• Published 30th Sep 2014
  • 4,532 Views, 79 Comments

Hosting Mr. ████████ - Rinnaul

Sweetie Belle has tea with an eldritch abomination.

  • ...

Tea Time

Sweetie Belle rarely had guests join her for tea time. Her parents were usually out of town, her sister was busy, and her friends thought it was all too foalish, even when Sweetie didn’t invite any of her dolls. Today, however, she had a very special guest. No, not a friend guilted into joining her. Not Discord playing along just to annoy Rarity. Not even Button Mash tied to the chair (which she’d only done three times and always apologized after, so she didn’t see what the big deal was).

No, today she was hosting Mr. ████████, who was just passing through the realm of fleeting mortal existence when he was held up in Ponyville briefly. Of course, ████████ wasn’t his real name, but his true name couldn’t be spoken in Equestrian, and pronouncing those unspeakable syllables in his own twisted and alien language would shatter the barriers between worlds, granting untold and unknowable horrors access to Equestria, and destroying the minds of any pony unfortunate enough to hear them.

She should know. She’d tried when Rarity came in and demanded to know who Sweetie was talking to.

Her big sister was still lying in the doorway, convulsing and gibbering nonsense about the all-consuming darkness that slept beyond the ends of time.

And Sweetie had only made it through the first two syllables!

“Are you sure she’ll be okay, Mr. ████████?” Sweetie asked as she poured him another cup of tea.

████████ took the cup in one of his infinite tentacles which stretched impossibly into the endless gap between worlds in which his corporeal form dwelt, an unknowable number of his countless eyes glancing towards the twitching white unicorn on the floor. He opened the nearest few of his billion mouths in reply, but did not answer with words. Indeed, his speech produced not sound, but the absolute absence thereof, as though reality itself were recoiling aghast at the very idea of his maddening words. And still the silence itself foretold such terrible catastrophe that within would be heard the screams of entire worlds dying, a swan song for the very notion of life itself.

“Oh, okay then,” Sweetie answered, preparing a new cup for herself. “I guess she does do something like this on a pretty regular basis, after all. Last week, Opal clawed up her maroon fabric and Rarity was having a fit. So I suggested she just use the burgundy instead, and she went into hysterics for an hour."

Something like what a mortal being would call a chuckle escaped ████████, and the unspeakable sound reverberated through all of time and space, carrying with it the promise of oblivion. In every corner of every possible world, the living heard it and felt a sudden subtle dread as they realized how feeble and transient their own existences were. When he spoke again, his words would echo, incomprehensible, through the nightmares of everything that had ever lived.

“Aw, I didn’t know you liked cats, Mr. ████████! But yeah, they can be a hoofful.” Sweetie Belle shook her head and smiled. “If you even knew all of the things Opal got into. I’d love to introduce you, but she’s been hiding under the dresser ever since you got here.”

Sweetie ducked down to look under the dresser.

“Yep,” she said as she sat back up. “Still there. And you’re sure that being stuck in a rictus of silent screaming horror for an hour won’t cause permanent harm to a cat, right?”

████████’s wordless response was swallowed by the yawning abyss that he dwelled within, along with all of the hopes and dreams of mortal life. Every living thing felt a chill of inescapable futility at his words.

“Yeah, you’re probably right. You have a lot more experience with mortal terror than me, after all.” Sweetie took another sip of her tea. “And if she doesn’t go back to normal, I’ll just ask Fluttershy about it. Anyway, how is your tea?”

████████ held out his cup, which Sweetie obligingly refilled, and then answered, his words cracking the very firmament of reality itself and producing a noise as though the entire world were made of glass, and all shattered at once.

“Aw, thank you!” Sweetie Belle smiled at the compliment. “Most of my friends think it’s too plain, but that’s just because they’re used to having too much sugar in it. You have good taste, Mr. ████████. Do you think you’ll be able to stay long enough to back me up when I tell my friends they drink it wrong?”

His countless appendages swayed in a manner that might have expressed a noncommittal answer from a being restrained to a mere four dimensions of existence. In ████████’s case, the patterns and strange geometries produced by even such a minor gesture created an entirely new fundamental language of reality, which students of the arcane would have gladly given up their sanity or lives to glimpse for even an instant, let alone study. And abandon those things they would, as the impossible knowledge would consume them utterly before they could even process the thought.

“Oh, that’s too bad.” Sweetie Belle’s ears folded back slightly as her face fell. But then she caught sight of the concern in ████████’s numberless eyes and forced herself to perk up again. “Aw, it’s okay! I wouldn’t want to hold you over. After all, that whole ‘confluence of worlds’ thing sounds really important. You shouldn’t be late to a once-an-aeon event like that.”

████████’s mouths formed what mortal beings would recognize as smiles, if his impossible visage hadn’t shattered their minds beyond such rational thoughts upon seeing him.

“Just, one little thing,” Sweetie said as she leaned in to give him the cutest look she could manage. “When you do that whole ‘snuffing out the light of every star’ thing, would you mind leaving ours alone? I don’t mean to tell you how to do your job or anything, but Princess Celestia is really nice, and I’d hate for her to lose the thing she got her cutie mark in.”

████████ waved his countless tentacles in a way that would have been seen as reassuring if they didn’t fill the mind and soul together with unrelenting terror. His parting words sent shudders through all those unfortunate enough to dwell on a plane that intersected his own unfathomable dimension as they felt a certainty that all of their deepest fears were about to come to life, only for that indescribable horror to suddenly vanish with his departure. And even in his absence, they would not find peace, now haunted by the void in their souls once filled with the terror of mortality.

Sweetie Belle smiled as she waved at the shrinking crevasse between worlds. “He was nice. I hope he can come back sometime.”

She slipped from her chair and trotted over towards the dresser. “Opal! You can come out now! The guests are gone!”

Author's Note:

████████'s name isn't really important, and knowing it would shatter your limited mortal perception of reality.

Just know that he dwells there still, in the unseen places, awaiting the promised time at the end of all things.

Comments ( 79 )

Awesome story

I miss your old avatar, although this one is also unbelievably adorable.

Also, I can't believe that nobody's commented here before. It's inconceivable.

heh, I like this. :pinkiecrazy:

I love witchy Sweetie, and I'll probably switch back (after Halloween, at the very least), but I saw PokéSweetie on cheezburger and couldn't resist the adorable.

Ahh, yes, it's like Sprited Away but with ponies. Except with quite a few other changes, but who needs to know about those?

I love how after I read this there's just a grocery ad about carrots

All powerful, reality-bending, mind-raping horror from beyond? Pinkie! Stop breaking reality! It's there for a reason!

I appreciate that I'm not the only one whose headcanon reads similar to, "Sweetie Belle violates every known law of space, time, and reality with how cute she is, and is absolutely unaware of it at all times."

Aww, such a nice ████████
I totally ship them now.

5076835 and she is my waifu

This would be the fifth tale of Creatures of Unimaginable Sliminess coming to Equestria to make friends story I've read to date. Strangely enough, two of them were Pinkie Pie. You know, that gives me a rather entertaining idea, as "UnCLe PiE" is 8 letters long....

And why do I have this eerie feeling?

Why hasn't Sweetie Belle earned her cutie mark in shattering the many dimensions and warping the very fabric of reality yet?

And by the way, is Rarity okay? Or is she still speaking in tongues?

goaway #15 · Sep 30th, 2014 · · 1 ·

and pronouncing those unspeakable syllables in his own twisted and alien language would shatter the barriers between worlds, granting untold and unknowable horrors access to Equestria, and destroying the minds of any pony unfortunate enough to hear them.

I call him Steve. :pinkiecrazy:

Nice little story, now I have a question.

How do you do the effect with the name?

Sweetie Belle's so adorable that not even omnipotent beings from the other dimensions can bring themselves to harm her.

I mean, seriously.
Who would hurt this?

5077776 I could easily harm that. But then again, I'm not really constrained by these fickle things you call concepts.

It's a unicode Full Block. Hold Alt and hit 219 on your numeric keypad. I don't think it works using the number row along the top of most keyboards without changing some settings.

I learned it by reading a lot of stuff on the SCP Foundation.

Just know that he dwells there still, in the unseen places, awaiting the promised time at the end of all things.

Don't we all ████████? Don't we all.

5077902 hm... you mean like th██? hey it wo██! s███t! t███ you!

Here you go.

Sweetie Belle sat in the hall and watched Rarity continue twitching and muttering about the impossible depths of the endless void. It had been two hours since Mr. ████████ had gone, and she wasn't showing any signs of improvement. Granted, it still wasn't as big a fit as the one she threw when her friends ruined her fashion show, but it was still longer than the average Rarity crisis.

"I don't think she's getting any better, Opal," she said to Rarity's pampered cat, who merely growled and continued to swipe at her owner's tail.

Mr. ████████'s visit and Rarity's continuing breakdown meant Opal's meal was overdue by more than an hour, which was completely unacceptable, even in the face of realty-warping beasts from beyond rational thought.

Sweetie Belle wasn't allowed to feed her. Nopony knew how she managed to burn cat food, considering it didn't need to be cooked in the first place. But somehow, between the can and Opal's bowl, the chicken-and-gravy treat had somehow become a charred and inedible black paste.

"Okay, Opal," Sweetie said as she stood and started towards the stairs. "I know just what to do."

A few short minutes later, and Sweetie's preparations were complete. A stack of cardboard boxes sat in the middle of the room, balanced precariously with all the precision a filly who could barely use magic at all could manage. The tower was topped with a pan full of silverware, for maximum crash effect.


With that, she pushed the stack of boxes over, the ensuing series of thuds punctuated with a loud crash from the silverware hitting the floor. It wasn't the best simulation of wrecking Rarity's stuff she'd ever produced, but she was in a bit of a hurry. And besides, knowing her sister, it should be more than—


Somehow Rarity managed to not fall down the stairs in the scramble to stop her sister from doing whatever it was she was trying to do.

Sweetie Belle just smiled. "Problem solved."

Of course, that statement was mostly grounded in her failing to consider what Rarity would say upon seeing the mess Sweetie had made, but Sweetie handled things one step at a time.

And this is what I wrote instead of working on my next oneshot entry. Mainly because writing clop with a toddler running around the room is really, really awkward.

5077145 reported to the FBI, you pedo
enjoy your prison cell :^)

It's nice to see someone writing a proper story that actually understands that beings from the Space Between Worlds That Is Not enjoy a good cup of tea.

And that like anyentity, not tea will not do. Two...you call them thumbs, right? Thumbs up.

████████ is best character.

Is that Hermaeus Mora?

5078511 mmmk i'll meet ya there :twilightsmile::trollestia:

It is in the art, but not in the story. Hermaeus Mora would have been less interested in tea and cats, and more interested in the corruption of all that is good and pure.

5077776 A complete monster.


She already has. However, the mortal mind denies it so that the Sweetie Sign does not erode their sanity into so much mental mush.

But yeah, they can be a handful.”


The very fabric of reality is being torn asunder, and this is the sort of problem you fixate on?

Also, fixed.


The very fabric of reality is being torn asunder, and this is the sort of problem you fixate on?



I might have nightmare's
still nice story

I took to calling him Mr Blank. He seems like a nice sort of Eldritch Horror. Wonder if he would like a cup of joe?

5079106 don't be silly, they don't bother with petty criminals l
my years of jaywalking will NEVER catch up with me!

That's a shame, I much prefer Slaanesh, but Tzeentch is good too.
Power to the Dark Eldar, because their lore is cool, and they created a god.

From what i can tell sweetie is
A: a fearless mortal capable of infinite knowledge.
B: a complet, total utter moron thats incapable feeling fear or understanding logic in any way or form due to her sheer stupidity.
C: insane
D: a filly blessed with the power of speaking to immortal beings of infinite power.

5081233 what about ur lusting for ponies? o3o


I myself enjoys A myself, in fact I say a combo of A and B.

I mean, look what she does with the CMC.

I guess it was Hastur. Sweetie looks like a pony who'd accidentally summon him...

Gi-Hoveg? I'm throwing it in 'cause no one's said it, really ... :unsuresweetie:

How are you able to type ████████?

5078909 How are you able to type ████████?

5079039 Who is Hermaeus Mora?

5079151 Who is Hermaeus Mora?

5084700 5084702
I explained that one earlier: 5077902

5084705 5084708
Hermaeus Mora is a daedric prince from the Elder Scrolls series. Basically, think of him as the demon lord of forbidden knowledge. He appears as a big ball of eyes and tentacles.

His name kept coming up because, for a while, this story had cover art I'd made by combining a picture of Sweetie Belle at a tea party with a drawing of Hermaeus Mora, but JinZhan, the original artist of the Sweetie Belle picture, asked me to take the edit down.


or E) All of the above. :pinkiehappy:

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