Fluttershy anxiously paced around her bedroom as she waited for Zecora's arrival. Every so often looking up from her pacing to look back at Discord. As each minute on the clock past, she was becoming more and more desperate.
Finally, after what felt like hours, there was a knock on the door. Fluttershy sighed in relief and hurried downstairs. She opened the door to see Rainbow Dash with an out of breath Zecora, who had a cartful of potions and healing herbs harnessed to her back.
"I heard what was the matter, no time for idle chatter!" She said as she trotted in.
"Thank you so much for coming on such short notice Zecora." Fluttershy said as she closed the door after Rainbow and Zecora had entered.
"You are most welcome, dear Fluttershy. Now tell me, can you specify?"
"Well I..I can certainly try." Fluttershy put her hoof to her chin as she thought. "He..he started to suddenly go downhill yesterday. He was more tired than usual, but I didn't think anything of it at first. He complained of headaches, and that really worried me. Discord has never gotten a headache in his life and just shrugged it off like it was nothing! He also slept for eight hours yesterday, which is highly unusual for anypony." She told her as much as she possibly could.
"And what of today? Do those symptoms still stay?"
"I..I think so. He's so weak right now he can't tell me how he feels. He hasn't complained of headaches yet, but other than that, the rest of the symptoms from yesterday still stands. Although, they are getting a lot worse."
Zecora's ears perked up when she said that last part. "Oh? And how is this so?" She tilted her head, waiting for Fluttershy's answer.
"It...it's hard to explain. It might be easier if you see for yourself." She pointed her hoof towards their room. "He's upstairs."
Zecora nodded and undid the latch on the harness that was around her back, freeing herself of the extra weight she was pulling. With the cart no longer attached to her, she started for the stairs when Rainbow stopped her.
"Wait, why can't Discord just go to a hospital or somethin if he's as sick as you say? Wouldn't it be easier than having to go through all this trouble?" Rainbow Dash didn't have to elaborate, everypony knew what she meant.
Zecora saved Fluttershy the trouble of answering and replied for her.
"Discord has many different physical features. The doctors and nurses are only familiar with one kind of creature. Since each part of him has a different need, the doctors won't know how to proceed." Zecora explained.
"So what you're saying is...is that because he's made up of different species, the doctors wouldn't know the specific medical needs of each animal he's made up of? Well then why don't we just take him to a vet? They know all sorts of different animals right?" Rainbow Dash argued.
Zecora shook her head. "While is is true that they do, they won't know how each treatment will effect him. With such different limbs, they wouldn't want to risk his chances being slim."
"Huh?" Rainbow Dash said with puzzled look on her face.
Fluttershy walked over to Zecora's side. "I think what she's saying is that even though they're familiar with the different body types of different animals, they only know each species by itself. With so many different animal parts on one being, they don't know if the medical treatment required for that certain part will end of killing him. Since all the different parts of different species on him work well and compromise with his body, they don't want to chance breaking up that compromise if they inject him with five different medical treatments. Right Zecora?" She turned her head to look at the zebra.
"Indeed" She nodded simply.
"Oh." Rainbow Dash said blankly. "I guess that makes sense..sorta."
When the trio entered the bedroom, as soon as they entered the room, everypony fell into an eerie and shocked silence at seeing Discord's condition. Zecora walked up to where Discord lay and at first simply started to look him over. Then she put an ear to his chest to hear him breathe. It was ragged and shallow, and she could tell that each intake of breath was a struggle for him.
Fluttershy waited with bated breath as she watched Zecora examining her husband. She noticed the slight frown that was on the zebra's face, which concerned her all the more. If Zecora; the one who knew everything about magical ailments and potions was worried, then it must be really bad.
Fluttershy took a deep breath and walked up to Zecora, who was still at Discord's bedside. Not sure if she was ready or not to hear what she had to say.
to her back seems right
Thank you!!