• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 4,930 Views, 58 Comments

Pinkie Pie Startles A Blind Filly - Flutters Is Shy

How was I supposed to know she was blind? All I wanted to do was make her smile!

  • ...

I'm so so so so so so sorry...

"I didn't know she was blind!"

"And that somehow makes it all better?" the fillys mother retorted. "She has refused to come out from under her bed for three whole days now, because she says, and I quote, 'The music monster will hurt me again if I go outside.' I mean really Mayor," she said, directing her attention to Mayor Mare, sitting behind the great desk in her office. "Can't you do something about this? My daughter so much as hears a single musical note from beyond her window and she near goes into hysterics!"

I never meant to hurt the filly.

Never would I ever ever ever intentionally hurt a little filly, or anypony else for that matter!

It had happened a few days ago, a new family had just moved into Ponyville. I'd talked to the mother and father in passing, given them each a greeting. Upon learning that they had a daughter who had been in the hospital for some reason, I had the bestest super duper idea! I'd wait until she came to Ponyville too, and then I'd throw them all a super awesome mega spectacular Welcome to Ponyville Party!

She was just so delicate, walking between her mom and her dad. I should have been able to tell something was off by the fact that her eyes never seemed to focus on anything, or that she didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular. The way she had been leaning up against her fathers side, letting him guide her movements should have been a giveaway as well.

I rolled up to them in my party wagon, setting it to run as I prepared to sing my customary welcome song. The trumpets went off, and everything went to tartarus.

The poor little filly screamed out in terror, backpeddling wildly. She tripped over a rock, and when she finally managed to get her legs under her again she took off. Straight into the side of a house. That would have been bad enough, if her impact with the siding hadn't managed to knock off a flowerpot on a window sill above her. Of course the stupid thing broke over her head, sending her into a greater panic. She backpeddled away from the house, my welcome wagon blaring its song the entire time.

She managed to trip over the same rock as previously, sending her tumbling to the ground. While she hyperventilated and tried to get back to her hooves, the song ended, and the firework tubes shot out a gout of cake batter. I could have sworn I put it in the oven this time, but obviously I didn't.

So there she was, injured, scared, covered in cake batter, her parents desperately trying to console her.

And it was all my fault.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Persimmon Shot," Mayor Mare said, shaking me from my memories, "But theres really nothing I can do. You live almost in the middle of Ponyville. Your residence is right in the crosstraffic of nearly every single resident in the town, I can't hardly ban the musicians guild from travelling the town as they please, now can I?"

"I realize that," the fillys mother replied, rubbing at her forehead with a free hoof. "I just ask that you at the very least make ponies aware, when I try to talk to them they just brush me off like I'm crazy!" she claimed.

The mayer let out a huff of air, sighing heavily. She seemed to do that a lot, especially when it was concerned me.

"Pinkie," she started, turning to me.

"Yes?" I replied. Why did she invite me here? It's not like Persimmon Shot was willing to talk to me at all, every time I tried to she just immediately told me to go away and leave her alone. I even asked her to tell her daughter I was sorry, but she just pushed me away sobbed as she ran!

How am I supposed to apologize and make everything better if nopony is willing to talk to me?

"I'm going to have to ask that you take extra precautions in this situation."


"I...what extra precautions?" I asked.

"Pinkie, I don't want this to progress to the point where they feel the need to file a restraining order against you. That is why I'm requesting, not only as the mayor, but as your friend that you please cease all interaction with Persimmon Shot, Straight Shot, and their daughter."

"What!??!" I cried out, tears forming in the corners of my eyes. "But all I want to do is apologize, to make everything all better! I made a mistake, and it was definitely a doozy of one, but I can't make it better if they wont let me talk to them," I pleaded.

"You've already done quite enough," Persimmon Shot snapped, a scowl on her face.

How did it go so wrong so fast? The first time I talked to her, she was all smiles, so happy that her family was moving here. Now I couldn't get a word in edgewise without her frowning...

"Pinkie, please," Mayor Mare asked, fixing me with an apologetic stare. "Theres nothing to be done in this situation. They want you to leave them alone, that is what they believe will let them be happy, will let them smile. Do you understand?"

I hung my head in shame, only able to mutter out a few words, so intent I was on not letting them know I was crying. "Yes...I get it."

I slid off my chair, throwing a glance at Persimmon Shot. She let out a huff of air, and turned away.

"Pinkie," Mayor Mare called out, trying to stop me as I left her office. Well, I hope she wanted me to come back. As this day was turning out though, she more than likely wanted me to go away too. "Pinkie!" I saved her the trouble. I let myself out.

As I walked the streets, I saw friendly faces all around. What would happen if I somehow hurt them too? Would they let me apologize? Or would they clam up and want nothing more to do with me either?

A strand of limp pink hair fell across my eyes. I reached up a hoof, inspecting the straight hair. It usually stayed all puffy and friendly like a big puffball of cotton candy. It almost never got like this. I'm not really sure why. Twilight once said it happened because I was sad. But I wasn't sad now...I was just... not happy.

I didn't really know what I would do if I hurt any more of my friends, and they then desired to cut all ties with me.

I made my way to Sugarcube Corner. I plopped my head up on the counter and ordered a milkshake. It was just such a happy drink, maybe it would help make me happy too.

"Hey Pinkie!" came a welcome voice.

"Hiya Spike."

"Whoa, somepony sounds down. Wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"I guess..."

"Hey, mister Cake, can I get a couple doughnuts?" he asked, facing the counter. He got a positive response, and in a few seconds a couple doughy, yummy smelling treats were plopped down on the table I found myself sitting at.

"So whats on your mind?" He asked, sliding one of his doughnuts across to me. Silly little Spike, thinking everything could be fixed with food. But wasn't that what I was doing too?

"I just don't know what went wrong," I muttered, copying the favorite phrase of the mailmare who usually ended up breaking the mailbox in front of Sugarcube Corner. "I tried to make a new friend, but I ended up hurting them, and losing two others."

"Dang, that's even worse than I thought it would be," Spike possited.

"And it gets even worse, Spikey," I said, sipping at my milkshake. "They won't even let me apologize, they even got the mayor to tell me that I have to leave them alone forever now."

"They won't even let you apologize? That sucks."

"You don't know the half of it." I replied.

"Can't you just, go around them or something?" Spike asked, half of his doughnut gone within the spiky teeth lined maw of his.

I couldn't just go around the parents...unless...

"Spike, you're a genius!" I called out, my hair poofing back to its merry 'poofyness'.

"I can only try. Are you gonna finish that?" he asked, pointing at my own half finished doughnut.

"Have at it, its the least I could do to thank you for cheering me up."

And he had cheered me up! I felt all super excited all of a sudden, I knew what I could do to apologize, and make the little filly smile as well!

It was later that night, I couldn't very well sneak over here in the daytime, could I?

I crept up to the window at the back of the house. I remembered just last week, Persimmon Shot was showing me around this house, happy as could be. She told me of her wonderful little filly, that she was going to be coming home with them soon from the hospital. I had to leave suddenly, so I wasn't able to learn her name, or that she was blind. Of all things, if only I could have been given a couple extra seconds, even a minute. I might have been able to know beforehoof, and avoided this entire situation.

I opened the window carefully, oiling the hinges as I worked. It was standard fare, I often had to oil the hinges of doors and windows so I could sneak around to give ponies a proper surprise.

"~Pssssst~" I hissed into the room.

"Who's there?" a young voice hissed back out of the darkness. It sounded like it was coming from underneath the bed.

"It's...it's me..." I trailed off, uncertain on how to continue. "The Music Monster."

She didn't reply, filling the air between us with silence.

"I...I don't expect you to believe me. I didn't mean to hurt you, I would never want to hurt you intentionally. I acted without thinking, putting you in a situation I wasn't aware would frighten you to the extent it did. I'm not asking you to forgive me, just that you please lay the blame where it should. Please don't hate, or fear music for what happened to you. Music is a truly wonderful and beautiful thing, it can make a pony sad, happy, hungry, all kinds of things." I swallowed, trying to wet my suddenly cotton feeling mouth.

"Blame me, and know that I am truly sorry for what happened. I made you something...I didn't know what you liked, so I just made you a standard cupcake. I put sprinkles on top..." I put the cupcake on the window sill, "It's vanilla. I just wanted you to be happy, to see you smile. Please don't hide away such a precious thing just because of me."

I closed the window, making sure it made an audible click she could hear.

I stood outside for a couple minutes, trying to smile. I had done good, right? I apologized, I made her a special apology cupcake and everything!

A small hoof appeared, reaching above the window sill, probing, slowly searching for the cupcake. It finally found it, and pulled it over the side.

I smiled.

Author's Note:

Check the blog for information regarding the continuation of this story.

Also, forgot to mention this. This story was inspired by a scene from the story ...And it's freaking cold up here.

Comments ( 58 )

Really nice, beautifully written, and it made me all warm and tingly inside at the ending. :)

Huh. I haz feels. But not a crushingly sad amount.

Not meant to make super sad. Just to explore what might happen if Pinkie messed up.

So besides the point that pinkie broke into a house, into a little fillies room....
It was a good story.

5786328 She may be viewed as a good pony by the majority of the town, but she does some out there stuff.

Please continue! :pinkiehappy:

I would be surprised if this doesn't make it to the Featured Box.

I really like this. Please continue!

More! This is to asadable (sad/adorable) to let end so soon!

I noticed some errors here, mainly missing apostrophes, but otherwise, excellent job. I like it, and you've definitely earned a favorite and a follow!

If this is well recieved, I might repeal the 'completed' tag and write up another chapter.

Well better get started cos this is gold. Sad but sweet pure GOLD. :pinkiesad2:

Comment posted by PegaSeraph deleted Mar 27th, 2015

The completed tag should indeed be removed,
this deserves a sequel.
Have a like:pinkiesmile:

5786661 New word? I like:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by PegaSeraph deleted Mar 27th, 2015

Do NOT make this incomplete.
This is a complete work. It's beautiful, with a wonderful character arc that leaves me satisfied.
Too many times have I seen stories that ended perfectly well, made me smile and be happy, then overstay their welcome horribly. I don't want this to be one of them.

What exactly could you do with a story like this, anyway? I mean, Pinkie interacting with the blind would be an interesting way to go, but I mean from the end point of this story specifically. All of Pinkie's internal conflicts have been resolved, and showing how she deals with all of the external ones like the restraining order, or how she tries to be friends with her, might invalidate everything that's happened in the beginning - it certainly won't improve upon the beginning, if nothing else.

Let us fill in the blanks.

:pinkiesad2: Awww... I'd like to see this continue.

Please let her be allergic to vanilla.

This is quite good. I like how Pinkie realizes she did something wrong, feels sincerely guilty, and quickly attempts to make amends. (I wish she were more like that on the show, sometimes.) :fluttercry:

And I am thrilled to hear that you were inspired by a scene from my story. Fav'd and followed!

Ahh the cupcake of sorryness

This is awesome! Liked and faved.
Though it would be nice for a sequel

Awww very sweet story, and a surprisingly good justification of Pinkie solving the problem by B&E'ing.

I will say though, the language you chose for the apology really didn't sound like Pinkie Pie. These two sentences in particular sounded a lot more like something Twilight would say:

Please don't hate, or fear music for what happened to you. Music is a truly wonderful and beautiful thing....

I acted without thinking, putting you in a situation I wasn't aware would frighten you to the extent it did

I can't tell you exactly what to write - Pinke is the most difficult character for me to write, but I can tell what she doesn't sound like

Also, why did you tag the Mane 6 and not Spike or the mayor?

Honestly? Completely forgot about that. The initial draft had her talking to Twilight and Applejack within the library, like in the Cranky Doodle episode. I scrapped that after I found it to be dragging on a bit. Thanks for catching that, fixing now.

I enjoyed this story greatly. Not sure if it should be continued as it arcs wonderfully but I'm going to follow it just in case.

Hmm, I could see some more workin' out of this... It was a excellent little tale of sad fluff.

Featured for about five minutes on 3/26/15

That made me chuckle for a second. Lol, ya could have just said featured on 3/26/15, but I guess that little note right there was what made me really read this good fic.:pinkiecrazy:

I love your profile pic.

D'aww... This was really sweet.
Good Job. :twilightsmile:

5787024 I do kind of wanna see Pinkie have a blind best friend though. It's an interesting concept. Maybe a regular sequel to separate rather than a continuation?

5792533 Yes, a sequel might be the way to go (though I was imagining something along the lines of 'spiritual successor. Anything that makes it so that we don't feel obliged to read the two stories together is fine, though). I'd love to see Blind Shot's (Temp name until Flutters comes up with a real one) perspective as she learns to tolerate and even like Pinkie Pie.

5791342 You mean mine?

Thank you, if that's so. It's Foxglove.

I remember her, from Rescue Rangers. She and Dale made the cutest couple!~

5795319 It's nice to meet a fellow Foxy-Dale fan.

I have some RR fics featuring Foxy (say that three times fast!) up at fanfiction.net if you're interested. The very early ones are long, multi-chapter affairs.

5795545 Send me a pm, I am very much interested. =)

Well I hope you didn't get in too much trouble...

5795714 Your profile picture is disturbing :fluttercry:

Dawwwwww that was adorable

I would love LOVE to see a continuation of this. :yay:

Pinkie gains a level!
Pinkie wants to learn move 'Stalk' but can only know 4 moves!
Forget: Eat, Sleep, Party or Breath?

She forgot the move Sleep!

Pinkie learned Stalk!

I wrote a review of this story. It can be found here.

So... turns out she's allergic to vanilla too. :pinkiesick:

Blunt review: they only problem is the that it progressed to quickly, if it was 3 chapters or more would work in my opinion.
The first chapter describes how it happened, chapter 2 tells the "legal battle", chapter three could be chapter one but from the fillies poiny of view of the incident and when she and her family got home and the filly tring to do a "simple task" ends up crying, chapter 4 ends the story not really "problem solved" but does does tell an ending. But thats just me.


Thank you for taking time out of your day to give an impartial, and informative review.

Oh Pinkie :pinkiehappy: ...You're going to jail :trollestia:

Oh, Pinkie. Hindsight is a bitch. I think most of us have done things with good intentions only for it to screw up and really hurt us in the end.

Persimmon Shot, Straight Shot, and their daughter.

Was her name "Blind Shot"?:trollestia:

This was a good short story. I liked it.

But seriously, though, Pinkie. Listen to me. That wasn't a smart move. If she screamed or anything else, you would have been in major trouble. There is still no telling if she'd tell her parents that the "Music Monster" visited her last night and brought her the cupcake. The Shot's would have plenty of proof that Pinkie violated a restraining order, and that would be bad.

This review is brought to you on behalf of the group: Authors Helping Authors.

Name of Story: Flutters Is Shy's Pinkie Pie startles a blind filly.

Grammar score out of 10: 10. Couldn't find anything wrong.

Pros: To me this shows that Pinkie Pie realizes that not everything can fixed with sweet as Spike mentioned by still went along with trying the cheer up the filly.


"I just don't know what went wrong," I muttered, copying the favorite phrase of the mailmare who usually ended up breaking the mailbox in front of Sugarcube Corner.

Seems a little mean to refer to Derpy like that, even though we all know Derpy's...well: Derpy.

I should have been able to tell something was off by the fact that her eyes never seemed to focus on anything, or that she didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular.

Wearing dark shades could maybe give a indication of some kind to better reinforce the fact of the filly's blindness.

A small hoof appeared, reaching above the window sill, probing, slowly searching for the cupcake. It finally found it, and pulled it over the side.

A little tumbling round might make looking for the cupcake a bit more believable.

I think you could possibly make this maybe another two or three chapters to possibly explain what happened afterwards, but just my opinion.

Enjoy your review! Please help me out by looking at my story: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/263561/everfree-incident May not make much sense seeing as there two sequels to this, but I didn't want you to read a 25 chapter and 23 chapter in progress story when you only did one chapter. :twilightsmile:

6034024 Quote from fic : "Pinkie, I don't want this to progress to the point where they feel the need to file a restraining order against you."

Pinkie cannot violate an order that hasn't been filed yet eh.

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