• Member Since 27th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen August 30th


You'll find, my friend, that in the gutters of this floating world, much of the trash consists of fallen flowers.


The cultural ministry of Yakyakistan has decreed that season 5 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic needs more yaks and more smashing. They hope that you enjoy this new and improved version of historical events.

Thanks and/or blame to Majin Syeekoh for convincing me I should actually write this.
Thanks to Dubs Rewatcher for pre-reading and advice.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 43 )
Majin Syeekoh

Why does everyone blame me for weird shit.

That's a question only you can answer.
Look within yourself.

Majin Syeekoh

This is a work of art.

I just love those wacky yaks

Don't blame us. Blame yourself or God.

Majin Syeekoh

6216837 Well, I'd have to blame God because I forgave myself already.

This is ridiculous and brilliant. Or ridiculously brilliant. I can't figure out which because I'm laughing too hard :rainbowlaugh:

Great work :twilightsheepish:

I'm SMASH and I find this story Yaking

6216907 Congratulations, you have officially ruined the first half of Season 5 for me.

Good work, Majin...

Oh, and good job to whoever wrote this fic as well...

*eternal squeeing*

We seriously need Yak emoticons now. Emoticons not perfect. Yaks will smash in time.

There seems to be a downvote on this story. That means it's not perfect. Yaks smash!

Awesome chapter, but I was kind of hoping Sweetie Bell got turned into a yak, for some reason. :unsuresweetie:

Fluttershy is teaching those yackety yaks not to talk back.

Representation of fan reaction perfect! No smash this time.

Yak story with no yaks!?

I have two questions...

How did you come up with this?

And why does it make me laugh my ass off?

This chapter is perfection. Well written, funny, well paced and the yaks were brilliant.
You have gained a follower!

If there's one story of this site the yaks wouldn't smash, this one is it. Great job! You are immensly talented at writing (and I'm totally not jealous...)

Dear sir or madam,

I would like to complain about the way yaks are being portrayed. In reality we are a docile people of even temperament.

Well, this was simplistic but amusing. Fav'd for the chuckles caused.

In yak town, in yak town
yaks work as a team
yaks can't have a nightmare
if yaks always SMASH



“Cannons hidden well.... but not hidden perfect! Yaks FIND! Then yaks SMASH!”
They eventually found all the cannons after pulverizing every standing wall, ceiling, and floor in the castle.

Of course.:pinkiehappy:

Spike painfully crawled out of Ponyville Spa. He could barely move his sore muscles after experiencing Bulk Biceps's extra-strength hot-stone deep-tissue massage. “Ow, ow, ow.”

The yaks crashed through the building's walls from within, picked up Spike between their pecs and dragged him back into the spa.

“Massage technique not perfect! Yaks show how it's done!”

:rainbowlaugh: Holy comedy! this is raw stuff, :rainbowlaugh:




YAK SMASH!!!:pinkiecrazy:

And so, after Fluttershy SMASHED all the yak skulls they finally stayed quiet...

Well, at least until they woke up, then the whole thing kept going where it left off.:ajsmug:


One thousand years later, the super-slow-motion smashing finally cracked through the load-bearing foundations of Canterlot Castle, sending it crashing down the mountain in a terrible rockslide.

:rainbowlaugh:I did not see that coming.


Yaks clash with interior decorations, YAKS SMASH YAKS!

6217678 Apple Bloom misbehaving? Appleyak SMASH!


The silliness is over 9000!!!

Me gusta,



6218348 I think I can help you with that...

I blame Maj for this masterpiece. :rainbowlaugh:

I didn't expected this.

It's so beautiful:fluttercry:

Then she quietly smashed her table and subtly demolished the restaurant. By the time anypony noticed what had happened around them, she had disappeared into the shadows.

What? How do you even?:raritydespair:



6217353 Now there is two!

Jack smash twice!:pinkiecrazy:

Nopony escapes from Fluttershy!”

That goes for Yaks too!


“They say when our treasure fell into the Abysmal Abyss, our pride went with it. Until the yaks found and recovered the idol! Then they destroyed it, and threw it back into the Abysmal Abyss. And the yaks also smashed the Abyss until the walls caved in, filling the pit forever.

I'm crying.

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