• Published 30th Sep 2015
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Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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Just Girls Playing Visual Novels

An oppressive air hung heavily over the seven girls gathered in Fluttershy's living room.

Rainbow Dash was perched on the back of the sofa, eyes wide, mouth open. Twilight Sparkle had her knees drawn up to her chest on the floor next to the sofa and was rocking back and forth, shaking. Rarity and Applejack were clutching each other in wide-eyed terror, eyes glued to the TV screen to which Fluttershy's laptop was connected. Sunset Shimmer sat silently on the sofa, blinking slowly, her face pale. Pinkie Pie's hair had deflated, and her blue eyes were dull and listless.

Fluttershy sat back from her computer, her mouth pressed in a grim line. "W-well," she stammered, swallowing heavily. "I...I guess, umm...I guess that...that happened..."

Rainbow Dash suddenly exploded. "Jesus CHRIST, Fluttershy, where'd you even get that sick game?!"

"Umm...I already told you," Fluttershy said. "It's a free game on Steam. Everyone's been telling me 'Fluttershy, you've gotta play this game', and...well..." She played with loose strands of her hair. "It just, umm...l-looked so happy and cute, and I..." In a soft whisper, she added, "I like anime, so..."

"So the whole content warning thing at the beginning didn't tip you off something was wrong?" Sunset asked.

Fluttershy blushed. "O-oh...umm...I just...kind of assumed it was one of those sex games. You know, where you get a naughty scene at the end of each girl's route?" The others stared at her incredulously, and she ducked her head. "Wh-what? I like...stuff..."

Pinkie began rocking back and forth. "Sayori," she mumbled. "Sayori, wake up..."

"Yer uhh...yer gonna delete that game now, right sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

Fluttershy frowned at her computer. "I'm...I'm almost afraid to," she said. "I mean, who knows what Monika might do if..."

"That doesn't make any sense though!" Twilight ranted. "I mean, everything in the game is just...script! Even the parts where Monika is self-aware, it's all script! Even the stuff with the files being deleted and added, that's just code running inside the program! It's all just a bunch of instructions the computer is executing, dressed up to be, well...super-scary!"

Everyone looked at her. "Obviously, darling," Rarity said, "but it's the principle of the thing. This...this abhorrent nightmare of a game is so deeply disturbing that, well...you can't really be certain it's over and done just because you reached the end, right? I mean, what if it deposits some sort of malware on your system? You delete the game and forget about it, and then months later, Monika has taken over everything on your computer!"

Fluttershy shuddered. "Oh...oh my...don't say things like that," she whispered.

Twilight blinked. "Oh my god," she said quietly. "It...that actually could happen..." She took off her glasses and absently wiped them on her skirt, blinking. "Uhhh...Fluttershy? You might wanna do a backup and reformat your hard drive later. Just, umm...just to be safe..."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "I think if there was a worm or a virus buried in the game, people wouldn't be daring other people to play it." She paused, pursed her lips, then amended, "Actually...yes. Yes they would."

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said quietly.

"But I doubt Steam would still have the game up for download if that was happening!" Sunset said hastily. "I mean, it'd be bad for them too, right?"

"O-oh...right...I guess so..."

"But man," Rainbow said, sliding down onto the couch cushions, "that whole thing was so fucked up. Especially when Yuri goes all crazy."

"Oh god," Rarity said, shooting to her feet, her face green. She ran to the bathroom; the others heard her throwing up a moment later.

"Wow, she did not take that scene well," Sunset said, blinking.

"Ah don't think there's any way to take that scene well," Applejack said acidly. "Ah mean, that was jes' plumb sick."

"Fair point," Sunset admitted with a shrug.

"And all the creepy poems and glitches," Twilight said, shuddering. "The guy who made this game is really, really sick in the head."

"Or a master troll," Pinkie said. "Or both."

"Yeah, I'm voting for both," Rainbow said.

Rarity returned, wiping her mouth with a wet handkerchief. "I believe...I've had rather enough for one day, darlings."

"I'm sorry, girls," Fluttershy said sincerely. "I didn't know. I really didn't!"

"We know, Fluttershy," Sunset said. "We don't blame you. Really, I'm glad we were here with you for this."

"You are?" the other girls chorused.

Sunset looked around the room. "Would anyone here have gotten through that whole mess without having some kind of psychotic break? Especially Fluttershy?"

The girls looked away and mumbled general agreement.

"I'll, umm...try to find something a little happier and more fun for us all to play together another time," Fluttershy said as the other girls started gathering their stuff.

"Just make sure to vet it out first," Twilight said. "Like, make sure the next game somebody urges you to play doesn't turn into all that."

"Got it," Fluttershy said meekly.

Once the rest of the girls were gone, Fluttershy disconnected the HDMI cable from her laptop, then pursed her lips. With a few mouse clicks, a folder sat open before her.

Name                  Date Modified         Type
aj                    06/15/2013            CHR File
fluttershy            06/15/2013            CHR File
pinkie                06/15/2013            CHR File
rainbow               06/15/2013            CHR File
rarity                06/15/2013            CHR File
sunset                09/27/2014            CHR File
twilight              09/26/2015            CHR File

For a long moment, Fluttershy sat, lost in thought, staring into the middle distance. Her gaze turned upward briefly.

She turned her attention back to her computer and opened a different folder.

Name                  Date Modified         Type
mythrilmoth           10/28/1977            PBK File

Fluttershy smiled.


Author's Note:

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