Twilight and the others entered the glowing cavern where the Tree of Harmony was waiting, and hopefully, Princess Celestia as well. The five walked in with bated breath as they gazed in awe at the vibrant crystal tree that stood tall before them, and standing at the base of the tree was Princess Celestia. Her flowing mane gently billowing beside her.
"I'm glad you all are here. There is a matter of great importance that I wish to discuss with you." She said seriously. Her face was set stiff with much seriousness and determination.
"Do ya' know what this is all about, Princess?" Applejack questioned.
"Unfortunately, I do." Princess Celestia said solemnly. "And I'm afraid things will take a turn for the worst if we don't do anything about it."
"What do you mean Princess?" Twilight asked.
Princess Celestia was scanning the group of ponies when she turned to Twilight.
"Where is Fluttershy? I would think she would be here since this concerns her the most."
Twilight hung her head guiltly, "Sh-she stayed at home with Discord. She thought we could bring the Elements back. Fluttershy knows we can't activate them without all of us so she thought if we could bring them to her, we would all still be able to power them up, and she wouldn't have to leave Discord's side." Twilight answered nervously.
"I see." Princess Celestia said blankly.
Rarity stepped forward to make it known that she wanted to speak. "Princess Celestia, do you know of any reason why the Elements of Harmony are doing this to Discord? Sure, he can be a pain in the tail sometimes...but even I hate seeing him suffer the way he is." The others mumbled their agreements and nodded their heads.
"And poor Fluttershy is an absolute wreck!" Rarity added.
Princess Celestia sighed. "The reason the Elements of Harmony are taking Discord's magic is because they feel that he's an an imbalance to life in Equestria." She said.
The five friends looked at each other confused, not exactly sure what she meant.
"What the hay does that mean!" Rainbow practically shouted. "You're starting to sound like Zecora!"
"She doesn't sound anything like Zecora silly! Zecora's voice is much deeper and she always speaks in rhymes and clearly Princess Celestia wasn't rhyming at all and if you thought she was rhyming then you clearly don't know what rhyming is or sounds like..." Pinkie rapidly said.
"I..just meant..that she's just as Zecora." Rainbow Dash confirmed.
Twilight ignored them both and turned her gaze back to Celestia. "What do you mean? He's an imbalance to Equestria?"
Celestia took a deep breath. "Discord represents the spirit of chaos and disharmony, and the Elements' job is to keep harmony and peace in Equestria. In which, as you know, Discord is neither of those things."
"So what you're saying is..since Discord is not harmonic, the Elements feel that he is imbalancing the harmony and peace within Equestria?" Twilight asked.
Celestia nodded.
"B-b-but Discord is reformed, and has been for the last four years. Surely he's changed for the better since the last thousand years he'd actually ruled Equestria?" Rarity argued
"Yeah, that makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich! Why in tarnation would the Elements do this now and not a thousand years ago!?" Applejack argued.
Everypony started to question and argue amongst themselves. Until finally Princess Celestia raised her voice.
Everypony froze and looked back at her.
Princess Celestia spoke once more. "I don't why the Elements of Harmony are doing this now. There is some magic in this world that even I don't understand." She felt deep regret that she couldn't help more.
"What do you suggest we do Princess?" Twilght asked, a rising panic evident in her voice.
Celestia frowned further. Nopony was going to like her answer.
"I think it would be best...if the Elements of Harmony..were destroyed..
Oh ponyfeathers...
i am reeally enjoying this story and i hope discord gets better
Oh shit....
Ooo. Now it gets interesting: Do we keep Discord alive and risk danger to the land? Or do let Discord die and help the land?