• Published 29th May 2017
  • 2,961 Views, 25 Comments

Forget Me Not - Harmony Pie

Rarity is certain of only two things—that hundreds of spring flowers are in bloom across the town, and that Twilight Sparkle is the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. Well, there's just one thing for a romantic like Rarity to do.

  • ...

Forget Me Not

Rarity sighed softly, swiping a hoof at her hair damp with sweat. She felt tired, no doubt, but it was a good kind of tired; the kind that told her body she had accomplished a lot. And after all, who was she to complain about spending a glorious day shopping to her heart's content? She paused to squint into the light of the sun—soft light that filtered across the land in golden rays and left everything bathed in gorgeous shadows and flecks of yellow. The white tents around her billowed gently in the wind, ponies milling around through its stands.

Rarity stomped her hooves on the ground, wrinkling her nose at the dust that billowed up. Oh, perhaps she should head home. She weighed the bags carefully in her magical aura, humming. Oh, yes, and a hot bath with the curtains drawn open would be just lovely! She gave an affirmative nod to herself, turning tail to set off into a brisk trot down the dirt path.

"Hey, Rares!"

Rarity stopped quickly, her ears flicking to pinpoint the location of the voice. She had no doubt on who it was, though, and as she scanned the rows of tents, she saw the very pony; freckled face shining with a sheen of sweat, smile wide. Rarity huffed out a breath of air, making her way over with a few muttered "pardon me's" and "excuse me's".

Applejack greeted her with a tip of her Stetson, leaning over on her table beneath the shade of the tent. "How are you enjoying the fair so far, Rarity?" she asked, to which she received a soft smile.

"It's been so very nice," Rarity said, motioning to the tents behind them. "I really do wish this came more than once a year, the ponies here have really outdone themselves." She had seen some of the most amazing things, from performing kittens in hats to books that read themselves.

"And yourself included," Rarity added teasingly to her friend's bemused expression. She then glanced down, her eyes dancing across the dwindling spread of treats laid out, not surprisingly apple-based. But, goodness, they looked delicious. Surely, it couldn't hurt to have a quick bite before supper. "You caught me right before leaving," she began, rummaging around in her purse. "I don't suppose you'd allow me to buy the last few?" She fluttered her eyelashes, earning a snort from Applejack.

"Sugar, that's why I called you over," Applejack said, shaking her head almost in disbelief. Rarity turned her nose up, although she was laughing a bit. "And don't you dare think of paying for 'em, these are on the house." She slid a couple of wrapped pastries across to Rarity, who took them up gingerly.

"Are you sure?" she started, already opening it, looking up to Applejack with a raised eyebrow. The pastry smelled like heaven, and a small curl of steam wafted up to her nose.

Applejack waved her hoof dismissively, beginning to pack up her treats. "The only way you're gonna pay me is if you eat that." Her be-hatted head disappeared beneath the table, and Rarity heard the metallic sound of coins being collected.

Mouth watering, Rarity took a small bite, followed immediately by a much larger one. The flakey crust was filled with apples and brown sugar... and was that a hint of cinnamon? She swallowed a embarrassing noise of approval. Why must she be cursed with a best friend who knew how to cook?

"You haven't read Harry Trotter? Oh, but Fluttershy, it doesn't matter that I've already read each book twenty-seven times. This is a limited edition signed copy."

Rarity nearly choked on her mouthful of pastry, her head whipping around to her right. Twilight Sparkle stood before her, a book clasped against her chest, an expression of disbelief written on her face. She turned, proudly holding the cover of her book [Harry Trotter Rarity presumed, absentmindedly] to a nodding Fluttershy besides her.

Fluttershy glanced away from the novel suddenly, soft pink mane swept back from her forehead. "Oh, hello!" she cried to Rarity, lighting up. Twilight looked up too at the sound, a surprised little 'o' forming on her mouth, before it fell into a sweet, lopsided grin.

Rarity still had yet to respond, her frozen gaze fixed on Twilight. Really, what was she expected to do in such a situation? Woven within Twilight's navy, purple, and pink hair were small, delicate flowers—were those daisies and blue belles and periwinkles and buttercups? They looked like stars in a galaxy, shining with dew in the dwindling sunlight. The flowers wove down to a loose braid over Twilight's shoulder, stray dark curls clustering around her neck and horn. With a quick look, Rarity discovered they were even braided in her tail. Heavens.

Rarity floundered for something to say, desperately swallowing her bite, swiping at the crumbs gathered at her lips. "I...uhh." She was sure her warm cheeks betrayed just how flustered she was.

Fluttershy giggled ever so quietly behind her hoof, ducking her head.

"Are you okay, Rarity?" Twilight asked, her brows furrowed, leaning forward slightly. Rarity's breath caught at those dark, worrying eyes. She then flinched, snapping herself out her stupor.

"Perfectly fine, hmm," she replied quickly, her bags wavering in her magic. But then Twilight's head tilted, and Rarity relented. "It's just that... oh, darling, I've never seen you wear your hair like that before. It's so..." The word beautiful turned to sweet air on her tongue. Twilight blushed, bashful, pointing over at the pegasus next to her.

"Fluttershy did this for me. It's so pretty, isn't it?" She held up a lock of her mane. "I have no idea how she managed it though..." Twilight trailed off, biting her lip over a smile.

Fluttershy went rosy. "I could show you how to do it sometime, Rarity. With so many flowers blooming around Ponyville, I'm sure nopony will notice if we took just a few," she offered.

Rarity only nodded mutely, too distracted to give a real response. Fluttershy copied her motion, before reaching in for a quick hug. "Well, Twilight and I were just going to see the kittens before the fair closes... Um, so I guess we'll see you later?"

Rarity found her voice as she nuzzled against the side of her friend's neck in a farewell. "Of course, yes." Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips.

Twilight gave a small little wave as she trailed behind Fluttershy, book tight within her forearms, warmth never leaving her eyes. Rarity stayed frozen like that for a moment longer, watching her leave, until the bobbing heads of the two ponies had disappeared into the crowd. She then let out an unladylike groan, burying her face in her hooves.

"Wow, Rares, you almost won me over."

Rarity whirled around, spluttering. "Excuse me?! I was hardly trying to win anypony over, Applejack, so I haven't the slightest clue what you're trying to insinuate!" She huffed, flushing hot. Was she that obvious?

Applejack smirked, tipping her hat back. But a softer expression overtook her features. "Listen, Rares, anyone with half a brain could see that you like that gal."

Rarity swallowed hard, a fierce blush trailing down to her neck and up to the very tips of her ears. "Of course I like her! She's my friend!" she retorted back, voice hissing.

Applejack chuckled softly. "You know that's not what I meant, hun."

Rarity knew that. She knew that. Oh, but why did Applejack have to make it so much more real? She blew out a breath, pressing a hoof to her forehead, hot to the touch. But she could trust her. "Do you think she knows?" she asked finally.

Applejack shook her head, eyes crinkling. "Gosh, Twi is the most oblivious mare I've ever met. She wouldn't know something if it came up and bit her right in the face," she said. She tapped the table. "Though, it probably didn't hurt that you were blushin' like a little school filly whenever she so much as looked at you."

Rarity sighed with resignation, perhaps sounding a tad lovestruck. "I'm a mess, aren't I?"

Applejack grinned. "Oh, hush you. You're the best mess I have ever had the pleasure of knowing." She quieted for a moment, the only sound being the murmur of townsfolk. The wind danced by, bringing with it a gust of fresh, flowery air. Rarity took a deep breath.

"Want me to show you something?" Applejack asked. "A bit of a ways from the apple orchard is a big ole hill, and its got hundreds of lovely little flowers growing on it. Do you want to come with me to see them? Maybe after you bring your shopping back home?"

Rarity gnawed on her lip, the image of Twilight decorated in beautiful flowers forcing its way into her mind. She dropped her bags upon the ground besides the table. "Fine," she agreed. "Do lead the way."

How long have you known?"

Applejack didn't stop in her leisurely walk up the hill, only turning her head slightly to catch Rarity's gaze in her own. "Quite a while."

Well. Rarity nudged her friend rather roughly, who had bent down to tuck a piece of hay in between her teeth. "How long exactly?" Rarity demanded. Goodness, how long had she been pining after this mare?

Applejack chewed on the hay dutifully, leaning Rarity up a fork in the road. "Golly, I can't rightly say. It's always been a fact in the back of my head like so many others. 'Granny Smith likes to take a two hour nap every Saturday, Fluttershy's favorite color is yellow, the sky is blue, Rarity loves Twilight."' The corners of her mouth turned up at the end just a bit. "I pay attention to the little details in life."

Rarity started, heart pounding in her chest. "Rarity loves Twilight?" she repeated slowly.

Applejack ceased her walking, gazing out upon the long, swaying grass they now stood in, before turning to look at Rarity full-on. "But you do... don't you?"

Rarity went silent, scuffing her hoof into the ground. She did, didn't she? She had always been a avid fan of romance novels, the sappier the better. [Call her a hopeless romantic if you will.] The ones where the stallion in shining armor gallantly saves the princess from danger, and they ride off into the sunset. There was no question on whether or not they loved each other; it had been true love at first sight.

Yet Rarity had found out from a very young age that life was anything but a fairytale. There would be no stallion coming to sweep her off her hooves, if she wasn't willing to go scout one out for herself. Love was work, she knew. And love didn't have any rules. Twilight Sparkle was something entirely new to her. She had never had feelings for another mare before. But it had never felt strange, or wrong... just different. It had started out small. Rarity hadn't fallen in deep as soon as she laid eyes on her, oh no. It had started out as a friendship, as all good things do. And then she began to notice the little details without even meaning to. How beautiful her eyes were when she spoke about something she was passionate about, how they sparkled and shone. How she threw back her head and laughed, real and full, at something only she could find amusing. And the way she always put her friends first. Whenever Rarity talked with her, she felt as if they were the only ponies in the whole universe. [Sometimes, she wouldn't mind if that were true.]

But, love? Sure, Rarity could admit to herself that she was crushing hard on the princess. A silly little fantasy, perhaps. She could handle crushes. Love was too serious. And that was what she was afraid of.

She opened her mouth, then closed it. Applejack watched her inquisitively as she gave a quick, almost undetectable nod.

Applejack cleared her throat. "It's just a little further up this way," she said, as if nothing had happened, turning tail and trotting up the steep hill. Rarity could spot a green weeping willow tree at the top, its long branches bending in the wind. With only a second of hesitation, she followed after her friend up the hill, squinting into the sunlight.

The scent came first. It was sweet and delicate... and just lovely. Rarity soon found the source; Applejack sat leaning against the trunk of the tree, her body almost buried in a multitude of rainbow-colored flowers. There seemed to be no specific order or grouping to them, they bloomed however they pleased. Some she couldn't even recognize.

Rarity was sure her mouth was hanging wide open, based on the wry smirk Applejack sent her way.

"It's pretty, ain't it?"

She only hummed back in acknowledgement, airy and dreamy. Her mind's eye was occupied with unceasing pictures of new spring dresses and flowery tops, before being consumed by navy and violet tresses. Rarity shook herself. "Why haven't you shown me before?" she asked, stepping over to join Applejack under the willow.

"Because you never asked," she replied simply. "'Sides, it wasn't nearly as nice looking before. Something about this year just brought in more seeds from the Everfree Forest. Or maybe," she added, "love is just in the air." And she had the audacity to waggle her eyebrows. Rarity shoved her in the shoulder, snorting out a laugh.

"Oh, do kindly hush," she said, blushing pink despite her grandest efforts. She absentmindedly plucked the nearest flower from its roots, twirling around its long, light blue petals. Honestly, she thought to herself as she examined the stem, she wasn't quite sure what lead her to follow Applejack to the flowers. Perhaps it was the the beauty of Twilight's hair, too stubborn to stray far from mind. Or maybe it was the sweet and knowing words of her friend. She plucked a large petal off, watching it flutter to the ground.

Rarity startled from her thoughts when she felt a gentle hoof on her shoulder. "Well, I got a little more work to do back down at the farm. I'll see you around, okay Rares?"

Rarity took the hoof in her own, her heart swelling with gratefulness. A small voice in the back of her head told her that Applejack most likely didn't have work. She knew Rarity needed time by herself, in such a beautiful garden of flowers.

"Thank you," Rarity whispered. Applejack let go, nodding softly. Her hair fell across her bright eyes.

"No need for thanks," she said. "It's what'll make you happy, ain't it? And I'd wish you good luck, but I don't think you'll need it." She was heading down the hill before Rarity could say a word, left staring after her to ponder her meaning.

"Oh, Rarity," she sighed to herself after Applejack was but a orange shape against the earth, "you must get a grip." She knew how spacey and dreamy she could be at times, but sometimes reprimanding herself helped. Now was not that time.

Rarity let the flower fall from her grasp, closing her eyes for a moment. All that came to mind was the smiling face of her affections, laughing at some dorky joke she had told, about some dorky book she had read. Honestly, why was she drawn to such a lovable nerd?

When she opened her eyes, something grabbed her attention, peering out from around the trunk of the willow tree. It was two flowers, one white and the other a light purple. She took a few steps closer, noticing that they were full-grown bell flowers, sprouting side by side. Her breath caught. Why, they were the same exact shade as her and Twilight's coats.... Without thinking, she picked them both up, bringing them up to her breast. She had a foolish idea. Yes, a foolish, grand, possibly horrible idea. Rarity hardly cared to listen to what herself had to say. Keeping the two up in her magic, she bent down to the level of the flowers, scouting around for another glimpse of purple or white.

Aha! Purple winding around a branch! A white rose growing among red. A huddle of white and purple daisies! By the time she had gathered a sufficient amount, her head was strained from the scrutiny, and only a faint sliver of sun peeked over the horizon. Rarity looked down at herself, a mix of a gasp of horror and laughter spilling from her lips at the dirt smudged against her usually pristine coat. What had she gotten herself into? She hugged the bouquet of flowers tighter. Whatever it was, it didn't stop the smile spreading across her cheeks.

Her foolish plan led her to galloping to the post office in the fading dusk, earning quite a few stares. She ignored them dutifully, hair flailing out behind her. When she finally skidded to a stop by the building, her heart was threatening to beat right out of her chest, warm sweat cooling with the wind. She collapsed against the door, throwing it open to a greeting jingle. A pony was behind the counter, bewildered, one Rarity immediately recognized as Ditzy Hooves. She had a bag thrown over her back, dandelion hair wild and messy. Her walleyed gaze wavered with concern. "Rarity?" she asked. "Are you okay?"

Rarity paused to catch her breath, stumbling towards the counter. She dusted herself, smoothing down her hair. "Oh, yes," she gasped. "Perfectly fine."

Ditzy blinked. "Okay. I was just wondering..."

"Darling," Rarity interrupted, wincing. "I don't suppose you're heading out?"

Ditzy grinned, nodding. "Yep!" she chirped. "I'm the last shift tonight."

Rarity huffed, scanning across her gathering of flowers. My, it would be such a waste...

"But I could deliver something for you?" Ditzy continued, patting her saddlebag rather proudly.

Rarity straightened, hopeful. "Really? You'd do that for me?" she asked.

"Of course," Ditzy chirped. "I don't mind at all!"

Rarity squeed, though she quickly covered it with a cough. "Oh, thank you so much! You're too kind." She reached over the counter, wrapping the grey pegasus in a tight embrace. When she pulled back, Ditzy was impossibly brighter, her cheeks a warm color. "Would you happen to have a basket?" she asked, biting her lip.

Ditzy's head disappeared beneath the counter, coming up with a straw-woven basket in her mouth. It was perfect. Before Ditzy could get a word in, Rarity passed over a dozen bits. "Please, keep the change. It's the least I could do to repay you," she said softly.

Ditzy stared at her for a moment longer, before her face split into a wide smile. "Okay, thank you, Miss Rarity!" She collected the coins into a saddlebag, turning back to the basket. Rarity carefully levitated the bunch of white and purple flowers in, making sure they looked lively and pretty.

"Who are these for?" Ditzy asked, as should be expected, causing Rarity to freeze. Yes, this was her silly, silly plan.

"They're for Twilight Sparkle," she mumbled, clearing her throat with a blush. "Spur of the moment thing." And wasn't it so romantic? Receiving a basket of flowers from a special somepony, knowing you meant so much to them? It was just like in her novels. "Oh, but don't sign it from me," she added quickly, taking a blank card from a shelf. With a pen poised above the paper, she looked up to the mailmare. Ditzy's eyes were wide and dark, a delighted expression taking over.

"Miss Rarity!" she started, gripping the basket. "Is this a secret admirer mission?"

Rarity choked on air, turning sideways to bury her face in her forelegs. She should have expected this. Ditzy may have been, well... ditzy, but she wasn't dumb. It also didn't hurt that she was horrifyingly obvious. She removed herself from her cocoon of embarrassment at the sound of Ditzy's cooing 'aww's.

"Yes, it may be," she admitted begrudgingly, clicking the pen over and over. "But," she pointed the pen at Ditzy, "it's still a secret delivery. Twilight mustn't know that it's from me, alright?"

Ditzy gave a salute, looking entirely too serious. Rarity bit back a fond laugh. "Oh, but please to give her this note." Rarity paused, glancing down at her card. Goodness, there were a million and one ways she could say this. After all, what's the right thing to say to the most perfect mare in the whole of Equestria? She chose a simple phrase: You are beautiful. Rarity had an eye for beauty, ask anypony and they'd tell you so. What most wouldn't know was that Rarity didn't pick and choose what had beauty, no. Everything had beauty, whether hidden or out in the open. Twilight was brimming with the most brilliant of beauties, both inside and outside. Rarity licked her lips with an act of finality, nestling the card with the flowers. "Thank you very much, Ditzy," she said.

Ditzy beamed, taking the straw basket up in her hooves. "I'll be the very best mailmare of love!" she declared. Rarity snorted.

"Yes, you will."

When she left the post office, her body felt ten times lighter. She felt satisfied. It was about time she did something to soothe the ache in her heart. Of course, Rarity was aware it would never truly fade. Twilight would receive the basket, and have an inkling that somewhere in Ponyville, someone was thinking of her. Perhaps she would smile, smell the pleasantness of the flowers before she forgot about them. Princess Twilight Sparkle wasn't one for romance. She had duties and studies, and hadn't the slightest interest to spend time with a pining mare like Rarity.

She had asked her many moons ago if she was interested in the idea of romance. Twilight had only laughed, putting her book down beside her. "It's a nice thought, but it's just not something I want in my life right now. After all, I have my girls, don't I?" she had said, leaning into Rarity's side. Rarity had locked away any lingering feelings for a long while after that. She didn't need any more heartbreak.

She gave a little skip as she headed home. Flowers wouldn't solve her problems, but it was a start.

"Rarity! It's time to wake up! Rarity! Come on, we gotta get ready!"

Rarity startled awake, opening her eyes to her little sister standing above her. Sweetie Belle looked about ready to drag her out of bed. Rarity groaned, pulling herself up. All she wanted to do was stay beneath the covers and dream away the day. "Sweetie Belle, what is it?" she asked groggily.

Sweetie stomped her hoof on the rug. "It's the picnic with the Crusaders and your friends! And if you don't get up really soon, we're gonna be late!"

Rarity nearly fell out of bed, managing to catch herself in her magic at the last minute. The picnic! She had forgotten, with everything that had happened the day before. And she had even baked a chocolate swirl cake for the occasion!

Planting a quick kiss to Sweetie's forehead, she raced to the bathroom, ignoring the crick in her neck. She could hear Sweetie muttering through the door, thudding down the stairs. She might have spent at bit longer than necessary on her hair and makeup, but really, who was to know?

When she emerged from the bathroom , Sweetie Belle had gotten the cake out on the table, jerking away as she saw Rarity enter. Rarity pretended she hadn't seen chocolate smeared on her sister's lips. "You ready to head out, Sweetie?"

Sweetie Belle jumped down from her chair, wiping her mouth quickly. "Yes! I've been ready for ages! Scoots and Apple Bloom are planning on climbing the trees there."

Rarity rolled her eyes, bringing the cake along behind her. She ignored the pounding of her heart at the thought of seeing Twilight again.

By the time Rarity and Sweetie Belle arrived, everyone was already set up and enjoying themselves. They had chosen a spot where the grass was long and green, tall budding trees towering above. Rarity let Sweetie run off with her friends, before sitting down beside Twilight, who was playing what seemed to be a serious game of chess with Rainbow Dash. Twilight's tongue poked out from between her teeth, her brow furrowed. "I didn't know you could play chess, Rainbow Dash," Rarity remarked teasingly, earning a muttered "shut up" from the mare.

"I'm not letting her win this," Rainbow said, cautiously moving her piece forward across the board.

Twilight pulled herself away from the game at the sound of another's voice, blinking owlishly at Rarity. "You're here!" she said at last, brushing back her hair. Today she only wore one flower, a pale pink lily tucked behind her ear. Rarity flushed lightly. She stiffened when she felt a pair of warm, soft arms around her stomach. She then melted into the hug, breathing in Twilight's perpetual scent of lavender and ink. Some things never changed. They only pulled apart when someone cleared their throat. Applejack stood above them, quirking her eyebrow in greeting.

"We were talking before you got here about something Twilight received last night, right?" Applejack started. Rainbow Dash huffed, interrupted by a squealing Pinkie Pie behind her.

"Oh, we were, weren't we? Rarity, you have to know! It's just the sweetest thing ever!" Pinkie exclaimed, paying no heed to Fluttershy's shushing. Amidst the distant laughter of the Crusaders, Rarity shot Applejack a death glare.

Twilight laughed. "I did, Pinkie." She motioned to Rarity, who was ever playing the fool. "Last night, Ditzy delivered a basket of flowers, white and purple, to my doorstep. It was anonymous, and honestly, it's driving me a bit crazy trying to figure out who did it." Twilight shrugged, nonchalant, but Rarity could see a flush of excitement dancing on her cheeks.

"And what did it sayyy?" Pinkie sang, grinning devilishly. Fluttershy tittered; Applejack chuckled. Twilight went red, poking at her forgotten piece of pie.

"Nothing much," she started, soft, wrinkling her nose. "Just... y'know: 'You are beautiful', standard love stuff." [Love stuff, Rarity thought, mortified.]

There was a chorus of 'ooh's, mainly from Pinkie Pie, and Twilight ducked her head. "I've tried to identify the hoof-writing," she continued—Rarity felt her blood run cold—"but so far, I've had no luck. It could be magic-writing; that's always harder to pinpoint." Rarity let out a silent breath.

"Well, I hope this love-struck stallion reveals himself soon," Rainbow Dash added, flopping onto her back.

Rarity winced. "Or mare," she said quietly. Twilight glanced at her, smiling sideways.

"Or mare, Rainbow," she echoed, the addressed turning quite a lovely shade of pink.

Pinkie snorted, ruffling Rainbow's hair. "Yay for gay."

Fluttershy coughed quite pointedly as Rainbow Dash groaned.

Rarity watched on with a strange mix of amusement and fondness growing in her breast, catching the wondering stare of Twilight.

"So!" she began suddenly, clapping her hooves. "Who wants cake?"

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Rarity asked to the open sky, darkening with the promise of sunset. She tilted her head up to catch the cooling wind. "Why do you torture yourself so?" She knew why, though. If it meant a thousand more days of crushed hopes and suspicious looks, she would gladly take it just to see Twilight blush one last time: for her to think somepony loves me, and isn't that nice?

She plucked another flower, a bright lilac hue, leaning against the tree. Some may call her a bold mare, always ready to take what she wanted. And she wanted nothing more and nothing less than Twilight Sparkle. But the truth was, her heart was a delicate thing, fixing itself from its latest losses. And Rarity couldn't risk losing her, not for a second.

She found another flower, small and white, and wove them together.

That evening, she greeted Ditzy again, writing out a single note. This time she choose a simple: I love your laugh. She slept well that night.

The next day, Twilight asked if she was free for tea. Rarity shoved any other plans she could have had very far away, indeed.

She found herself in Twilight's castle, seating at a table in one of Twilight's many kitchens, sipping on steaming jasmine tea. She watched the mare through the steam that curled up to the ceiling.

"Would you like to hear about something I've been working on?" Twilight asked, setting her tea down with a clink. "I mean, of course, you'd don't have to," she amended quickly. "It's just a really fascinating concept and—"

"Twilight, I would love to," Rarity interrupted, leaning forward in her chair. Twilight straightened up, her ears flicking excitedly.

"This is a concept many scientists refuse to acknowledge, but it's quite obviously real, based on all the evidence I've collected..."

Rarity hid her smile behind her hoof, eyes never once leaving the rambling Twilight.

The next note read: I love your mind.

Sweetie Belle never said anything directly, but Rarity could tell she noticed her own strange behavior. Sometimes she would daydream during dinner—nearly burning the food—other times she would stare into the mirror for hours on end, muttering under her breath and repeatedly brushing a strand of hair. Surely, Sweetie must have noticed the plethora of romance books that had appeared by her bedside. (Pray to the gods she didn't look in them and find a couple words crossed out and replaced with Twilight.) To quote herself from earlier, she was a mess. A lovely, lovely, love-struck mess.

Every night, she would slip away to the hill, gathering as many white and purple flowers as she could hold. And every night, she would write a note.

I love your eyes

I love your voice

I love your intelligence

I love your selflessness

I love determination

I love your spirit

And one night, when she hadn't even noticed, the note had turned to I love you.

Knock. Knock. Knock

Rarity stopped her early dinner, and placed her fork down. "Come in!" she called cheerfully. Without wasting a moment, a grey blur barreled in, nearly knocking Rarity over in a frenzy. She shrieked, placing her hooves out to steady the intruder. Ditzy Hooves. The mailmare had the beginnings of tears in her eyes. "Darling, what's wrong?" Rarity gasped, leading her over to a seat.

Ditzy took a shuddering breath, wiping at her cheeks. "Oh, I'm so, so sorry Miss Rarity," she mumbled. Rarity shook her shoulders.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" she asked. Ditzy shook her head vigorously.

"It was an accident. I really didn't mean to tell her," she blubbered. Rarity froze, her mouth going dry.

"Tell... her?" Rarity whispered, silently begging it wasn't what she thought.

Ditzy shrunk down on herself. "I really didn't mean to tell Twilight. It's just, I got so excited for you and I wanted to share it with somepony else and it may have slipped out all by itself!"

Rarity's heart was thumping uncontrollably. Oh, where was her fainting couch when she needed it? She couldn't...it couldn't be true! But the shivering against her chest snapped her out of her panic, and she tilted the mare's chin up to her. "Oh, Ditzy," she murmured, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Please, don't be sorry. It may not be... the turnout I had expected, but it's nothing I can't work with." She bit her tongue, pulling Ditzy closer. No, it was not the turnout she had expected at all. One she had dreamed of, certainly, but it could always be a nightmare. She stood up, watching as Ditzy sniffed, shaking out her hair.

"I'm sorry," she repeated, soulfully. Rarity waved her hoof.

"No, no, no! No sorry needed!" Rarity said forcefully. She tripped to the door, calling behind her, "And there's tea in the cupboard!" When she crossed the threshold, she slammed the door behind her, steadying herself against the side of her house, breathing erratically. She tried to take calm, relaxed breaths, but it turns out, that just wasn't for her. She closed her eyes, digging into the dirt beneath her. She had to talk to Twilight. She had to do something. And, if it went as expected, Rarity could go home, curl up on the couch, and eat vanilla oat swirl from the container, bemoaning her lack of love life. She could do this. Rarity put on her best brave face, and headed down the path to Twilight's castle.

Rarity stood on the steps to the door, her hoof hovering only an inch from its pristine surface. Her entire body shook with nerves. Twilight would never understand how much she meant to her, never understood how afraid she was. But she steeled herself. It was for love. And who would she be if she didn't go all out?

Rarity knocked. The door swung open before she had the chance to do so again, greeting her with the sight of Twilight Sparkle. Her voice left her. Twilight's dark, probing eyes looked up beneath black-rimmed glasses, hidden by bedraggled, messy bangs, her coat unbrushed and rumpled. She pushed her glasses higher up her nose, as if waiting for Rarity to speak. Rarity stared back, her stomach alight with frantic butterflies. "Twilight—" she began, a croak, cut off suddenly when Twilight yanked her inside the castle.

"Did you mean it?" she asked breathlessly, gripping her shoulders tightly.

"What?" Rarity managed eloquently.

Twilight brushed off her glasses, beginning to pace across the floor. "Did you mean all the notes you sent? The flowers? Did you mean the last one? Was Ditzy telling the truth? Do you still mean it?" She stopped, spinning to look back at her.

It was only after Twilight had ceased her questions that Rarity was able to take in the state of the huge room. Hanging from the ceiling, thrown across the floor, pinned to the wall— everywhere were flowers. They covered the entirety of Twilight's kitchen table, some petals even lost in her mane. Littered across the white and purple flowers were crumpled pieces of paper, many open to reveal scribbled words.


Rarity startled back to those dark, wonderful eyes. "Yes," she breathed. "Yes, I meant it. And I know you won't ever feel the same way, and I apologize for that, but I can't help it." She turned away, waiting for the words she dreaded. Instead, she felt the slightest pressure against her ear.

"It's a blue forget-me-not," Twilight said softly, the light on her horn dying away. "It means true love in the flower language. You must have accidentally picked it among the white and purple ones," she explained, her cheeks pink. Rarity reached up and touched its petals gently, a snort escaping her. The flower language. Of course.

"Do this mean that you feel the same?" Rarity asked, her voice wavering.

Twilight furrowed her eyebrows at her, before slowly leaning forward. The lightest and warmest sensations touched upon the tip of her muzzle, lingering for only the shortest of moments. Twilight pulled back, a brilliant smile on her face. Rarity stood still for a second, touching her nose, skin flaming pleasantly. "Does that answer your question?"

Rarity laughed, reaching out to pull Twilight into a fierce hug, wiping vainly at tears as she breathed into the other mare's neck. "Yes, it does. Oh, my heavens, I'm crying."

Twilight wiped at her own cheek, giggling when Rarity kissed it gently. "You sap," she said.

"You nerd."

Twilight buried her face into Rarity's hair. "Will you maybe like to join me for dinner tomorrow evening?"

Rarity shut her eyes, ingraining the scent of flowers, lavender, and ink into her mind. Forget me not, she thought with a smile. And I won't forget you. "I'd love to."

Author's Note:

Well, that was the longest story I've ever written on here! And while that's not saying much, it was really fun to write this (if not a bit stressful). I might not win anything in the contest, but it was interesting to try out a pair I've never written before, but always loved ^^. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and let me know what you think in the comments! :heart:

Comments ( 25 )

oh! i didn't know you were in that contest madame pie... xD

Good Luck


Looks fun, I'll give it a read. Mono's got my reading queue backed up with nothing but Raritwi. :twilightsmile:

I'll have to read this later when I'm not in Ireland and active 24/7. I'm sure it's good, though :raritywink:

I liked it :) :twilightsmile::raritywink:

I did a quick skim of the story, and I like the fancy dividing lines and the big capital letter. Make sit look more official. I'm gonna read it in depth now and I'll comment later when I have wi-fi. I'm on a tour of Ireland with choir right now and there aren't many breaks or internet.

Until then, cheers.

Goodness, how long had sh been pining after this mare?


As always, your Rarity is amazing and writing impeccable. I really enjoy your platonic Rarijack too. Please keep writing! These longer stories really showcase your talent.:heart:

Your stories are still so cute after all this time! I need to go back and read the rest of your stories that I may have missed!

When she finally skidded to a stop by the building, her house was threatening to beat right out of her chest,

Umm, that sounds—problematic.

Really, really cute. Loved it.

Loved it. The idea of leaving notes every day, increasing in meaning, is very cute. Even if you're uncertain that you'll ever be heard by that secret crush (that's not so secret). Of course she reciprocated, I totally saw it coming. I'm gonna have to find fancy dividers for my stories now, cause it looks cooler and more professional.:raritystarry:

Great job. Hope you win something in the contest! Cheers.:raritywink:


Cannot...withstand...the urge to...


Well done, very well done indeed.

This was so cute! I loved the idea of Rarity sending flowers and short notes to Twilight, I thought it was very sweet! :pinkiesmile:

This story makes me wonder how many secret love notes Derpy delivers.

I enjoyed both the pacing and the concept. Twilight's general cluelessness, and Rarity's determination to dwell on hope with out substance. Well done.

Oh. My. Goodness. This was incredibly adorable. I love every second of it! This is top tier Raritwi feel-good slightly cheesy romance right here, the kind that just makes you want to snuggle a bunny and frolic through a field.

I love the ending and the whole concept of Rarity giving Twilight flowers is just to sweet for words! It just makes me giddy just thinking about it!

Well written, no unnecessary/overboard drama or cheese, cute as hell, I could visualize the whole story in my head vividly, very much in character....


Thank you for writing such a lovely story!

My goodness, I'm so glad you liked it so much <3

That was adorable and fluffy and completely fantastic. I can't find a single thing to complain about or anything of the sort. Well done, well done indeed.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it >~<


I'm with the Reviewer's Cafe, you have requested a review of this story.

Here it is!

Thanks and Cheers!

Thank you very much for the review! I know I have a good long way to go for writing romance stories (I also have no idea how love works X3). Your review was very helpful, and hopefully I can improve in the future. Rarilight is such a sweet ship, isn't it?

I also saw that you added my story to favorites? Regardless of its flaws, I'm glad you enjoyed it <3

Raritwi is certainly a very cute ship. I added the story because you show some good potential. Given your age, and given time to learn about life and love, you can be an amazing author. And I went through your author page, and you remind me a lot of daughter. Similar age too. So, keep up the writing. I'd love to be able to accept one of your stories to the Cafe.

When it comes to writing, certainly write what you know. But learn about as much as you can. Romance is hard to write. It's hard to quantify the feeling that go through you when you are in love. But keep it up.

I love determination

Missing word

A lovely Raritwi piece.


"Perfectly fine, hmm," she replied quickly, her bags wavering in her magic. But then Twilight's head tilted, and Rarity relented. "It's just that... oh, darling, I've never seen you wear your hair like that before. It's so..." The word beautiful turned to sweet air on her tongue. Twilight blushed, bashful, pointing over at the pegasus next to her.

Subtle Rarity :unsuresweetie:

Ditzy shrunk down on herself. "I really didn't mean to tell Twilight. It's just, I got so excited for you and I wanted to share it with somepony else and it may have slipped out all by itself!"

Ditzy accidently saves the day again :derpytongue2:

Cute story.

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