Fluttershy flew with as much speed she could muster trying to get to Twilght's castle, all the while carrying a struggling Cachi. When she finally landed in front of Twilight's castle, she paused to catch her breath before knocking on the shiny crystal doors. After a short minute, the door opened.
"Oh, hi Fluttershy, what brings you he-"
Fluttershy thrust her son into Twilight's hooves before she could finish what she was saying. Before Twilight could ask, Fluttershy answered her unanswered question.
"I need you to watch Cachi for me Twilight." She then hid behind her mane. "I..I mean, if you want to..." She mumbled, but loud enough to hear.
"Well, of course I will Fluttershy! But what's..?"
"Something's come up. I can't explain now, it's too long of a story. I don't know how long I'll need you to watch him, I'll come by and get him when things calm down a little bit and l can figure out what is going on. I trust you the most with Cachi. Not that I don't trust the others...which I do of course...you're really smart and know everything about everything...not that the others aren't smart...which they are but...I um...oh dear." Fluttershy spoke with less and less confidence than when she started.
Twilight giggled a little, despite the seriousness of the situation.
"I get it Fluttershy. Is there anything else I could do to help?" She asked sincerely.
"You are helping enough as it is. Thanks Twilight." Fluttershy pulled her friend into a hug. After they pulled apart from the short embrace, Fluttershy turned and gave her son a quick kiss on the cheek.
"I'll be back soon, and be good for Auntie Twilight. I love you."
Fluttershy turned back to Twilight. "Please let me know if he causes you any trouble."
"Oh please, he's fine. Sure, he's a bit of a handful, but is that really a surprise considering Discord is the father?" Twilight smiled.
They both laughed, and at last, Fluttershy took off to the sky. She looked behind her one more time to find Twilight smiling and waving at her from below. Eventually, Twilight and Cachi disappeared from view as Fluttershy flew higher and higher towards where Rainbow Dash had her home on the clouds.
Fluttershy flew to the house in the clouds that was Rainbow Dash's. The rainbows that were decorated around her home shone more brightly than ever. She hovered in front of the door, the thin air making it harder to catch her breath, especially after her speedy flight from Twilight's. When she got to the point where she could breathe comfortably she rang the doorbell. Which of course, was the "Daring Do" theme song, which was just recently made into a movie.
Rainbow Dash came to the door quicker than Twilight did. Before Rainbow even opened the door all the way, Fluttershy started rapidly explaining what she needed her to do.
"Dash-you're-fast-I-need-you-to-fly-to-Zecora's-as-fast-as-you-can-and-tell-her-to-come-to-my-home-it's-an-emergency!" Fluttershy was panting after she said this.
"Hello to you too." Rainbow Dash said bluntly.
"Oh..I'm sorry..how rude of me...um...hello Rainbow." Fluttershy said shyly.
Rainbow smirked and chuckled slightly.
"I was only teasing Flutters. Now, can you calmly explain to me what's going on...? Huh, never thought I would ever say that to you." She shrugged.
So once again, Fluttershy repeated what she had said earlier, but at her normal softer pace.
After she finished, Rainbow Dash saluted her and said, "I'm on it!" and took off. Her iconic rainbow trail highlighting her path behind her.
The gust of wind from her sudden take off blew her mane and whipped her face, forcing her to tightly shut her eyes.
As soon as the wind had ceased and she was able to open her eyes again, she sped off towards the castle where a bedridden Discord was waiting.
If you are going to cut off a sentence or a question don't put the period of the question mark.
Fluttershy should've asked Twilight for magical help.