"I..I can't leave him. The rest of you have to go find the Elements...I'm staying here..."
Fluttershy looked around the room, which was filled with an awkward silence. Then everypony started speaking at once.
"Fluttershy you can't! We need you! We need all of us.." Twilight indicated to the rest of the Mane six, "To make the Elements work!"
"Darling, you can't be serious!"
"Sugarcube, you're crazier than a filly on a sugar high!"
"Yeah! That's super crazy! Fluttershy's not on a sugar high and when you're on a sugar high you have so much energy you just keep going on and on and on and you talk so much it drives ponies insane which I can't imagine why I love to talk I mean who doesn't like to talk..." Pinkie droned on in her usual excited tone.
Everypony, including Zecora, stared at the bouncing pink mare strangely with raised eyebrows.
"Pinkie Pie, you are so random." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.
Zecora walked up to Fluttershy and put a comforting hoof on her shoulder.
"What you're friends are saying is true, this is something you need to do." She said sympathetically.
Fluttershy looked away from her, "But, what if I go and he.." she didn't have to finish. "He'll be all alone and…" Her voice started to tremble and she couldn't continue.
"We understand Fluttershy but...we also won't figure out how to stop the Elements from taking Discord's magic if we're not all there." Twilight reasoned. Twilight approached Fluttershy and lay a comforting hoof on top of hers. "If you don't come with us Fluttershy, we won't be able to power up the Elements, and if we can't power up the Elements..then we won't be able to stop Discord from fading." She murmured.
Fluttershy gasped and covered her mouth with her hoof. She shut her eyes as she felt the impending tears fall down her cheeks once again.
Then, Fluttershy got an idea that will allow her to do both.
"How about you bring the Elements here!? That way, I can still be with Discord and be with the Elements at the same time! Please Twilight?" Fluttershy gave her the biggest puppy eyes ever.
Twilight shook her head sadly.
"We can't Fluttershy. We need the tree to-"
"No we don't, remember back when the Everfree Forest was invading? And you took one of Zecora's potions to find out why it was happening? You said you saw a flashback of when Princess Celestia and Princess Luna first discovered the Tree of Harmony. Princess Celestia mentioned something about the magic the tree possessed, do you remember what she said?"
In a sudden rush, everything was all coming back to Twilight. She recalled Princess Celestia's words...
'Even without these Elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here.'
She shook her head to be rid of the memory and looked at Fluttershy. "Yes, I suppose that's true. But we had to give the Elements back to stop the Everfree Forest from invading, remember? What if we take them from the tree again and something a lot worse than roots happens?" She pointed out.
"Now that I'm thinking about it Twilight, we had to give them back to the Tree of Harmony because the magic to keep it alive was dying. After we returned them, everything went back to normal and the Elements had to replenish all the magic that the tree had lost. It's been three years now since that incident happened. I for one, do believe that it has had plenty of time to rejuvenate itself. It can't hurt to take them away for at least a little while. We'll put them back as soon as we're done." Rarity said.
"I..don't know..." Twilight said, hesitantly biting her lip.
"Rarity sure does make a valid point Twi. Surely it ain't worth fussin about?" Applejack spoke out.
"Yeah! And besides, Discord's meanie roots are what crashed the party remember?" Pinkie said.
"Pinkie, we weren't having a party when Discord's roots sprouted." Reminded Rainbow Dash.
"Exactly! Because he crashed it!"
Rainbow facehoofed when she said that.
Everypony looked to Twilght, waiting for an answer.
Twilight grunted "Ugh! Fine! But we have to hurry!"
Fluttershy had tears of joy in her eyes. "Oh thank you Twilight!" She flew off the bed and gave her the biggest hug.
"Thank you! Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!" Fluttershy cried against her shoulder. Twilight hugged her back just as tightly.
"Alright, if we're going to do this, let's do it!" Twilight stomped her hoof in determination.
"Rainbow face palmed when she said that."
Ah thank you! Auto correct can be so annoying!!!