• Member Since 18th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 15th

Blade Star

A fan of MLP since March 2013 and a die hard fan of Princess Luna.



This story is a sequel to My Family and Other Equestrians

Having served as Celestia's legal advisor for some time now, Roger has been caught up in quite a few major incidents in, and outside, Equestria. From major trials, negotiating treaties, pursuing fugitives, and even journeying down into the depths of Tartarus itself. He now has quite a few stories to tell.

These are some of the more interesting ones.

Set during Season 5.

Updated every Friday.

Chapters (19)
Comments ( 152 )

you get a up vote from me before I even start I just know it is going to be good.

I like it and yes a brief short summary is defiantly needed.

I like how you worked in tanks for the memories it fits so good.
exultant work.

PS I was kind of hoping to see one guard show up but it is not to be and it is no big deal.

I must say I like how you are handling Sombra and at the same time I am glad you are steering away from Starlight Glimmer.
I like how she is now staying in Twilights castle but it was all just way to easy in the show I know there is a plan for season 6 as it is over all about exploring equestria but she was just way to easy to turn around.

Great job with putting the events of 'Tanks for the Memories' into the chapter!

I'm... Impressed! Rodger isn't letting Sombra get to him, and I applaud you for doing an amazing job! Now that I've caught up, faving and activating the tracking beacon...

Wow. I like it already. The short summary was definitely needed. And you've got yourself a fine proofreader. I'm eager for more.:pinkiesmile:

Nice, first thing, Duck and Cover? Wow dude, I laughed quite a bit on that one.
A few bits in the first few paragraphs that were missed.

In another month or so it would Hearth’s Warming, 

"It would be Hearth's Warming"

decorations; trees, lights, banners and decorations

I think that semicolon should just be a normal colon.

likened to a Privy Council.

I'm a bit confused on this one, is privy supposed to be private? Wait. Hang on, my bad. After a quick google search, I found you used it right. Just ignore this last bit.

awesome story and I'm eager for more.

7155908 Thanks for the corrections. Those little typos can be so easy to miss at times. :scootangel: Glad you like the story so far.

If you're interested, and if you have the time to spare, I could do with another proofreader to back up The Batmane of equestria.

The stallion unsettled me; he had all the hallmarks of a psychopath

Personal the word sociopath sounds more fitting

And I thought they had a daughter what happened to her? You keep mentioning his his wife and his son but not his daughter

7156050 I'd love to help when I can. PM me the details on how we would go about the proof reading, I've never done it outside the comments before.
As for this chapter's one.

A bean of golden light shot out to the far wall

I think you mean beam here instead of bean.
I love little typos like that, they don't get picked up by spell check and they put some beautiful imagery in your head.

7156968 Don't worry, she'll crop up and some point. I'm planning on doing her own spin off with Rainbow based on how well this one's been received.

7156968 In regards to sociopaths vs. psychopaths, Sombra seems to fit psychopath better. Sociopaths, while unable to feel remorse or empathise, can't as easily cover up their affliction. They tend to be disorganised and prone to sudden fits of anger and violence. They can however, occasionally form basic emotional attachments.

In contrast, psychopaths cannot form attachments, and tend to be more controlled, able to hide their condition from others through mimicry. They can appear charming and disarming, but at their core remain emotionless and highly manipulative. Psychopaths also tend to be better educated and extremely detail orientated, whereas sociopaths will come from a lower social class and be highly disorganised.

While Sombra may show signs of both, I wrote him as a pure psychopath. He doesn't feel emotions, nor can he empathise, though he can mimic both. He cannot form any real relationships. He is however, very detail orientated and sees things as one big picture; everything he does has a larger purpose in his plan.

Well you seem to know the difference between them better than me. So I'll leave it at that.

Huh... That has got to be the closest Troubleshoes has ever been to being caught....

Nice, I like what you did with the edits. I didn't spot any more. I'll probably start on the next chapter tomorrow.

It's so nice to read this without all the little splinters. Its fresh enough to read through twice.

Using quotes from Fall Metal Jacket huh?

Finally getting around to reading this. Looks promising. Roger looks like he got more than a few stories under his belt in his time.

Yeah... Rainbow Dash vs Cloudsdale would not be a pretty case... And we could argue negligence on Cloudsdale's part too. She got in way easy and nothing was manned. ... Ponied? Either way, kinda concerning to think that just anypony could slip in and cause decimating weather to crash down on the surface...

Ah, the savvy and dangerous Sombra. Sombra is an underrated MLP villain. Of all the big bads, he's the only one who was, comparatively, normal. A unicorn who managed to find ways to stand up to both Alicorns together, and even in defeat manage to make their victory hollow.

And he was thinking that Prometheus idea was good.

So Sombra is getting back at Tirek for causing his incarceration?

I like it this is a good chapter.
and we all know how it works out in the end. :pinkiehappy:
Appleoosa's most wanted. season 5 episode 6
this is the first hint for what the CMC'S cute marks will be also.

well this is not going to be good.

Sombra making origami is an hilarious image.

Dang, didn't think Tirek could even be affected by Sombra! Impressive work as always!

7212551 I remembered that I needed to do unpleasant things to Tirek. :pinkiecrazy: Sombra's fear spell seemed ideal. And of course he can be affected; even monsters are afraid of something.

I am interested as to wear this is going, the Sombra ark that is.

Hmm... That picture...

Photoshop or Hasbro being cheeky?

Oy, talk about making a mess of things, literally! I'm surprised no one was hurt!

What I liked more is the part when he listen to his son talk about "The Smooze" how can he think about security and don't listen to his son that know more of Equestria that him when he comment about something dangerous?

7233133 It's genuine, I can't use Photoshop to save my life. :unsuresweetie: According to user El Comal, Bones shows up approximately at 14:17, when Discord is having his comedic breakdown. :twilightsmile:

7234265 Well blitz, that's just freaking amazing then. :pinkiehappy: Good job getting cameo-ed my friend. :rainbowdetermined2:

Comment posted by Blade Star deleted May 21st, 2016

no Photoshop there that is all Hasbro I checked that episode to be sure.

a really good chapter greater righting.

Too bad that he can't see the clues. And surely he could not think of ask Celestia or Luna or Twilight.

She's reckless and stupid, following the line about princesses breaking in, so she's likely staying close to the bearers. Crying for her mother and immature, so an issue from her foalhood. Intelligent, in the light of their previous discussion and tick tock might be a subtle hint about her plan...

You think Person of Interest is a good show? You should watch Cops, that gets your heart pumping haha

7253658 I actually have this as my home page on Chrome:


7252708 Well done. You managed to catch everything. Perhaps Sombra will invite you to dinner? :trollestia:

as we all know how star light ends. but I am finding this vary interesting this chess game Sombra is playing with roger.

Luna and Celestia spying on Twilight's domain and not telling her, boo hiss.

7264037 They aren't spying. The map is, but it's a closed system. Celestia and Luna can't see what it sees. All they get, just like Twilight and the Mane Six, is a somewhat cryptic heads-up about possible incidents. More importantly, Celestia and Luna don't control it.

this is going to be interesting.
the stallion or mare hunt it on.

You did an amazing job with this chapter!

“There will be a substantial reward for the one who finds Starlight Glimmer. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want her alive.” At this point I turned to Discord. Deciding to have a bit of fun, I pointed an accusing finger at him.
“No disintegrations!” I warned sternly.
“Fine,” Discord huffed irritably, giving me a fake glare.

Great use of Darth Vader's meeting with the bounty hunters from The Empire Strikes Back!

There was a griffon, a minotaur, a pair of diamond dogs, and even a draconequus.

I'll admit, my reaction to this was exactly the same as Roger's XD

I freaking love Black Adder! Those references were absolutely bang on!

I thought this chapter hade a little taste of black adder.

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