Everypony gasped in shock. Once again, they all started to shout over each other. Princess Celestia raised her hoof to silence them.
"I know this is a lot to take in, but I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't believe it was necessary." She said with a hint of annoyance .
They were all silent. Letting the realization of the severity of the situation soak into their minds. When nopony said anything for a while, Princess Celestia sighed loudly enough to catch their attention.
"Girls, I know you may have a lot of questions, but I'm afraid they are going to have to wait. Time is of the essence right now, and right now, Discord needs these elements more than the tree does. And by needs, I mean he needs them to be destroyed." Celestia stated.
"Beg yer pardon Princess, but what if somethin happens to the Tree of Harmony again or to the Everfree Forest in general? How will the tree protect everythin without the Elements?" Applejack inquired.
Rarity came up to stand beside Applejack. "Yes, the Tree of Harmony has magic that is fueled by the Elements of Harmony. How will the magic replenish itself if the Elements are no longer in existence?" Rarity pointed out.
"I'll cast a spell that will act as a replacement for the magic the Elements would've given off." Princess Celestia said.
She used her magic to remove the Elements from their honorary places on the branches of the magical tree. She then levitated each Element to their respective owners.
"You must hurry! He's running out of time!." Twilight used her magic to take the Elements out of Celestia's aura and stacked them beside her. She gave Celestia a brisk nod and dashed out of the cavern. Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, in tow.
Fluttershy was exhausted. She hadn't gotten much sleep in the three days since Discord had fallen ill. She had been too worried about him to even take proper care of herself, she hadn't eaten in those three days because she rarely left his side to get anything to decently fill her stomach. Her eyes were all red and puffy from crying, and there were dried tear streaks down her face.
Discord at this point, was no better, in fact; he was far worse. He was so white and transparent now that you could barley see him, one could so much as breathe on him and he would blow away into the wind. He was never awake anymore, and his breathing had become so slow and weak that Fluttershy had to put her hoof on Discord's chest to feel anything. He was too weak to speak or move, and he didn't even have the strength to swallow when Fluttershy tried to spoon feed him soup.
Fluttershy was starting to lose hope.
Even if her friends had gotten their hooves on the Elements of Harmony, there was still the endless stream of possibilities that something could go wrong. Like, what if her other friends discovered that they couldn't bring the Elements back to her, and she had to waste more precious time to go and meet them up at the tree? What if, after destroying them, it didn't work and ended up killing Discord in the end? Or if it didn't, would Equestria fall without the most powerful magic know to ponydom?
So many unpleasant outcomes poured into Fluttershy's mind like a rushing waterfall that she covered her ears, hoping that by doing so, would keep the thoughts from pending.
Now, the most agonizing part of this whole ordeal, was waiting.
Just got caught up with the story, and I really like the idea of it.
While yes, the writing is not the best there is, but it is good(?). I would tell you what exactly is wrong, but Im afraid I dont know that much about writing to be able to tell... Either way, Im enjoying the story so far ^^
The Twin
Three days is really fast for her to become that thin, pretty sure it's impossible actually.
Also Fluttershy shouldn't know about the plan to destroy the elements otherwise she'd know they had no problem getting them from the tree.
Don't take this the wrong way I like this story but that is a plot hole and I felt like I should tell you.