• Member Since 18th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 15th

Blade Star

A fan of MLP since March 2013 and a die hard fan of Princess Luna.


Update Tonight · 2:47pm Aug 26th, 2023

Hey everypony,

I'm back. And back writing too. I've finally found some energy and inclination to get back into writing, and have managed to hash out three more chapters of 'Crossing the Rubicon'. Expect sporadic updates, starting tonight.

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New Year, New Problems · 6:14pm Jan 5th, 2023

Hello everypony,

I hope you all had a great Christmas and decent start to the new year. I figured it made sense to update you on what's going on at the moment.

Well, my new year hasn't exactly got off on the best of starts. I'm going to be starting a new job next week, and it means that I'm finally going to move out and have my own place.

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Coming Next Friday · 8:03pm Aug 28th, 2022

Good news!

No, it's not the Dacia Sandero, but I have finally got a new story to publish. For those of you who enjoyed 'Tinker, Tailor, Pony, Spy', I hope you'll enjoy the sequel.

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Jubilee and Story Progress · 12:11pm Jun 5th, 2022

I don't think I could have put it better myself:

Be ye monarchist or republican, that has to make you smile. Thank you indeed, ma'am. :ajsmug:

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Report Blade Star · 201 views ·

Happy New Year · 7:47pm Dec 31st, 2021

Hello everyone.

Just a quick line to say I'm still alive, to wish you all a belated merry Christmas and a happy new year. Here's hoping that things will now finally start to get better and return to some sort of normalcy.

On the writing front, to quote a certain beloved and yet hated hero/villain; 'I have a plan'. I've got a few ideas bubbling away either fully planned out or in the early-mid phase.

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Two New Ideas · 10:02am Oct 5th, 2021

Hello everypony.

So I’ve been toying with some ideas for new stories, and after a fair bit of planning, I’ve got two possible stories planned out. For the life of me though, I can’t decide which one to write first. So I thought I’d ask you, because asking the internet for its opinion always goes well. Anyway, here’s a summary of both stories. Comment below on which you’d like me to do first.

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New Story Tomorrow · 5:30pm Jun 10th, 2021

Hello again everypony.

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Update and New Story Ideas · 5:47pm Apr 26th, 2021

Hello again everyone. Here's hoping you're all still alive and well. Celestia knows that it's a guarantee any more these days. Now that the apocalypse is starting to wind down and work has slowly gotten a little less mental, I've managed to get some time to write and get the creative spark back. So I thought I'd do a little promo of what I'm working on at the moment.

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New Story Tonight · 1:02pm Oct 25th, 2020

Hello everyone. I hope you're enjoying this post apocalyptic world. I'm just throwing this post up here to let you know that I'll be publishing a new story tonight around 7:30 - 8:00pm GMT. After a lot of work, I've gotten enough written to keep up a regular update schedule of one chapter each Sunday. Entitled 'A Year In Equestria', this story follows Bones through the final season and a little bit beyond. As I've said before, it's very slice of life, with the odd bit of adventure sprinkled in.

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Report Blade Star · 182 views ·

Current Plans · 11:25am Jun 8th, 2020

Hello everypony.

I thought I'd post something, just to prove that I'm still alive and give you all a heads up on a new story I'm working on. Well, two stories actually.

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