• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 3,221 Views, 36 Comments

Equestria's Imperfections - fluttercordlover232

Discord is sick, but this is not your average illness; whatever this is, it's slowly taking Discord's magic away, and his immortality.

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Chapter 15

Author's Note:

Turns out the last chapter is longer than I thought it would be! Hope you enjoy! And let me know what you think!!

There was the sound of glass shattering as Twiight's hoof made contact with the precious gem. The sound echoing off the walls in the silent room. Everypony stared at Twilight, shocked at what she just did.

Just then, a light stream of magenta aura rose out of the broken Element and drifted toward where Discord was laying on the bed. Everypony was in awe as they watched the thin stream of light absorb into Discord's body.

With new confidence she hadn't had in a while, Fluttershy smashed her butterfly shaped jewel the same way as Twilight had done. She watched as her Element released a thin, soft pink aura and drifted toward her husband before it was absorbed into his still form.

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash followed suit. They all watched as auras the same color as their Elements floated to Discord, and was once again, absorbed into his body.

Everypony, including Fluttershy, held their breath in anticipation as they waited to see if it would work. Fluttershy inched closer to the base of the bed. Praying in inside her heart that it wouldn't be too late.

Finally, after what felt like forever, Discord's body returned back to it's normal shade of color. He sat up rubbing his eagle claw on his forehead.

"Ugh...wh..what happened..." He moaned, without looking up from massaging his head.


Discord looked up just in time to see Fluttershy speeding toward him. He gave a muffled "oof" as she barreled him over. He became worried when he heard Fluttershy sobbing into his chest.

"Fluttershy what's wrong? Are you alright?" He put his claws under her chin and tilted her head up so she was looking up at him. He frowned when he saw the tears in her beautiful teal orbs that were her eyes.

Fluttershy didn't reply, but instead threw her forelegs around Discord's neck and just continued to cry into it. Discord instinctively put his arms around her waist and pulled her tight against him. He gently stroked her mane as he held her against him, something that he knew helped calm her down. She continued to cling to his neck.

She started to slow down her cries. Discord smiled, knowing his method was working, His smiled widened when he felt the tears cease to fall. He felt Fluttershy's hold on him lighten. She sniffled once or twice before letting go of his neck completely.

Fluttershy looked up at the now yellow and red eyes of her husband. She put a hoof to his cheek and was happy to see him lean into the touch.

"I-I'm just s-so happy you're okay Discord." Fluttershy whispered. She leaned up and kissed him on his lips. Pouring out all the love and desperation from the week into it.

Discord was taken by surprise at first by the intensity of the kiss, but quickly recovered and just as eagerly kissed her back, digging his talons into her mane as he did so.

They pulled apart, and Fluttershy sighed in bliss. She rested her head on his soft chest. She was overcome with happiness to hear the strong beating of his heart and to feel the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.

Fluttershy could not be more happier and at peace than she was now.


Comments ( 5 )


I get what your saying about the 3 day time period. However, as you know, Fluttershy is a nervous, hesitant, little thing. I think it's natural for her to be nervous about the Elements leaving the tree, especially given the situation. Under normal circumstances, I don't think she would've given it much thought. It was a life or death situation, It would make anybody nervous..


Now that I look back on it, you're right. That doesn't seem right. I fixed it though! so it should sound make more sense!

You know, when I first saw the title, I immediately thought of Cell from Dragon Ball Z. How'd you think of the title, anyway?


I just thought of the main plot, how Equestria is perfect when it comes to harmony. Since Discord lives in Equestria, his powers throw off the balance of harmony. Since Discord lives in Equestria, and his magic is imperfect to the balance in Equestria.

Therfore, Equestria's Imperfections. Get it?

Well, so much for the dilemma.

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