Nowadays, “awesome” is such an overused, weakened word. Not in the old days. Back then, it used to be the province of pegasi. Of the lords and ladies of the heavens. Of thunder and lightning. Of life and death. Of gods.
In their first Hearth's Warming season since retiring as rulers of Equestria, Celestia and Luna decide to share some drinks with some old friends of theirs.
The Great War between the three pony races, a war over food. A tale about starvation, racism and violence in a frozen over landscape that was formally the original pony civilization.
Before the Windigos arrived in Equestria, three tribes were starving for food. There is no trust or friendship between the ponies living in the land, and it seems these uneasy relationships are about to take a turn for the worse.
In their first Hearth's Warming season since retiring as rulers of Equestria, Celestia and Luna decide to share some drinks with some old friends of theirs.
The lunar civil war has ended and Luna has been banished to the moon, but all is not well in Equestria. In the shadows lurk new enimies and, with Celestia gone, only the Regents can restore order and, possibly, harmony to Equestria.
Nowadays, “awesome” is such an overused, weakened word. Not in the old days. Back then, it used to be the province of pegasi. Of the lords and ladies of the heavens. Of thunder and lightning. Of life and death. Of gods.
In the age of Equestria's founding, the world is not at peace. Dangers wait at every corner, and the shadows of the old world wish it dead. And yet in all of this, one pony just wants to live a normal life.
Nowadays, “awesome” is such an overused, weakened word. Not in the old days. Back then, it used to be the province of pegasi. Of the lords and ladies of the heavens. Of thunder and lightning. Of life and death. Of gods.