The morning sun shone brightly through their bedroom window. Fluttershy's eyes fluttered open as she sat up and got out of bed, giving her legs a good stretch. She looked over her shoulder to see Discord still asleep, his back to her. This wasn't unusual, Discord always got up a little later then she did. Fluttershy always gets up at literally the crack of dawn every day to feed all her animals. She starts off by checking in on her six month old son, Cachi. After she makes sure he is alright, she has a shower, and then goes and gives all her little friends breakfast, by the time she comes back in, she checks in on Cachi again, who is awake by now and brings him down to the kitchen so she can keep an eye on him while making breakfast for the three of them. By the time she finishes setting the table, and the food is almost done, Discord would come down and greet his wife and son each with a kiss on the cheek.
Today was no different. However, as Fluttershy was preparing the oatmeal, she thought back to the day little Cachi was born. Even though it was almost a year ago, the memories were still fresh in her mind like it just happened yesterday. She sighed happily as she looked back on the day that changed her life for the better.
Fluttershy stared down lovingly at the baby wrapped tightly in a purple blanket that was now her son. He was a perfect hybrid of his parents. He had the same head and body shape as Discord, but in the same shade of yellow as Fluttershy. He had two tiny bumps on his head where his horn and antler would grow, but unlike Discord, where the antler was on the right side of his head and the horn was on his left; their son was the opposite. By the looks of it, his deer antler will grow on the left side of his head while the horn will grow on his right. His eyes were the same size, shape, and color as Fluttershy, and a short black mane that was growing out the same way as Discord's.
The baby had a red snake tail like his father, with tiny pink spikes on it and the tiniest tuft of pink curled fur at the end of it. His front legs were that of a lion paw and an eagle claw, and his back legs were yellow hooves that matched Fluttershy's to a T. He had wings exactly like his father's, but lacked his father's snaggletooth and beard.
Discord sat quietly next to her on the edge of the bed, his eyes locked on his son. Never in a millennia would he have ever thought of falling in love, much less having children. He and Fluttershy have talked about having foals of their own, but they never thought it would happen because of their species difference. It shouldn't have been that big of a surprise when they found out they were expecting, nothing with Discord made sense! Then again, Discord was part pony, so he supposed it did somewhat.
Discord tentatively brought out an eagle claw and very gently stroked his son's cheek. Tears of happiness slowly fell down his face as he continued to stroke his son.
"What did I ever do to deserve this Fluttershy?" He whispered to his wife, without taking his eyes off the little bundle in her hooves .
"Oh Discord, you deserve happiness as much as the next pony." She whispered back. "Do you want to hold him?"
She gently handed him to her husband, who very carefully cradled him in the crook of his eagle arm, and used his fingers from his lion paw to gently move the blanket away from his face. Seeing his child was one thing, but to actually hold the living, breathing, being he had helped create was an entirely new feeling that felt all the more real. Discord's heart swelled with love and protectiveness for the baby he held in his arms. He vowed to himself that he would always keep him safe, even until the end of time itself.
"He's perfect...absolutely perfect....just like his mother." he leaned over to give Fluttershy a gentle kiss on the lips.
"I thought I would leave the name up to you dear, what should your son's name be?" she asked softly.
Discord thought for a moment. He wanted his son to have a name that'll show the peacefulness and goodness in his heart, unlike his.
"How about Cachi? with a name like that, nopony can doubt what's in his heart."
"That's an interesting name. What does it mean?"
Discord looked down at his son, and then back at Fluttershy as he said.
"Bringer of peace."
Fluttershy was snapped out of her reminising as she heard Discord clonking down the stairs. His cloven hoof and lizard foot making a clonking noise as they came into contact with the wooden floors. He walked into the kitchen and as usual, greeted Cachi and Fluttershy with a kiss on the cheek.
"Good morning my love, did you sleep well?"
"I always do when you're with me." She winked at him.
Discord's fur literally stood on end as he growled playfully.
"Oh really? Well, maybe I need to see for myself as proof. I need to have a clear consience that you are getting enough sleep." He purred.
Fluttershy gave him a knowing look as she said "Discord! not in front of Cachi"
Discord chuckled as he walked over to his son and picked him up out of his high chair. "Oh come on my dear, he's not even one! He doesn't understand what I mean, heck! He can't even say full sentences yet!" He pointed out.
Fluttershy sighed and rolled her eyes. "Still, I don't want his first sentence to be anything along the lines of that!" She gave him a glare.
It was Discord's turn to roll his eyes. "You worry too much my dear."
"And I have good reason to!"
Discord chuckled again as he slipped Cachi back in his high chair. "And I love you all the more for it."
Fluttershy looked at him and smiled. He returned her smile and floated over to her and gave her a soft peck on the lips.
He floated back over to the table and sat on one of the open seats just as Fluttershy placed a glass of chocolate milk and a bowl of Discord's favorite oatmeal in front of him. Which included chocolate syrup, ketchup, and some marshmallows (which sounded and looked really disgusting to Fluttershy, but then again, nothing ever made sense with Discord!)
Fluttershy sat in an open chair next to Discord. She was about to take her first bite out of her oatmeal, when she heard a barely audible moan coming from beside her. She turned to see Discord massaging his temple with his fingers. He didn't notice as Fluttershy frowned and looked at him with a concerned expression on her face.
"Are you okay Discord?" Fluttershy asked. "What's wrong?'
Discord sighed and stopped messaging his temple to look at her. "I'm okay love, I just had a sudden headache come on, that's all."
This explanation didn't make Fluttershy feel any better from the growing concern forming in the pit of her stomach. " never get headaches. Ever."
Discord looked at her. He suddenly started to look really tired, exhausted even. His eyes were sunken in and he had bags under them, which weren't there before. Fluttershy tried to think back to earlier this morning. Maybe she hadn't noticed until now? No! That couldn't be it! He had acted like his normal, chipper, self earlier. Discord wasn't normally a morning person, but he would always get over his crankiness of waking up as soon as he saw the lovely faces of his wife and son. Besides, Discord wasn't being cranky at the moment, he just seemed more tired than usual; but for him to suddenly go from being happy and mischievous, to being quiet and just didn't sit right with Fluttershy.
"Everypony gets headaches now and then, it is nothing to worry about."
"Yes, but...."
"There's always a first for everything my dear." Discord interrupted as he patted her head. "There's nothing for you to worry about."
Fluttershy hid the frown that was forming on her face.
But there is. I just know it...
Ok I have only got to the part when Discord is moving the blanket away from his son's face but it is OK so far, I like it though I wish you made the part where you had them falling in love ( or maybe you did I don't know) and I count two mistakes. When Fluttershy is holding her son, it says 'without taking his eyes off the little bundle in her' and then it stops, you never finish the sentence. Then, when it says 'being he help create' shouldn't that be helped instead of help? I hope this information helped.
Thank you! I went back and fixed it!!