• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 3,221 Views, 36 Comments

Equestria's Imperfections - fluttercordlover232

Discord is sick, but this is not your average illness; whatever this is, it's slowly taking Discord's magic away, and his immortality.

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Chapter 3

Author's Note:

Chapter 3 is finished!! PLEASE leave comments!!!

Also, right at the end of the chapter I used the word "effect". I'm not sure if I used it in the right context and instead should be "affect" Please let me know in the comments!!!

As promised, Fluttershy finished cleaning from breakfast and flew upstairs, with Cachi in her arms. She opened the door leading to their bedroom and quietly walked inside. She used her back hoof to gently shut the door behind her, and walked over to where Discord lay on his side of the bed.

Discord was lying under the covers as he laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling. He turned his head to look at Fluttershy as she was approaching.

"Hey honey, how are you feeling?" she said gently as she put a hoof to his forehead. She was surprised to feel that he felt a bit warm. She only meant for it to be a comforting gesture, not to check for a fever. However, she didn't dawn on it too much, she automatically assumed it was just because that Discord was under the covers.

Cachi was struggling in Fluttershy's grip, trying to reach for his father. Before Fluttershy could attempt to hold him out for Discord to take, he flashed out of Fluttershy's grip, and flashed onto Discord's chest. He was slightly startled by his son's random appearance so close to his face, but chuckled nonetheless. He started to carefully throw him a little ways into the air, making sure to always catch him with his paw and claw. His son laughing and smiling widely as he did so.

"I'm fine my love, maybe a little tired, but that's all. I'm only doing this because you insisted." He stopped throwing Cachi.

"Well, I want you to try and go back to sleep for a little bit and see if that helps. Did you not sleep well last night? Did Cachi wake you up? If so, you could've gotten me..." Discord cut her off.

"No, he didn't wake me, and even if he did, I wouldn't have woken you. You already do so much for this little guy, and at the same time, put up with me! You need your sleep." He told her.

Fluttershy was about to say something else, but just as she opened her mouth to speak, Discord gave a great yawn. Wide enough to see all of his sharp teeth.

Fluttershy took her son from Discord. "Alright mister! You are going to bed! No excuses!" Fluttershy said nicely, but firmly. She was putting her hoof down this time.

Discord gave her an answering yawn, which put more truth to Fluttershy's statement.

"Alright, if you insist. Only for a few minutes though." He reluctantly answered.

"I will let you sleep however long you need it." She said matter-of-factly.

Discord turned over on his side, with is back to her. Fluttershy leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"Get some rest love." She whispered. She quietly flew out of the room with Cachi in her arms. She quietly closed the door behind her so as not to disturb Discord.


Fluttershy was growing more worried as each hour passed. Discord usually never slept this long. It was early morning when she sent him to get more rest, and now the day was almost over. The sun was setting behind the distant hillsides of Equestria, the earliest specks of Luna's stars just starting to appear in the sky.

Fluttershy wouldn't have been as worried if he woke up in spurts. He didn't wake up for lunch or dinner, or even when Cachi cried, and that sound always woke him up.

Eventually, it was time to put Cachi down for the night. He was sound asleep before his head even hit the blanket that was lining the crib. Fluttershy smiled down at him and gave him a kiss on his forehead before she turned and closed the door a crack.

Fluttershy walked to the bedroom where she and Discord slept, and without a sound, flew inside.

It was completely dark outside by this time, with the moon already high in the sky. Moonlight shone through the window, turning everything it touched to a ghastly white. Fluttershy walked up to Discord's side. He looked pale in the moonlight, but what was odd to her was that it wasn't just his face, it was his whole body. She looked at everything not covered with the blankets. His jet black mane was turning a grayish color, and the fur on his lion paw seemed to be turning a very very light yellow, a little lighter than Fluttershy's coat.

Fluttershy knew she was overthinking the situation way too much, and she mentally scolded herself for it. But at the same time, after everything that has happened today, she didn't want to take a chance. A small part of her was telling her that this was more complicated than just moonlight. Even with the moonlight shinning on him, it just seemed unnatural to Fluttershy. It was true that the moon gave off enough light to navigate through the dark room, but at the same time, it wasn't big or bright enough to give him that effect. Even if it was, the bed wasn't close enough to the window anyway.

Fluttershy climbed onto her side of the bed, she leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning over and snuggling deeper into the covers. She drifted off to a dreamless sleep.