• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 3,416 Views, 47 Comments

Raison d'Etre - Rose Quill

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Comments ( 13 )

I felt my eyes pop open, and I scrambled to my feet, climbing back into the apartment.

*reads that the story is complete*


*looks at uploaded content*

Ah the stupid...I'll have the rest up before dawn. I must not have grabbed the entire text when I copied it over.

Aha...so I see the connection now. :pinkiehappy:

I wonder then if sirens could interfere with a harpy's ability to drive someone mad... :derpyderp2:

:Squee: The start of the Dazzlings redemption? I love this idea! See my comment on your blog post from a few days ago regarding Sunset and you'll see why I'm excited.:heart:


Which blog? I have written a few in the last few days. :twilightsheepish:

Came back to re-read this after finishing Chaos Theory. Nicely setup my dear. Well done.

As far as siren redemption fics go, this is definitely one of the better crafted ones. I find the subgenre is a lot like romance; some people will just have them be good guys from the get-go and tell the audience to deal with it, but the best ones take time to examine the characters and follow them on their journey. Nice work, and a wonderful hook at the end.

Wow, this was posted a year ago. I haven't kept up with Homecoming as well as I used to. I'm trying to catch up now by following the timeline, going story to story and I could not pass this one without saying again how much this story moved me. This story and the timeline as a whole is a literary work of art. Thank you for creating and sharing.

when i first come into this site, i feel like mlp fanfics are way to dark.
but why then? my heart ached when i see happy ending...

“Maybe because she was already in pain,” I said, a tear slipping free. “Pain we couldn’t see.”

Years later. Half a decade of change. Our little one six and a half. We just celebrated out 15th anniversary... And yesterday was my 36th or it around the sun...

And this damn line, right here, took me from laying in bed, calmly reading at 3am to tears in less than a second... Because fuck if I can't relate to how that feels.

I've said it before. I'll say it again. And I'll repeat it now. You have a mastery of capturing emotion... Never ever doubt your talent with the written word.


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