• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


On the day of Equestria's first Winter Wrap-Up, the pegasus once known as Private Pansy – now promoted to Captain Pansy – leaves the celebrations early to face her former commander. Who is now in prison.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

Pretty decent, but then again I always had a weakness for historical fics.

Good job!


Oh, I'm fascinated by the history of Equestria myself, especially the Hearth's Warming story. I'd like to write a fic for each of the founders. And thank you for the comment! It is much appreciated. :scootangel:

A well told tale. It is little surprise that Hurricane had that much difficulty in accepting the changes in 'the way of things'. Also no surprise that Pansy would be the only pony who actually could face her.


Agreed: the ending of the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant is too tidy, especially when you've got an enthusiastic warmonger among the founders. There must be complications the story glosses over.

I'm not sure Pansy's the only one that could face her; I could imagine someone like Star Swirl or even one of Pansy's other friends standing up to her. But given Pansy's pacifistic outlook, given that she was the first to make peace with the other tribes, and given that she knew the commander the longest, I think she definitely was ideally placed to cut through Hurricane's bravado.

Also, thanks for the comment. :scootangel:

Niiice. I'm afraid I don't have any feedback but it was a good read. I liked it.


No worries; a simple appreciative comment is a fine thing in itself. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

I've said it before and I'll say it again, there should be more stories about the "6 Founders" (or whatever the community calls them)


Too true. I myself need to get out there some ideas I've had for each of them. Perhaps with the legends of the Pillars now out there, we'll see more interest in the historical figures in general. Here's hoping, at any rate.

Official materials confirmed Hurricane and Clover as male, though they contradict each other.

Was this an intentional deviation, like in the actual play, or what?

Good story though.


Was this an intentional deviation, like in the actual play, or what?

Yes: from the debut episode onwards, I've always assumed the founders were all female, and the idea is still firmly stuck in my head. Official sources notwithstanding, I don't feel any pressing need to change it.

Good story though.

Thanks! :scootangel:

Quite well done. I really enjoyed the interactions between Pansy and Hurricane. And the ending of the story was nicely done; simple and yet very effective.


I always enjoyed the strange relationship hinted at between the founders, especially these two, and characters bouncing off each other is one of my favourite things to write. I remember I had to be careful with the ending; a straight-up happy one wouldn't feel right to me, given what was at stake in the story, but there were other ways of hinting at its possibility.

Thank you for the comment! It's very welcome. :twilightsmile:

Thought I'd have a read of this before starting a new Pansy piece myself, and you've not disappointed. Bonny character work on both Hurricane and Pansy, and a good exploration of the tribes would have (successfully or otherwise) adapted to unity. Nicely done. :pinkiehappy:


Same as on the other fic: I am sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. That was simply rude of me.

Thank you for the comment, Carabas. That aside, I notice you have yet to publish that aforementioned Hurricane and Pansy fic. Is it still in development? After The Commander's Shilling, (and as admin for the Private Pansy group), I'd be fascinated to see what you come up with.

No worries about delayed responses. I can live with not being the utmost priority in folks' minds all the time. :raritywink:

Said Pansy piece is underway! Hoping to finish it off soon-ish, keen to pop it into the Pansy group, and very much gratified for your interest. :twilightsmile:

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