• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 39 minutes ago


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

Comments ( 47 )


>not wanting to kiss these glorious creatures.

What are you, gay?

“We wish thee to give us a kiss,” came a hot breathy voice.

“Oh, fuck off Luna!” you shouted.


“Just you wait human, you will beg me forgiveness as you bow before my mighty big fat alicorn butt in the end!”


Cute, grammar is a little shakey, don't know what 'Sexfully' means.

Rainbow: "Anon, want a kiss?"

Anon: "Rainbow, want a concussion?"

"It was clop magic I tell you! That’s why you wanted to kiss Anon! Our very reality is sometimes written by some sex crazed maniac!” shouted Spike

Spike is the illuminati confirmed.


"Sexfully" is said by Zapp Brannigan from Futurama.

Yes, I know my grammar is quite lackluster.


Did you think of Zapp Brannigan writing that?


Like any other parts?

A story by Bendy that doesn't end with $3X? What is this madness?

In all seriousness I'm glad it ended the way it did. I try not to read clop and thus have avoided most of your stories. I didn't actually look at who wrote the story I was just interested in the comedy tag otherwise I probably would have skipped it. I recognized your writing style at the Celestia part and started to get a little nervous but thankfully nothing happened. So good job I think.

Spike was, by far, my favorite part.

Spike is correct


Yes, all will praise the sun!


Indeed, I was referencing myself.


I still like clop, but I like to make fun of it.


Did you like the other parts?

7339319 Oh yes.

I liked Spike's tinfoil hat.

It was shiny. :twistnerd:

7339345 I did, but Spike took the cake, and gave it a tin foil hat, with the words "Jet Fuel + Steel Beams = ?" written in frosting!

7339319 yeah, I did pick up on that. Still using it once is funny using it a second time like an actual word makes me think you needs a thesaurus

Great little story.

7339486 Heh heh

I broke my nose from my facepalm are you proud of yourself?

Yay, normal Bendy story from Bendy!

Also you need a tag:
Attention: No one pony get kissed in this story.

And P.S. just for fun:
Celestia sitting on Anon's face, kiiiiisssssssiiiiing. :trollestia:

I give this story 6 ponies :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::yay::rainbowwild::ajsmug::raritywink: thats the highest pony emogi count you can recieve.

This guy's a freaking monster! Making ponies cry like that, disgusting

My theory: They're all Changelings in disguise. That's why they kept saying "us".

Maybe they all just wanted his Hershey kisses?

7340128 :ajbemused: :ajsleepy: :ajsmug: :applecry: :applejackconfused: :applejackunsure: :coolphoto: :derpyderp1: :derpyderp2: :derpytongue2: :fluttercry: :flutterrage: :fluttershbad: :fluttershyouch: :fluttershysad: :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiesad2: :pinkiesick: :pinkiesmile: :rainbowderp: :rainbowdetermined2: :rainbowhuh: :rainbowkiss: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowwild: :raritycry: :raritydespair: :raritystarry: :raritywink: :scootangel: :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright: :twilightangry2: :twilightblush: :twilightoops: :twilightsheepish: :twilightsmile: :twistnerd: :unsuresweetie: :yay: :trollestia: :facehoof: :eeyup: :duck:

No this is the max emoji rating scrub.

i think i cried a little for pinkie pie


Every time you use that word I always think of this:

"Heresy!” she roared in the Royal Canterlot Voice, shaking the building with the sheer power of her voice. “Every human, deep down wants to tap the sunbutt!”

Oh how true that last bit is... very true :moustache:

"It was clop magic I tell you! That’s why you wanted to kiss Anon! Our very reality is sometimes written by some sex crazed maniac!” shouted Spike, standing next to her with a tinfoil hat upon his head.

Spike's onto you Bendy!

Nicel job man, nice job :rainbowlaugh:


Glad you enjoyed it.

I'm not sure about adding a tag like that, kind spoils the story.

I fear the sure weight of her ass would crush him. Need weight protection magic for that.


He had chocolate on his lips?


Those are the word of Zapp Brannigan.


Yes, everyone wants to tap sunbutt. Unless of course, one is Justin Bieber!

Yes, Spike is onto my clop stories.

Sunbutt is funbutt~ :yay:

Very, hehehe, he must have some kind of way to break the Fourth wall like Pinkie Pie.

Comment posted by Jarvy Jared deleted Oct 11th, 2016

Just gonna go ahead and get my vodka ready.

"It was clop magic I tell you! That’s why you wanted to kiss Anon! Our very reality is sometimes written by some sex crazed maniac!” shouted Spike, standing next to her with a tinfoil hat upon his head.

Yep, fourth wall destroyed!

Also the way he used 'us' reminded me of how people refer to the player using 'they' in undertale

No offence but this story seems a bit sub-par when compared to your other stories.

I loved the ending.


Jet fuel cannot MELT steel beams, but it can cause them to become so hot that they lose all their tensile strength, thus collapsing under their own weight.

"It was clop magic I tell you! That’s why you wanted to kiss Anon! Our very reality is sometimes written by some sex crazed maniac!” shouted Spike, standing next to her with a tinfoil hat upon his head.


DAT pic made me say

Yo I gotta read this.:pinkiesmile:



Just deleted one comment. It was mostly just a big long wall of spaces

he knows to much...

7947301 time to bring him into the fold. soon he shall write the world into clopblivion.

Begin the Rite of Hedonism.
One of us, one of us, one of us...
*Starts lighting ritualistic candles around a red pentagram with various sex toys in the middle*

Spike know's too much to be left alone.

His number is up...

It's time for him to go...

Rainbow, are you seeing other humans behind my back?

The bluelips is real!

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