• Published 5th Oct 2015
  • 2,745 Views, 33 Comments

Sunset's Extradimensional Tourist Agency - Emperor

Following the Friendship Games, with two schools now knowing about the existence of magic, Sunset Shimmer decides something needs to be done. That something happens to be opening a tourist agency for visits to Equestria.

  • ...

Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike, Part 2

“It’s a hole,” Moonlight declared.

“It’s more than a hole!” Spike exclaimed with a passion none of the visitors had heard from him until now. “This is where Twilight and I lived for over two years after we moved here from Canterlot!”

“In a hole?” Moonlight asked.

“No, not a hole, and stop doing that,” said Twilight, a little annoyed at how much of a sarcastic streak her counterpart suddenly appeared to be showing. “It used to be a giant tree until it was blown up.”

“There are a few special species of giant trees in Equestria that can have its insides hollowed out and still live,” Sunset explained, being the only born-pony alive to have spent a great deal of time in the human world, and thus understand the magi-biological differences between the worlds. As a result, she had moved to clear up the confusion Sunset knew was certain to result in the human-turned-ponies at the idea of literally living in a tree. “It’s not the cheapest form of shelter, but a number of souls, ponies and otherwise, like the idea.”

Both Moonlight and Monarch blinked. “That sounds amazing,” Monarch finally said. “Do you, um, have any pictures of it, or any other giant trees around?”

Twilight paused, and thought about it. “There are some pictures I keep back at the palace. Er, Zecora does live in a tree house as well, but it’s in the Everfree Forest, and there’s just enough risk of going into the Everfree that I refuse to take the three of you there. Remind me when we return to the palace then and I can show you.”

Klaus ambled towards the edge of the hole, and took a sniff. “Yep, there was a tree here alright,” He said. “The faint smell of paper, pony and, um, birds?”

“Several birds nested in the tree, and one of the owls stayed full-time,” Twilight confirmed. “I’m actually surprised you can still smell that, it’s been several months since Tirek’s attack.”

“Who was this Tirek, anyways? You told me briefly about him when we were fighting the Sirens, but all I really got was that he was another of the many creatures Starswirl and the Princesses banished or imprisoned and all seemed to return on their thousandth anniversary.”

Twilight ignored the biting comment at the end. Sunset may have been reformed, but she was still a high school student, and from the little that Twilight Sparkle had seen of human culture, sarcasm was a big thing. “He was a centaur whom was able to steal the magic from sapient creatures. He started with earth ponies, then pegasi, then unicorns and finally stole Discord’s magic. I managed to stop him with help from the other princesses, but he destroyed my home before we could seal him away again.” A few tears dropped down the size of her muzzle. “He imprisoned my friends before the end, taunting me as he forced me to trade my power for their safety.”

“Oh no,” Monarch gasped, hoof at her mouth. “That must have been awful. I had my magic taken away from me once, and I don’t even normally use it. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to confront somebody who went mad on power and threatened to destroy everything towards his own selfish ends, and feeling powerless.” Her eyes widened, and then her ears drooped. Slightly blushing, she offered a weak apologetic grin to Moonlight. “Er, no offense.”

Moonlight rolled her eyes again, getting the feeling this was going to become a running gag. “None taken,” She grunted, repressing a growl.

The three foreigners and one expat gazed over the hole, wondering about what once was.

“Huh,” Spike said, looking at a small pocketwatch (fireproof, of course) he carried around on his arm. “Time’s up Twilight, the train’s going to be here soon.”

“Oh, there’s a train? What’s it like? Diesel, a diesel-electric generator or purely electrical?” Monarch asked as Twilight turned herself around, leading the rest of the group down one of Ponyville’s side streets. Despite Monarch’s timid personality, something about the magical land of Equestria had done her good, bringing out her more inquisitive side.

Twilight wrinkled her nose, having to actually think about the question. She knew what the answer was, but despite the time she had spent in the world, her and Monarch were operating on entirely different spectrums of technology. She had only an elementary knowledge of electricity, mostly in the realm of weather and electro-thaumato-magnetic interference. There were some devices that ran off of electricity, but most everypony used devices running off the ambient magic. And what in Tartarus was diesel? “A steam-driven engine with its source of heat fueled by magically-charged gems, state of the art. It used to be run by horsepower, which some of the frontier lines still do I think.”

“Horsepower?” Moonlight made to adjust her glasses again, slowly getting used to her hooves. “Please don’t tell me Equestria runs on outdated units like gallons and feet. Or hooves, I guess,” It still felt a little bit surreal to her, but her equine form was growing on her.

“Not horsepower as in a unit of power, Moonlight,” Sunset corrected her from behind her, finding the sensation of dewy grass being trampled under her hooves a nostalgic one. “It’s literally run by horses. Or was, I guess.” Taking a deep sniff of the wet ground, she didn’t notice Moonlight stopped on the road until she ran right into the mare’s rear end.

“Ow! What the hay?!”

Twilight paused, turning around at the sudden cry, and smirked at the sight of the two unicorns tangled up, each trying to extricate their two sets of limbs, a red flush settling in on Sunset’s face as she appeared to have gotten an unwanted look at the other’s privates (Moonlight lucked out in having a far darker coat). Both Sunset and her own counterpart had annoyed Twilight earlier with their sarcasm, so she felt it only right to do the same to them. She quickly cast aside the role she had fancied herself in as a goodwill ambassador to the humans of Canterlot High. Instead, she teased the two, “My my Sunset, you moved fast. I see Moonlight is already going native?”

Two indignant ponies both suddenly found the ability to untangle themselves, and each sprung up to their hooves, even as Monarch and Fluttershy had stopped behind them, shocked at the Princess’ crude language.

“Wha?! No! That wasn’t what it was like!“ Sunset shouted, before realising she was drawing onlookers, and quickly hid under her mane, not unlike a certain Pegasus still following behind her. “Erk!”

“B-b-b-buh?” Moonlight’s response was rather less comprehensible. "Horses pulling trains over fixed rails instead of free movement?" Then it became obvious her meltdown was from something else altogether.

Twilight snickered. A short time ago, she had realised that after becoming a Princess, she had unconsciously toned down her sense of humour, sticking to only the occasional dry wit. What once could have been forgiven as an idle slip of the tongue could now be the prompt for war. The banter with the Canterlot High School students (and one dog) this morning had helped her to loosen up just enough to crack a joke in public, and a lewd one at that. She still had it in her, it seemed.

“Huh,” Sunset remarked to herself as the train began its last turn on its approach into Canterlot, the single mountainous spire reaching to touch the heavenly body of one of its rulers growing every second. It had been a long time since she had seen the palace, having left nearly a decade ago. The one time she had returned to Equestria before this morning, her means of dimensional translocation had been moved north to the Crystal Empire.

“What is it?” Twilight asked, her throat dry from pointing out all the various landmarks on the Friendship Express route between Ponyville and Canterlot (what young soul thirsty for knowledge wouldn’t want to know all the riveting details about how that specific mountain cliff if observed at just the right angle at just the right time of day cast a shadow that looked like Old Neighro’s Cutie Mark?), but still more than willing to prompt a conversation.

“That…felt a lot shorter than I was expecting,” Sunset admitted. “I felt like it was going to be an overnight trip to Canterlot. Like, you know, that old Christrot novel about the train, but with more pastries.”

“Nonsense,” Twilight waved a hoof at that. “Maybe if you were taking the old trotting trail through the north face, there’s an interesting story about that really, there was a time when Clover the Clever accidentally blew up the mountain face and buried the old old trail, it all started whe-“

“Twilight, remember, former student of Celestia,” Sunset said, “I’ve heard all the same stories from her. Besides,” She motioned her head at the other ponies and dragons in the cabin, “Not only are we finally here, I think the last thing they need is more exposition on how earth ponies had to trot over the mountain before the tunnel was excavated.”

Twilight looked a bit sheepish as she finally saw everyone else had dozed off, blissfully unaware they had arrived at their destination. Even Moonlight, whom Twilight had expected to be as interested as she herself was in the landscape, had drifted off into Luna’s realm.

“So now that we’re here,” Sunset continued, “Where’s our first stop? It’s been ages since I’ve been here. It’ll take me a few trips before I’m comfortable finding my way around again.”

“I’ve already got the whole itinerary planned out!” Twilight hopped up, more excited as she got into her Element of Planning, her horn alight as a scroll unfurled to reveal a sheet of paper several hooves long. “I figured quality is more important than quantity, so I kept it down to the Museum of Pre-Discordian History, the Museum of Star Swirl the Bearded’s Collected Artifacts, the Museum of Equestrian-Seyrie Lione Relations, Princess Celestia’s Museum of Fine Arts, the Muse-“

“Twilight,” Sunset interrupted her, “Is there a single thing on there that’s not a museum?”

The Princess hmphed, puffing her cheeks up. “Just because I like knowledge doesn’t mean you should pigeonhole me like that! I have the statues of the Founders of Equestria on the list, as well as the Canterlot Royal Library.” Sunset just looked at her, keeping an idle gaze, and Twilight let out an ‘erk’. “Too much, maybe?”

“Twilight, you have to remember they’re teenagers,” Sunset reminded her. “Even I’m technically a teenager as a human and I’m ten years older than them, thanks to however the portal works. I don’t know what you were like when you were younger, but most of them won’t be interested in coming here just to see museums.”

Twilight sagged, her head slumped back down on her seat. “What do you suggest, then?”

Sunset hummed softly, the noise drowned out by the brakes of the train getting louder as they closed in on the train station, then said, “The groups I’m bringing are small enough to tailor it to each person. A couple of museums still works with Moonlight here, although I have no idea what Klaus might like. For Monarch, if I recall correctly, now is the perfect time of year to visit the Lunar Observatory, is it not? Hey, don’t feel too bad, Princess,” Sunset grabbed Twilight’s shoulder, curling her lower limb around in the best attempt at replicating a squeeze without a hand. “I get you wanted to show us all your favorite spots, and I appreciate you helping me out for the first little while, but not everybody shares your interest.”

“Thanks Sunny,” Twilight murmured in appreciation.

At long last, the train finally came to a complete stop. Sunset had to admit, while Equestria was technologically behind the human world, magic had many things beat. For example, there was no squeal of tires on the tracks as the brakes were applied, thanks to selective soundproofing magic on the cabins that filtered out noises like that. That all her other companions continued dozing through was a testament to magic’s efficacy here.

“Knowing that, what’s first on the list then, if you don’t take longer to revise the list than the amount of time we actually have available?” Sunset teased the Princess, knowing how obsessed she was when it came to things like that. Her and Moonlight, it appeared, were the same in that regard.

Twilight cleared her throat, “Actually, I was thinking about going to see my parents,” She admitted.

“Night Light and Twilight Velvet, right?” Moonlight asked, startling the Princess and the mare who leaped through a mirror both as she groaned, stirring from her sitting position. Although there were a few ponies whom sat on their plots in imitation of the bipedal minotaurs, Sunset suspected it was going to be a common thing with humans coming through the portal.

“Yes,” Twilight confirmed, “I suppose it makes sense that counterparts would have the same parents. You have an older brother named Shining Armor, too?”

Moonlight affirmed a yes to the latter question with a nod, before she spoke up again, “My father lost most of the use of his voice a couple of years ago. He can’t strain his throat too much, so he mainly whispers in conversation.” The midnight-blue unicorn sighed wistfully, “It was one of the reasons I was actually overjoyed when I found out magic was real and had my Icarus moment. I was hoping it might be able to help cure him,” She admitted.

Sunset found herself slack-jawed for a few moments at the frank admittance of a close family member’s illness, but picked herself up. Empathy was a muscle that she had exercised heartily over the last year, and it had metamorphosed from a skeletal muscle to a smooth one, instinctively beating in her every moment of every day. “Magic is capable of healing most illnesses over here,” Sunset said, “Although there are illnesses that are magical in nature. Those ones are a lot more difficult to cure, but we figured out magical inoculation after some time.”

“What about old age, then?” Moonlight questioned, pointedly not even attempting subtlety.

“There have been more than a few attempts, but most of them get shot down due to bioethics. The few that do make it further usually have never had pleasant or even neutral results,” Twilight grimaced. “There’s always somepony wanting power for its own sake, and longevity is usually a means to an end.”

“Somebody,” Moonlight idly corrected, having yet to fall in with the social paradigm of the wide, wide world of Equestria she had fallen down the rabbit hole into.

“Somepony,” Twilight snarked back with amusement, “Somebody, yes. There are immortals in this world, but they are usually the physical embodiment of some force of nature.”

“Sunset mentioned that,” Moonlight said thoughtfully, “I honestly can’t believe somebody raises the Sun and the Moon manually. How does the planet not burn out from the sudden acceleration of bodies orbiting it, or the tidal waves not destroy all coast-faring civilisation? For that matter, how does the sun, a distinctly heavier body, orbit the Earth? What happens to all the space rocks orbiting the Earth in the Lagrangian points? If the Earth itself doesn’t rotate, then the liquid-solid magma core won’t generate a magnetic field sufficient enough to deflect solar winds, so how are you not all dead from the lack of atmosphere or solar radiation yet?”

The Princess just sat there, eyes glazed over as the questions went through one ear and out the other.

“I advise you just not to think about it,” Sunset told Moonlight. “When I initially came to Earth, I had the granny of all culture shocks. As I studied physics and astrodynamics, I realised it all fit together, but here? Different dimension, different rules, even if there seems to be a weird symmetry of counterparts.”

“Wait, what?” Twilight asked, breaking out of her daze. “What do you mean, weird symmetry?”

“Well…” Sunset trailed off, tapping her chin with her hoof. Idly, she realised she truly had gone native in the human world, trying to do human gestures here and going with the next best option. “For example, the famous poet Amaredeus was a German composer named Mozart, and the writer Sheep-spear was a famous playwright known as Shakespeare, commonly referred to as the Bard.”

“Really?” Moonlight asked, surprised.

“Yes, really,” Sunset replied.

What she didn’t expect was for Moonlight to curl up, hiding her head in between her front hooves, “But if that’s the case, is there really anything such as free will,” She murmured to herself, “Or is everything truly predetermined as per Laplace’s old thought experiment, with different universes merely acting out slightly different variations of how reality might exist and act, and old Laplace’s demon is sitting above there and chuckling at all of us mortals?” As she continued talking to herself, her mane began to lose its straightness, several hairs snapping out of place to stick skywards in defiance of gravity, and her eyes widened in size even as her pupils narrowed. Gnawing on a hoof, she giggled. “Well, I suppose they can’t be truly correlated. Sure, my mom and dad got together here too, but at least Shining Armor and Cadence didn’t get together here, right? Right?!”

Fluttershy squeaked, and Sunset was suddenly aware that everyone in the cabin was now awake. The silence was the worst part, especially as Twilight did nothing to head off Moonlight’s madness, like say, lie her flanks off.

Even if this wasn’t the same Twilight Sparkle that he usually dealt with, Spike leaped into action. Utilising the full extent of his training from Princess Celestia, he turned to his new friend slash counterpart, the somewhat larger Klaus, and asked, “So why do dogs sniff other dog’s butts?” He made a note to himself to get the other dog-dragon some training in case his master went off the deep end again.

Spike!” Both Twilight and Moonlight shouted, their scarily synchronised cries serving to snap the latter out of her funk.

“So Shiny’s wedding here was interrupted by an invasion, of all things?” Moonlight asked as they walked the paved streets, noting how she could feel the difference in the surface as she trotted along. Of all the grounds she had felt thus far with hooves, healthy green grass was simply the most divine.

“Yes, but it was repelled,” Twilight answered, wisely choosing not to mention the fact the invaders were all insectoid in appearance and that they were defeated by love. She didn’t want to set Moonlight off again. Moving over slightly, she whispered to Fluttershy, “Was that really what I look like when I’m in one of my episodes?”

“Um, well, your hair doesn’t look quite nearly as bad,” Fluttershy said, trying to put a positive spin on the question.

“Great, just great,” Twilight remarked sarcastically, rolling her eyes, before noticing Fluttershy fidgeting a bit. “Sorry Fluttershy, I didn’t mean to bite at you.”

“It’s alright, Twilight,” the Pegasus reassured her.

“Thanks, Fluttershy. You’re a really good friend,” Twilight said. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she pointed a hoof at an indistinct building to her left, “Alright everypony, that’s the old Canterlot creamery, where Mareapolitan Ice Cream was supposedly invented.”

Monarch came up, scrunching her nose in a cute sort of way, “You mean a mixture of vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry ice cream, right?”

“Yes,” Twilight affirmed. “What?” She asked at the weirded out looks on Monarch and Moonlight.

“Er, it’s nothing,” Monarch said, casting her gaze out at the sky. Pointing her hoof in a random direction, she asked, “Ooooh, what’s that?”

Twilight recognised the distracting action for what it was, but let it slide. Turning her attention, she looked out at the horizon. “That’s the Olde Canterlot Inn,” She said of the four-story building Monarch had motion at. “It’s covered in a very light pink paint over its sandstone that was supposed to be a homage to Princess Celestia, though they’ve since used darker shades. It was the site of the peace treaty negotiations between Equestria and the Griffin Empire three hundred years ago,” She added.

“It was also the site of Custard’s last stand, too,” Sunset piped up, “You can’t forget that too.”

Twilight winced, preferring to continue walking away from the inn into the residential neighborhoods. “Yes, that too.”

"Custard's last stand?” Moonlight’s ears were perked up in surprise, “You mean like General Cu-“

“Yes, exactly like him,” Sunset said, “Except Custard was one of the Royal Chefs. He threw a fit and holed up in the Inn with some of his apprentices after Celestia requested he dip some of his pastries into chocolate fondue instead of how he normally made them, drizzling custard on them.”

Moonlight and Monarch both came to a stop again.

“Yeah,” Sunset rolled her eyes. If she had been bipedal, she would have shrugged her shoulders and threw up her arms right about now. “Living in both worlds, I can tell you right now, ponies are far more likely to become hysterical and overreact to minor things, so don’t be surprised if it happens while you’re here.”

“The horror, the horror,” Twilight muttered under her breath as three mares who made their livings working with flowers came to mind.

The five ponies and two whelps passed the time with idle chit-chat, Sunset reminiscing a little and exchanging more tidbits about her culture shock, until the seven came to a stop at a household.

“I already had Spike send a scroll to my parents that I would be coming over today with visitors,” Twilight mentioned as she raised a hoof to knock on the door, “But I didn’t mention precisely who you were. That’s…not exactly something you just say in a letter.”

“I suppose,” Moonlight conceded, ears perked again as she could hear the sound of hoofsteps approaching the door, before it swung open.

It disturbed her to see what her mother would have looked like as a pony.

“Sparkle!” Twilight Velvet immediately hugged her daughter, the younger Twilight letting out an urk as her supply of air was cut off, “It’s been a while since we’ve seen you, how are you suiting up at your new castle? Oh, don’t mind me, come on in, make yourself at home, gems are in the same cupboard as always Spike,” She greeted the other six, tripping up slightly at the sight of a second dragon.

Freeing herself from her mother’s Earth pony-esque grip and taking a deep breath, Twilight Sparkle said, “The castle’s fine, mum. I was worried it’d be a little chilly in the winter, but it seems to regulate itself perfectly. Where’s dad?”

“Your father’s reading the news, this way dearie,” Velvet said, closing the door behind her as her only daughter entered the house, the two making their way into the large living area where Night Light had parked himself on a chair, horn occasionally glowing to flip a page in his newspaper. “Nightie dear, Sparkle’s here!”

Night Light looked up. As soon as he saw the prodigal daughter whom had returned home, his face lit up in a grin. “Sparkle, it’s so nice to see you again, we miss you! Even when you’re here in Canterlot, Princess duties no doubt keep you way.” Quickly skimming over the rest of the ponies and dragons there, he said, “I recognise your animal friend Fluttershy, and Spike of course. I assume that’s Spike’s cousin of sorts, but whom are the others?”

“Er…” Twilight trailed off, suddenly feeling apprehensive. Deciding to leave the worst for last, she started off with Spike’s ‘cousin’, “This is Klaus, then this here is Monarch. Um, this is Sunset Shimmer.” She carefully analysed her parents’ faces for any hint that they somehow knew of Sunset Shimmer prior to this instant, and found herself wanting. Princess Celestia really had put a kibosh on the existence of Sunset, not that the unicorn had wandered much from the palace from what Twilight had been told. Finally, she motioned to Moonlight to come out into the open. “And, well, this pony here is, erm, how to put it-“

“Stop.” Twilight Velvet and Night Light said unison.

“I-what?” Twilight Sparkle asked, confused.

“Mirror Pool?” That was Twilight Velvet.

“Time-travelling future self who found a way to stay longer than ten seconds this time?” And that was Night Light.

“Discord in disguise and up to his old tricks?”

“Princess Luna going ‘The fun hath been doubled!’ again, except this time with more disturbing bioethical implications?”

“The time-travelling future daughter of Shining Armor and Princess Luna, proving my colt really does get all the mares?”

“An extraequestrial who’s secretly in diplomatic talks with us whom you’re showing around?”

“Your new student who you didn’t tell us about until now in revenge for the wedding?”

“Your new student who also doubles as next year’s villain of the year?”

“Creature from the Everfree Forest?”

“Your new Changeling marefriend?”

“Your alternate self from another dimension?”

Sunset had a small pile of treasured memories, most of them dealing either with her parents or sister, Princess Celestia, or her friends at Canterlot High. Seeing Princess Twilight go “No, No, No, No” like a broken record, while both her and Moonlight started reddening in response to Twilight Velvet’s and Night Light’s suggestions, especially the marefriend comment, quickly made that shortlist.

“No, she’s not my student, besides I blame Shining Armor for that, no, she’s not going to be next year’s villain, she kind of might have already been one anyways, no, she’s not from the Everfree Forest, no she’s not a Changeling, DON’T THINK I DIDN’T SEE YOU CHUCKLING THERE DAD, JUST BECAUSE I ANSWERED THAT FIRST DOESN’T MEAN SHE’S MY MAREFRIEND, no-actually yes, that’s right.”

Twilight Velvet and Night Light exchanged looks, before Night Light shoved his newspaper. “Time to pay up, honey!” He announced in a singing voice, and Velvet just rolled her eyes.

“D-did you make a bet on who I’d bring over for a v-visitor?” Twilight Sparkle stuttered, her face slowly darkening. When her parents nodded, Night Light with a goofy smirk on his face, she blew up, “MOM! DAD!”

Author's Note:

For some reason, I really can't get this story to feel organic at times. Probably because there are simply too many characters all at once, and partly because in-character Twilight just feels so detestably boring to write.

The comment about ‘Christrot’ is of course a reference to Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, but also a dig at MMMystery on the Friendship Express where Ponyville, despite basically being made out to be something akin to a suburb of Canterlot in terms of distance, magically takes an entire night to get from Ponyville to Canterlot by train because plot.

I know I stole the Seyrie Leone name from another FIMfic, don't know which one it came from. Mozart's middle name was Amadeus. Custard was originally going to be Coltsard before I decided that sounded terrible and yes, he's named after General Custer. Electro-thaumato-magnetic is basically like electromagnetic radiation, except with magic thrown into the mix.

Edits Made

Thanks to the new category tags, I changed Humans out for Equestria Girls. I'll have to wait until the character tags are updated to put in the Shadow Five and Humane Five.

Edits Made to Part 1

I cleaned up the writing a little bit and pushed the section to where the humans get their alternate names up to earlier in the chapter, so I wouldn't have to differentiate between them so much in a painful way, and made a call-back to the 'Midnight Sparkle' name that Hasbro uses for SciTwi's demon form. There is a little extra bit in there about Princess Twilight and her guilt over Moondancer, too. I also changed human Fluttershy's alternate name because Butterfly sounded stupid, sounded too close to 'Fluttershy', and of course Fluttershy's cutie mark is literally that of three butterflies.

Comments ( 14 )

6503524 Figured I should probably make a reply with the new chapter.

Friendship Games felt like there was some executive meddling, and the ending didn't really feel right. Given that the DVD release has an alternate ending that had the drawing board sequence for an alternate ending where Twilight stays at Crystal Prep, it goes to show the producers definitely considered it at one point, and may have been the original ending.

I've always assumed the portal was open for 60 or 90 moons, 5/7.5 years, and even use that in my other Sunset fic. The thing that implied it really was only 30 moons in Friendship Games was Sunset being absolutely clueless about the behavior at the Games while all the other girls did. Given she was basically the alpha bitch of the school for a while she's holding the idiot ball to not know about that, but it also hints she really wasn't around 4 years prior at CHS.

I'd have laughed louder at the ending, but I'm in a class at the moment.

Twilight, with all the stuff you and your friends get into, this stuff is just getting predictable to your parents.

SUNSET: "... Family's always embarrassing, innit?"

Wow. Twilight's getting predictable.

Much like when JMS was asked how fast the Starfuries flew in Babylon 5, he responded 'At the speed of plot.'

Your Twilight Velvet and Night Light are very cool individuals. I like 'em.

“Princess Luna going ‘The fun hath been doubled!’ again, except this time with more disturbing bioethical implications?”

10 outta 10, 10 outta 10, 100 outta 100, best line, best line.

He started with earth ponies, then pegasi, then unicorns and finally stole Discord’s magic.

Tirek started with unicorns then went for pegasi and earth ponys, unless you changed the order on purpose.

very interesting , love it.

Update soon. I want to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack meet themselves.

I will admit, I wasn't a fan of the crude parts, but maybe I'm just overly sensitive about that. I got a few laughs out of this, specifically when Spike had to stop the Sci-Twi meltdown, :moustache: and then Twilight's parents at the end. Even if I hadn't liked any of it, that would have made the entire read worth while.

From the reading, and your own comments at the end, I can tell you don't have the same... bond? to Twilight Sparkle that you have to Trixie. :twilightoops:

So, I just noticed that it is marked as incomplete, but that you haven't updated in about a year and a half. Are you planning to continue this one? Just curious.

Will this ever get continued?

Fun stuff. I'm a huge sucker for multiversal shenanigans, and this is some quality shenaniganry. I hope you continue it.

My only complaint is that you leave nothing to the reader's imagination, up to and including the finer details of Sunset walking facefirst into Sci-Twi. It feels like every paragraph contains four pieces of superfluous information, redundant identifiers, unnecessary explanations, and/or comments on the rest of the text.

Of course, it's been four years since you wrote this, so you've improved since. :derpytongue2: Again, here's hoping you'll pick this back up.

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