• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 3,221 Views, 36 Comments

Equestria's Imperfections - fluttercordlover232

Discord is sick, but this is not your average illness; whatever this is, it's slowly taking Discord's magic away, and his immortality.

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Chapter 9

Author's Note:

Chapter 9 everybody!! Hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think!!!

"Whoa whoa whoa...WHAT!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed loudly. Fluttershy gathered the rest of her friends at her cottage and had just finished explaining to them about Discord's condition and what she discovered from drinking Zecora's potion.

"Why would the Elements do such a despicable thing?" Rarity said, sounding horrified.

"It doesn't make any sense y'all. Why, after all this time, are they just now startin' to take his magic? For that matter, why would they take his magic at all?" Applejack questioned.

"Ohhhhh! Plot twist!!!" Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly when she heard of the unexpected cause of Discord's magic disappearance.

"Hold on everypony. Fluttershy, are you absolutely sure that what you saw in the potion was real? I mean..the Elements of Harmony...it just doesn't seem right..." Twilight pointed out. At first, Fluttershy started to panic when Twilight came over without Cachi. Twilight eased her worries when she told her that she left Cachi with Spike, seeing as how she and the rest of their friends had to come so quickly.

"Yes Twilight. Zecora's potions have never been wrong before. Even though the vision was..strange, I believe in it with all my heart. " She flew over to the bed to sit next to Discord. She laid a comforting hoof on her husband's cold arm. "Please Twilight, I love him so much...If there's a way I can save him, I won't hesitate to take that chance. I have to try!" Tears misting in Fluttershy's teal eyes.

Twilight sighed. "Alright. Well, I guess the only logical place to start is where the elements are. At the Tree of Harmony." She stated.

"What are we even supposed to do when we get there?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know, but we'll find out when the time comes." Twilight said with a newfound determination.

Fluttershy turned to Zecora, "How long do we have until...until he...?" Fluttershy couldn't finish.

Zecora walked back up to Discord's bedside and sighed, "You can not afford any delays, for I believe he has only a few days..."

Everypony gasped at this. The pressure was now breathing down their necks! There was no room for failure!

Fluttershy now had tears streaming down her cheeks. She took one look at her husband lying on the bed next to her and that was all it took for her to burst. She collapsed onto his chest and began sobbing uncontrollably. Her head in her hooves as she continued to cry her heart out. Suddenly, Fluttershy felt what felt like long, but gentle talons in her mane, stroking gently through it. She looked up to Discord's sympathetic gaze. The transparentness was becoming evident now, for she could see the pillow he was lying on right through him!

Fluttershy looked into his eyes and her heart split. His once beautiful red and golden eyes, so full of life and vigor, were now white and dead. He gazed softly at her, then trailed his eagle claw from where it was in her mane, down to her cheek. He held it there for a moment, before slowly rubbing the soft fur on her cheek with his thumb. Fluttershy sighed and wrapped her hoof around Discord's extended arm.

Discord cupped her cheek and slowly brought her down to him, he reached up a little to give her a soft kiss on her lips, which immediately calmed her down.

She let a single tear fall down her cheek as he released her and he fell back against the pillow.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and turned to face the rest of her friends. Her next words shocked everyone to the core

"I..I can't leave him. The rest of you have to go find the Elements...I'm staying here..."