• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,963 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Gathering: Take 4

Despite Uncle Murray rejoining us, it quickly became plain that his heart was still conflicted. He felt he'd abandoned his Dreamtime training, and disappointed his Guru. Of course, we weren't going to let this stand. If a talk with his Guru is what he needed to be at peace, then that's what we would make happen. We set course for the Australian Outback, where his Guru resided.

As we were heading off, however, I had a bit of a surprise meeting at the airport of all places...

As the group - dressed in disguises of Coco's design - made their way through the airport, Coco briefly fell back towards an air vent so she could collect Diek-Beck, who had no chance of making his way through airport security in the standard way. Disguised as a stuffed animal, he could make it through easily once past the metal detectors, but getting through them would be an exercise in futility, especially considering his in-built weaponry that couldn't be removed.

As Coco balanced Diek-Beck on her back, a familiar voice startled her.

"So where ya off to in such a hurry, little chile?"

Coco yelped in surprise and spun, startled to see who was watching her. "Ms. Ruby!" she gasped in surprise. "You're out of jail?"

The lady alligator chuckled from her place in a kiosk nearby, selling various knickknacks. "Mrs. now, little filly. And yes, my sentence got commuted after the Contessa mess, thanks ta you lot and Megraw stickin' his nose in. Now Muggsy and I are goin' legit, makin' a place for the three of us."

Coco gasped happily. "Three?" she squealed eagerly.

At that moment, a tiny creature crawled its way up Mrs. Ruby's back. She had an elongated crocodile snout, a bulldog face, fur over scales, short, well-muscled legs ending in webbed talons, and a long, whip-like tail covered in scales. Her large brown eyes stared out in wide-eyed fascination, a pink bow in her thick, bushy green hair. Mrs. Ruby chuckled as she held her arm forward so the critter could crawl towards Coco. "This be our lil' Felicia."

Coco squealed happily as she got up on her hind legs to get nose to nose with the little tyke. "She's adorable!"

Mrs. Ruby chuckled indulgently as she pulled Felicia back before she could try and bite Coco. "And a right spitfire, just like her Mama!" she confirmed. "Now, 'bout what ah asked ya before?"

"Oh!" Coco gasped out in realization. "We're going to the Australian Outback so Uncle Murray can have a face to face with his Dreamtime Teacher."

Mrs. Ruby went pale. "Child...maybe ya better sit this trip out..."

"What?" Coco gasped out in shock. "But...but I just got my whole family back together-"

"Ah taught you what I know about magic," Mrs. Ruby interrupted, "and ya took to it like a duck ta water. Now, there are some who would call voodoo like I taught you dark, and I'll admit there are dark aspects to it...but the magic Down Under, it make what I do look stage!"

Coco's eyes widened. "It's...that potent? And that...dark?"

Mrs. Ruby tilted one hand side to side. "Say instead it's that primal," she corrected. "The magic we use? Mostly passive, and long as you stick to the rules you got no problems. The magic Outback? Got a will of its own, chile, and it only works for ya if it chooses to...and if it decides it don't like you, your only chance is gettin' out o' the Outback fast as ya can. The Light there is blindin', and the Dark all consumin..." She shivered dramatically. "I won't stop ya from goin' - not that ah could - but be very careful how ya use yer magic down there."

Coco paled, and nodded. "I'll...I'll be careful..."

"Ah know ya will," Mrs. Ruby confirmed. "Course, with how long your missions take, I'll probably be in the States by the time you get done. When ya do, look me up, okay?"

"Promise!" Coco confirmed as she raced off to catch up with her family before they started to worry for her.

I decided to keep my silence on the warning until we actually landed in Australia. The last thing I wanted to do was upset Uncle Murray when he was looking so happy. As we settled in for the long flight, he regaled us with tale after tale of the Guru's abilities, and I became more and more excited. While I remembered Mrs. Ruby's warning, I couldn't help but think I could benefit from the Guru's teachings as well. Even if I didn't try to tap the magics of the Outback, his techniques might help me to better utilize my own magic.

Of course, Dad's thoughts went to possibly recruiting the Guru into the Gang to help get into the Vault. I wasn't about to argue with that, especially not when I was hoping to learn from him.

When we got to the Outback, though, I began to wonder if there would even be any magic for me to tap. The entire area the Guru was supposed to be was overrun with industrial machinery and mining operations, and there was no sign of the Guru. A quick overview revealed it was an Opal mining operation, and not entirely legal. Mom immediately moved out to connect with local law enforcement to crack down on the operation, while the rest of us gathered to make our plans.

At first, Uncle Bentley thought I could track the Guru down using my magic to scan for another magic user, but I then had to pass on Mrs. Ruby's warning. Dad immediately agreed that I shouldn't try to use my magic until we were able to make contact with the Guru, making that our number one priority...

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