcome, Twilight leaves gets of train, then ambushed and wakes up in a hospital with amnesia and taken in by a pony impersonating as her parent.

But Here's hoping to see what happens next.

Why do it remind me of Starting Over?
I love it

Thanks and I'll be sure to check starting over once I finished this.

Shining armor said if I were you. You forgot the I.

She was thankful that Twilight had save her or she would have died under that cave and no-one would realize it until it was too late, but during the wedding Twilight didn’t seem like herself, the wonderful filly she foul sat for, but more serious and sad, she ha just brushed it, giving the reason for maturity and Twilight growing up. But she couldn’t get the feeling out of her head, did something happen to Twilight?

It's foal sat not foul.

Hopefully today, if not probably tomorrow

Yup sorry I didn't get it out today but I had family issues and Netflix released a new series, sooooo


Interesting story, curious to see where it goes. Though I hope that it avoids the trappings of other fix it fics.

Good story, but please get yourself an editor.

Comment posted by Aether Spark deleted Jun 5th, 2020

I'm sorry for doing this but I need to mention something.

Please don't take this as trolling or an attempt to start a long argument.

Hi friends and family,

If you are reading this then I guess you cared enough to look for me. Which is surprising considering how you girls treated me, how the princess treated me and how my own family treated me. For your actions during the wedding it is clear to me that I am unwanted, unloved and dislike. And that is why I have decided to start a new life where no-pony will find me.

Pinkie Pie, you are the element of laughter, but you seemed to want to make me cry instead. I am sure you are laughing at this note thinking how funny it is that I left and you are throwing a massive party celebrating that I left.

Rarity, the element of generosity, my only request is for you to be more generous with Spike than you were when it came towards your feelings towards me. I know I didn’t like fashion that much and if I did you might of liked me.

Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty, I am sure you didn’t like me that much always calling me egghead an insulting reading when I was around. The question is was you really my friend and if not do you really have to be loyal to me? I guess you answered that when you went with the fake Cadence.

Applejack, the element of honesty, but that is ironic as it seemed like toy lied. You lied when you said to take my concerns more seriously after the incident with smarty pants but then again you never like me so it should be surprising that you lied. But you ignored me and turned your back on me to grovel at the feet of a fake princess.

Fluttershy, the element of kindness, I guess I can’t be mad at you for wanting to comfort the fake princess but it wasn't very kind when you left your friend after her heart broke, was it kind to leave her crying?

Spike, I know you would prefer to spend all your time with Rarity and I hope she will help you you will take pride in helping her, something you never did with me. But I could tell by your face that you felt guilty for leaving me. I had always viewed you like a little brother so I left you the library, half of all my bits and your favourite gems.

Shinning Armour, my BBBFF, the one pony that should have been for me always, yet you wasn’t. You couldn’t be bothered to tell me you were dating Cadence much less engaged to her. I know you have the shield spell but was that actually the truth...i don’t know any more. But I should have seen the signs before you threw me out of you life never wanting to see me again.

Princess Celestia, my mentor and teacher, I trusted you and you betrayed my trust. I saw you as a second mother but I guess that was a mistake as you didn’t care at all. I am happy that Luna is back and have been reunited with you, I really like her, but you sent me to deal with Nightmare Moon without telling, so a part of me wonders if I died would you have cared. But I guess the answer is simple since you let the wedding go ahead when there was a threat, you chose a fake Cadence over you student who is very rarely wrong and you trust completely. Or was that a lie? You only chose to me wield the element of magic, not considering me or my well being. You know, I think You have a lot to think about

My parents, you never visited me in Ponyville, when I was sent away. This makes me question did you really love me or was that a lie. You seemed to be more proud of Shining Armour, showed more love for him. I was proud of doing something alone without the help of my parents but did you visit? no.

Princess Luna, I have always liked you and I am happy you are reigning along side with Celestia. I hope you find the happiness you deserve. I will be looking up at your night, something about it seems so peaceful like I fell calm when I look up to it.

Princess Cadence, my big sister in everything but blood, I hope this note didn’t make you feel sad and if it did I and truly sorry for the pain that I have caused you during this letter but it is all the truth and how I feel. Please stay with my brother he does truly love you, I guess he used his love for me and gave it to you, he does love you with all his heart. If any pony deserves to be happy it’s you, after everything that happened. While I was down there for a day tops you were down there for maybe weeks, I cant imagine what it was like for. Please be happy and forget I even existed.

I’m sorry if I hurt any-ponies feelings but that is how I feel but you wouldn’t care about that.

Goodbye, every-pony


She cannot be serious, after everything they don't believe her when all it looked like was that she was harassing a stressed bride, and so she writes a message denouncing them as terrible people and then deserting them all, even Spike? The baby brother she hatched?

No offense but she acting a little bit selfish.

She could have talked it out with them or anything else.

She didn't even say that she was a doppelganger, just "she's evil" what would that sound like to everyone and Celestia who is Cadance"s aunt.

I say this with every Canterlot wedding fiction that portrays this I'm not singling you out.

A market adventure could be a title chapter.

“Fine but don’t be out for more than an hour or I will personally come find you,” he said in serious tone, looking upon the frightened of the mare, “And where your hood, you look terrible and you don’t want to scare the ponies or even the fillies. You owe me for saving you,” said the stallion, his voice as cold as ice, getting into her face.

Wear not where

Thanks I'll change it and I think that title could work if I don't have any other suggestions I'll use it

Thanks I appreciate the consideration.

I thought this was kinda familiar, Thanks for giving the link.

Snow Dog, I’m enjoying your story very much and am looking forward to reading much more. Keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for your support. People have told me it was similar so I'm staying away from reading it for now even though it is on my read later list

the summary could use an edit.

Twilight can't help but think about what her friends i what what her brother said during the event.

from the comment it reads similar to starting over? well, i'll give it a shot anyways. not as if we don't have several other stories with the same idea or anything right?

reminds me of one of the crime shows. woman held captive for months, or even a year. going to farmers market, accompanied by her captor. after a few weeks he lets her go alone. only this case, she has memory loss, makes the lies easier to keep

Interesting story. Added to my read list.

This is interesting.

She basically just exposed them.

Who is this dude?

Did they not think of looking at her cutie mark?


She cannot be serious, after everything they don't believe her when all it looked like was that she was harassing a stressed bride, and so she writes a message denouncing them as terrible people and then deserting them all, even Spike? The baby brother she hatched?
She could have talked it out with them or anything else.
She didn't even say that she was a doppelganger, just "she's evil" what would that sound like to everyone and Celestia who is Cadance"s aunt.
I say this with every Canterlot wedding fiction that portrays this I'm not singling you out.

what would that sound like to everyone.

Thats the point of the episode. Even the viewer really doesn't know if its Twilight blowing things out of proportion. The truth only comes out almost at the end.

Personally, I would have left. I would not have "Talked it out" I wouldn't have saved the wedding. I would have pulled an Eric Cartman and said. "Screw you guys, Im going home."

Everyones different. Twilights reactions are just as valid as mine is.

I do agree with you concerning the "Dear John" letter. I think it does read somewhat immature. Like a very young teenager wrote it. There are much better points and arguments that could have been made. So I agree that the letter could have been phrased better. That being said, the letter is legit. Her friends really were horrible, and Celestia was just as clueless and incompetent as she usually is.

So I don't disagree with the concept of the letter or the story in general.

When they hinted that she would scare the children, I was a little disappointed. I was really hoping she had been turned into a Lamia. That would have been beautiful.

"Find her now you selfish schmucks!"

Oh well, Cant have everything.

The Monk
“Her hands were still bound with rope, she debated an escape before all the stupidity gave her an aneurysm.” -Scarheart

You make several good points and I feel I could have made the letter better.

Okay start so far.
I'll keep track of this.

When will the next chapter come? I’m interested to see how this plays out.

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