• Published 22nd Aug 2014
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The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 2: Debt to a Doctor (Comment Driven Story) - Down with Chrysalis

The continued misadventures of you, Bugze the Changeling, as The Doctor calls up on your debt with him and he asks you to come to Canterlot immediately

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Episode 63: Time To Disband! Goodbye To The Horde!

"Hey Flutters what's going on?"
"What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? :flutterrage:

As Fluttershy glares into you, you attempt a friendly disarm of the situation,

"Hey Fluttershy, what's going on?"

"What's going on? What's going on? WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Fluttershy roars.

"Eep." you squeak as you feel yourself shrink in fear as all eyes are now on you and Fluttershy. Everypony there is looking at you and Fluttershy in shock, but you can't tell if it's over the fact that their president is yelling at the Hooded Offender or the fact that Fluttershy yelled at all! You chuckle nervously as you ask,

"S-so what do you need Fl-Fluttershy heheheh..."

Fluttershy's Stare intensifies as she says with barley contained rage...

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“Can I talk to you privately?”

“Uh... sure, hang on everypony. Just... hang out, get a drink, or something." you say as you follow Fluttershy to the secret staircase.

Fluttershy turns and continues to give you (or more accurately, Selena) the Stare...


But you feel your eyes glow (probably invoked by Selena) to help counteract it.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” you whisper to Fluttershy.

“Was it you?” she asks your Skull mate.

“What are you talking about?” you whisper.

“Was it you?” she asks more forcefully.

Suddenly, you feel yourself being pushed back slightly in your mind as your mouth begins to speak on it's own.

“You best not be taking that tone with me you cowardly strumpet, if you know what’s good for you...” Selena threatens.

“Why, you evil... JERK!” Fluttershy counters.

“Oh I’M evil? What’s this I recall about you planning on executing me to steal MY daughter while forcefully molesting Bugze?”

Fluttershy looks embarrassed at that and stammers,

“Well- I- Um... You Meanie!”

“Really? That’s the best you got? I can think of better insults, like how thou art nothing but a-”

Deciding it would be better to stop Selena now before she said something you'd all regret, you manage to take back control of your body as you say...

“Alright, calm down, the both of you. Fluttershy wasn't even in control of her actions that day and you know it! Now what the hay is going on?”

“Have you been the one causing all the accidents recently?” Fluttershy asks, but with more concern this time.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“The Accidents! The Retirement home balcony collapsing, Twilight getting strung up, or the Balloon that mysteriously popped today? Did you cause them?”

“No, well except for the Twilight thing, but come on that was just a prank, I didn't do anything else!”

“Did she?” Fluttershy accuses as she points at your face into your head.

“Um, no, she doesn't really do anything that I’m not present for.”

If I could, you could bet that ‘beating FlutterB!%$# to a pulp’ would be my number one priority! Selena growls.

“But how could you think those were me?” you ask a bit hurt.

“Well... Twilight told us that that cute pegasus guard told her that all these accidents were intentionally caused. They said green slime was found, and I thought that since you’re a changeling that...”

“You thought I was trying to hurt ponies on purpose?! After Fillydelphia, that ain't funny Fluttershy,” you say with indignation.

“I just thought that maybe you were pranking and that she was causing you to go overboard, like you have in the past.”

“Why you little…” Selena starts with your mouth, but you quickly take back control with a shake of your head,

“Fluttershy, it’s not nice to jump to conclusions. You of all ponies should know that after that Hydra/Nightshade's pranking incident. I can guarantee you that all those serious accidents wasn't us."

“Oh... OK” she says as she now returns to looking solemn.

“And besides, I can’t even do that whole ‘Green Slime’ thing. At least never even barely well. Kind of led to some awkward moments actually...”

You look off at the wall for a few seconds before Fluttershy asks in a confused tone,

"Uh... Hoody, what are you looking at?"

You don't look at her as you focus on the wall as you say,

"What do you think? I'm looking at my flashback."

Fluttershy looks even more confused as she says,

"Hoody... I don't think that's how it wor-"

You quickly shush her as you say,

"Shhhh! It's starting."

With that said this plays as the world begins to ripple as if it were water and we see some of your past...


“Alright Maggots! Cocooning is one of the most important skills a changeling can learn. Not only does it allow you to drain more love even faster from targets, but when you are in the field, you will need to make sure the being you are impersonating does NOT show up. Now cocoon these dummies in less than ten seconds! NOW!” shouts a drill sergeant.

All the other recruits went to their assigned test dummy, but you were too deep in thought.

“Private 9001!” shouts the Sergeant startling you, “What in the Queen’s holy name are you doing?!”

You were too busy looking into a puddle of water at your newly shaved head in sadness. Your orange hair always made you unique amongst the male changelings (even if it was a source of your bullying. And only females had actual hair), and now it's gone. Not to mention it had only been a few months since Grandbuggy's banishment, so it was no surprise you weren't paying attention.

“Well!” shouts the sergeant.

“Sorry Sir! What do you need me to do?!” you hastily salute.

“Get to Cocooning you flankhole!” he orders.

You see the other chngelings wrapping some test dummies in a green slime cocoon. You've never seen anything like it (yes, you have been on missions with Grandbuggy before, but they usually went wrong before Grandbuggy could cocoon anypony and thus things tended to get... explody). The process they use to do it just makes you go-

“BLARGH” You cry as you lose your lunch right onto the sergeant.

You spent the rest of the day (and week for that matter) digging latrines.

That sound plays again as the world once again begins to ripple as we go back to the present...


Shaking off the flashback you say,

“But yeah, I don’t know anything about where that green slime could've came from."

Fluttershy looks at you blankly for a few seconds before she says,

"Bugze... I didn't see anythi-"

You ignore her as you interrupt,

"Hay, I don't even know anything about that new vigilante, whoever she or he is."

Fluttershy bites her lip at that bit of news, but you don’t notice as you say,

“Now, you go over to the Horde and get them ready for my speech, I need to get a drink before I faint from the pressure.” you say as you walk out up the stairs to the bar.

You're about to open the door when you remember,

Buck! I can't go into a public area dressed as a wanted fugitive! Back to Doctor mode...

With that, you change back into your Doctor clothes before opening the door and walking to the bar.

Let's see... Need something with a little kick, but also able to keep me up... *ding*

"Rum and cola. And go heavy on the cola."

"Really?" Berry asks in disbelief.

"What? They taste good." you say defensively.

"Just thought you were a stallion is all," she smirks before downing an entire bottle of Haymeson Whiskey.

"Just shut up and do your job." you snap with a roll your eyes, but in doing so you see a scribble of notes on a bar napkin that say,

P.I. to Boss Cupid,

The chickens are calm, eager for what is to come. Sure wish I had a camera. I wonder if "Light of my Life" would like one for her birthday? Maybe I'll... Dark Rooster enters the hen house, big news written in how he stands. Hungry for the reveal, like I'm hungry right now, Boy a Daisy Sandwich sounds good right about now. Head Hen sheds normal feathers and clucks at him. Note to self, buy Provolone cheese, Hay Bacon, Peanut Butter...

And the note dissolves into a grocery list.

"Oookkkkaaayyyy...." you say as you put the napkin back down, "Seems like some sort of Poetry by someling who isn't a poet." you mutter as Berry comes back with your drink.

You down it and are about to pay when,

"Berry, it's on me." Magnum says as he hoofs Berry some Bits.

"Oh, Thanks." you say as you walk back to the secret staircase while Magnum grabs the napkin and puts it back into his pocket.

Just as you're about to reach the door to the secret staircase, you walk past two Horde members (evidenced by their not-so-hidden cloaks in their saddle bags) you overhear their conversation;

“Hey, have you noticed an orange pegasus going around town today knocking on random doors?” asks one.

“Oh yeah, the closet speciest. Yeah, he knocked on my door with the password for tonight, I thought he was a new member or something.” the other responds.

You facehoof because you can’t believe that Flash was actually knocking on every door. You then walk back to Berry and say,

“Hey, tell your bouncer that if he sees an orange pegasus with a blue mane, don't let him in even if he says the password.”

“Gotcha.” Berry says before calling Bulk over as you walk over to the secret entrance door.

As you walk down the stairs, you change back into the Hooded Offender coat-

*trip bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk slam*

And trip and end up bouncing painfully on every step, cursing the whole way down, before slamming into the door to the secret room.

"Owwww. Never change clothes walking down the stairs." you mutter.

After shaking off the fluttering Lunas, you open the door into the secret room, only to see all the Horde members bickering like little foals as they shout at each other...

Kichi's comment

"The Mysterious Mare Do Well is obviously just a cheap copy of the Hooded Offender, you traitor!" Lyra yells at another pony.

"The Mysterious Mare Do Well saved me and my baby the other day. What did the Hooded did for us? Thanks to killing that terrorist in Fillydelphia, we all need to look over our shoulders!" the other pony counters.

"Then how come you didn't throw away your cloak like that coward, Thunderlane!" Octavia yells.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT!" one particularly stupid pony yells.

"The Offender was framed!" One pony yells, "The Mysterious Mare Do Well is a danger!"

"She could be an ally!" Vinyl counters.


While all this is going on, Fluttershy is looking between all of them, unsure what to say. You sigh as you give Fluttershy a sad nod as you walk up to the podium set up. You give a slight cough as you say,


Noling seems to notice you as they continue to argue. You sigh as you say little louder,


They still don't seem to hear you at all. You start to get annoyed as you activate the Royal Canterlot Voice and roar,


Finally, the Horde stop arguing among themselves as all eyes are now on you. You nod slightly as you say...

BrownDog77 comment

“First, I want to clear this up once and for all. Yes, it’s true; in Fillydelphia, I and I alone killed Flag Burner, even after he was already defeated...”

They look at you in shock as you continue,

“I regret what I’ve done, but it is what it is. Unfortunately, it didn't end with him. The Crimson Knights are still a threat that I have to deal with... alone.”

They all look confused at this.

“The Horde is over, starting tonight. It’s time for you to move on with your lives. Spread the word, burn your cloaks, and never come back.”

“But... some of us are only here because of you...” Octavia says.

“Ya man, we ain’t afraid of no Crimson Knights, we’ll help you,” Vinyl adds.

It looks like more are about to chime in on their side, but you cut them off,

“NO! NO MORE!!! I got blood on MY hooves, I don’t need any of you have the same!”

“But...” starts Octavia.

“No, this is the end. I won’t have any of you captured by the Royal Guard or killed by the Knights because of me.” you say sternly before you look to them all,

“I’ll always be thankful for the support you showed me. It was nice to know I wasn't alone... but it stops now. Fluttershy here will be sending letters to all Horde fractions telling them the same thing. Tonight marks the death of the Horde, and that is finale!”

“Please... don’t do this-” Octavia pleads only for Magnum to chime in,

“Hey now everypony, it’s his decision, and we have to respect that. It’s his call,”

You give a thankful nod to him and walk towards the door. As you begin to walk away you say in a cool, collected voice,

"From now on, you all hate me like the rest of Equestria. I'm nothing but a monster, a creature that should be feared and left alone. You stay away from me and you don't back me up. You are all nobodies, you will forget everyling here. You will all burn your cloaks, go back to your normal lives, and forget this ever happened. The Horde is dead. Live long and prosper, and remember that you must hate me...no matter what. This monster will live it's life in peace. And with that..."

The ponies and Spike all have tears in their eyes. but with a cape flourish you say,


And teleport away.


As you walk into the night, you are ambushed by Mare Do Well before you can take off the hood.
“Oh good, Mare Do Well, just the mare I wanted to see.”
She says nothing as she attacks you.

Your teleport working without a hitch for once, and you find yourself behind Berry's bar in the back alleys of Ponyville. As you walk off into the night, you're about to take off your hood when suddenly the Mysterious Mare Do Well lands right in front of you! After shaking off the surprise, you say,

“Oh good, Mare Do Well, just the pony I wanted to see-”

Kichi's comment

BrownDog77 comment

Suddenly the costumed vigilante blasts you with purple energy that you barely dodge with a roll,

"Oh, come on!" you groan before you quickly grab a nearby empty beer box and throw it at the Mysterious Mare Do Well. As she's disoriented by this, you say,

"So, we meet at last, Mare Do Well... Wait... Did I just say that?! Great, now I look like a supervilla-" *sok*

Distracted by your own rambling, you get hit in the face with a Karate-kick from the MMDW. Soon you find yourself on the defensive, barely dodging a flurry of Karate attacks before you manage to find a gap in her combo and-


Exploit the gap to hit her with a rising uppercut that sends her landing into a pile of garbage.

"Sorry about that, but from one Hero to another, Miss Do Well, Why the buck did you attack me? Also... Are you related to Daring Do?" you ask.

The costumed vigilante facehooves at your question, but suddenly the newspapers around her levitate in purple energy (the MMDW lying in the garbage seemed to be surprised at this too, but you don't notice) and suddenly form a wall of headlines in front of you that you start reading,

"Let's see... Appleloosa, Diamond Dog minions, The Gala, Discord's Return, Fillydelphia... Buck... Look, I can explain all of that if you will just listen for a few-*wham*

Suddenly you feel a pair of (oddly-familiar) back hooves slam into the side of your head and smash you into a nearby wall. After shaking it off and dislodging yourself just in time to dodge her rear hooves trying to buck your head in (and smashing into the wall cracking it even more), you say,


The Mysterious Mare Do Well is stunned for a couple of seconds, giving you the opportunity to escape down a nearby alley, but suddenly you run into another Mysterious Mare Do Well.

"What? B-but... How?" you stammer as you quickly look back and see the MMDW is no longer where she was when you distracted her and then look back to her in shock, "How did you get in front of me?"

The masked vigilante doesn't answer as she starts picking up and throwing nearby derbies and garbage at you that you barely manage to dodge. Suddenly you think,

Why do I suddenly feel the urge to eat mushrooms and save a Princess who's always in different castles?

Meanwhile in the mind of the Mare Do Well, she was also thinking,

Why do I suddenly want to eat bananas and kidnap a Princess before climbing in a tower full of platforms and ladders? Oh well, barrel time!

With that, the MMDW throws a barrel at you that you jump over and declare,

"Psycho Crusher!"

Before spin-slamming forward into her, knocking the mare into another garbage can. While she's down, you run off down another alley, but you suddenly look up and see another MMDW, but this time she's flying!

"What? An alicorn?" you stop in surprise as the MMDW flies behind a building and suddenly she leaps from the top of it while firing purple spells at you.

You dodge her blasts with weaving and rolls as she lands on the ground. Getting into another 'ready' stance, you decide to take a page out of the book of those action flicks you love and say,

"If that's how you want to do this, then fine! I'm the collection agency, Mysterious Mare Do Well! (*cracks neck*) And your butt is six month overdue!"

Soon the two of you are facing each other down in the back alleys of Ponyville as the moon and stars lie above. Soon you get bored by this atmosphere and say,

"What are you waiting for?" It's your move, creep."

Suddenly, the costumed vigilante runs away leaving you stunned for a moment before you snap out of your surprise state long enough to call out to the MMDW (who is now running away from you with her horn glowing purple),

BrownDog77 comment

“Listen! You have to give this life up, before it turns you into me!”

Suddenly she stops running, but she doesn't turn around or say anything.

“Being a vigilante seems like a cool idea at first, but then ponies will turn on you! They will hate you and you will never know peace!”

She tilts her head at this uncertainly.

“Then one day you will go too far... like I have... please, just give it up...”

Without another word, she runs off into the night.

Kichi comment

Sighing in sadness at most likely failing to convince the MMDW to give up his or her cape, you can't help but ask out loud in confusion,

"So... Did I win?"

I think so... But who could that alicorn be? Selena comments.\

"I don't know ei- Wait, alicorn?"

Did you not notice the spellcasting AND flying? I know it's not Luna as I could sense her from miles away-

"And Celestia would be too busy for a direct approach and I don't think Cadence would be the type to beat up criminals in costume... Who else could it be?" you add.

Perhaps Twilight has become an alicorn?

"...Nah!" you reject as you use all your willpower just to not laugh at the utterly ludicrous idea of Twilight becoming an Alicorn.

Since you now know that Mare Do Well is an Alicorn, you write to Cadance.
“Hey Cadance, just wanted to call and check that you aren’t moonlighting as a vigilante for some reason and beating me to a pulp, because some Alicorn is.”

But as you head back to Sweet Apple Acres, you decide it's better to be safe than sorry and write to Cadance,

Hey Cadance, just wanted to ask if you were secretly moonlighting as a vigilante and beating up crooks cause some alicorn is doing just that.


Meanwhile back at the Golden Oaks library, the Mysterious Mare Do Well walks through the front door. As she does, she takes off her mask to revel a saddened Fluttershy who looks around the room before she says in a sad tone,

"I'm... I'm sorry girls, it's just that I... I can't fight him..."

Just as she says this, another Mysterious Mare Do Well appears! This one takes of her mask to reveal Rarity under it who gives Fluttershy a kind smile as she says,

"Nonsense Darling, he just took us all by surprise. Isn't that right girls?"

Just then Twilight, Applejack (who is eating a banana for some reason), and Pinkie (all wearing MMDW costumes with the mask off) enter the library as well. Twilight nods her head in determination as she tells the group of mares,

"Don't worry girls, next time we are going to get the Hooded Offender for sure!"

Pinkie bounces up and down excitedly as she shouts in excitement,

"Yeah!!! And then I'll make a 'Congratulations-We-Taught-Rainbow-Dash-a-Lesson-and-also-Captured-the-Evil-Hooded-Offender Party!' banner. There's gonna be a pinata of the Offender filled with candy and some rainbow cupcakes too! I'll even ask Rainbow to help me make them so it'll be ironic... What does ironic mean again?"

Just then, the sound of a door opening surprises the mares as they all quickly put their masks back on. Just in time too as Spike comes from the library door with a empty tube of ice cream and a sad expression on his face. He looks at the multiple MMDW's in front of him with a bored/mildly surprised expression as he says,

"Five Mysterious Mare Do Wells? Great... That's the last time I eat Ruby and Ice Cream before going to bed, what a strange dream... Good Night Mare Do Well's."

With that said Spike waves to the Mare Do Well's before heading back up the stairs. The mares look at where he went for a second before they all breathe a sigh of relief. As they take their costumes off, Applejack notices the conflicted look on Twilight's face. Having concern for her friend, Applejack asks her,

"You al'ight sugarcube? Ya seem a little put off."

Twilight just shakes her head as she says,

"It's nothing Applejack, just some doubts about the Hooded Offender as usual..."

Applejack chuckles as she says,

"Oh, that varmint is always causing trouble. Y'all get him, I know we will. It's not like he's hiding under our noses right?"

Completely ignoring the intense feeling of irony she feels, Twilight chuckles as she says,

"Yeah, you're right. See you girls tomorrow."

As the mares begin to leave, Twilight conflicted look appears again as she thinks,

What was with the Offender? Why'd he warn me to stop being a the Mysterious Mare Do Well? He said I was going to fall down a dark path like him... what does he mean by that? Does he mean when he killed that terrorist? Oh... This is all too confusing. Why... why do I feel like I'm missing something? Something... important?

Twilight holds her head in pain for a second, before she thinks,

Ugh...this is all too confusing! The next time we fight the Hooded Offender. I might just have to interrogate him myself before we hoof him over the the guards...

With that thought in mind, Twilight heads off to bed..
P.O.V CHANGE: Bugze (you)


The Next Morning
You find yourself hurriedly drinking down one of your disguise potions after finding yourself dragged into the Spa by the most likely of individuals.

We see you being hurriedly dragged to the spa by Flash Sentry as you quickly down one of your Transformation Potions.

Wait, I think we're forgetting something...

Oh yeah, it would probably be best to explain how this situation even happened in the first place. You see, earlier this morning...


Eat breakfast with the Apples and Apple Bloom expresses her jealousy that Nightshade gets to have sugary cereal for breakfast (1 1/2 Boxes of "Lucky Oats" cereal remaining). This leads to the Apples expressing concern about Nightshade's diet an youd counter she eats plenty of vegetables (Sweet Potato pie, Carrot cake, Caramel Corn, Sour Cream & Onion Potato chips, etc.)
Apple tree almost falls on you while you're working.

We see you and Nightshade eating breakfast with the Apples. They're having biscuits and gravy with orange juice while you and Nightshade are having "Lucky Oats" cereal (1 bowl for you and 3 bowls for Nightshade, 1 1/2 Boxes of "Lucky Oats" cereal remaining)

Apple Bloom looks from her dish to Nightshade's bowls in envy and asks,

"How come I ain't get to have any sugary cereal for breakfast?"

"Cause that overly-sweet sugar-drowned hogwash ain't good fer ya." Granny Smith says.

"Eyup." Big Macintosh adds before Granny Smith rambles,

"Back in my day, cereal was bran nuggets that needed to be soaked overnight before they were anywhere near chewable-"

"Not only that, but Nightshade gets to eat potato chips, fast food, and sweets every day." Apple Bloom adds in envy.

"That's because Mistah Tennant pays for Nightshade's food with his own hard-earned Bits." Applejack points out.

"Eyup." you and Nightshade agree.

"But still, I'm concerned about yer eating habits." Applejack says in concern.

"A little growing filly like that needs mor vegetables in her diet." Granny Smith adds.

"Hey, I feed my baby plenty of vegetables." you protest, "Like carrot cake, caramel corn, fried pickle-flavored potato chips, onion rings with extra ketchup, coconut cream pi-"

"THEM AIN'T VEGETABLES!" the four Apples all exclaim at the same time.

"Well in case you haven't noticed, Nightshade has a HUGE appetite and so-called 'junk food' comes in larger quantities for less bits than normal veggies. Besides, I eat plenty of 'junk food' and I feel fine."

"And I take after daddy!" Nightshade adds.

Of course, you don't mention the fact that changelings can normally survive on love alone and thus can eat almost anything (even stale and slightly rotten food) without ill effect. Fortunately, the conversation ends when Apple Bloom and Nightshade have to get to school so soon it's work as usual for you... Except for the fact that three Apple trees fell down and almost squashed you. After tree number 3, Applejack sent you off to sort the cider down in the Apple's farm basement. While you were working you found...

Kersey475 comment

A plasmid bottle with the label reading,

Nothing clears a room like swarms of insects! One sip and you'll be a one pony plague! Now in honey flavor!
Warning: Allergy hazard; Insects. Not compatible with the Murder of Crows vigor and will replace it if consumed

You look at the bottle in confusion and comment,

"Who the hay even thought up a fully functional Big Daddy suit with working plasmids? And how did it even end up in a 'Barnyard Bargins' in Ponyville?"


"YES! My masterpiece is complete!" the mad scientist declares as he flips a large switch revealing a suit of underwater armor with a drill on one hoof along with a table with several bottles on it.

A goat wearing a labcoat standing next to the mad scientist suggests,

"Um... Are you sure the flaws in this design haven't been completely ironed out yet, sir?"

"Don't be a simpleton. It's perfect in every way! Just one battalion of these babies and those stupid mermares will be utterly crushed within a week!" The mad scientist dismisses.

"Well... What about the 'Murder of Crows' and 'Insect Swarm' 'plasmids/vigoors' (as you call them)? Those two just seem rather repetitive and I'm pretty sure birds and bees can't work underwater."

"Clearly you've never been to a brothel Jacuzzi." the mad scientist comments.

"What about the ice, electricity, or fire? Underwater?" the goat points out, emphasizing the last words.

"Surprise! Those Merponies will never ever expect fire underwater! These suits will be the drills that will pierce the heavens!"

"You're quoting Gurren Lagann again sir-"

"See, this is why I'M the misunderstood genius with a PhD and you merely have 2 Bachelor's degrees. And to think the design came from my college roommate's doodlings. A video game as a showcase of Ayn Candy philosophy? How absurd-"

*clang ZAP thud*

"Ah, that must be the mailmare. Go get what's left of the mail and bring me my usual." the mad scientist continues as if nothing has happened.

"One mug of coffee with 5 cc's of malt vinegar from a syringe, a splash of Naga Viper hot sauce poured from exactly 3.14 meters, 4 nutrient pills crushed with a chainsaw, and 2 sugars. Got it."

The goat walks over to the mail slot while muttering,

"I could have accepted my brother's offer to work for that minotaur with the successful self-help seminars and gotten free dental, but noooooo. I wanted to apprentice under the 'great scientist'-"

The goat ceases his disgruntled muttering and his eyes widen when he sees an important document. He turns to the mad scientist and says,

"Uh sir? Looks like we're out of a job... Again."

"WHAT?!!!" the mad scientist screams in disbelief.

"I have the letter of termination right her-"

The mad scientist runs over and snatches the document, reading furiously.

"A peace treaty with Aquastria!!! Of all the-"

"So what are we going to do with the prototype, sir?"

"Hmm... Nightmare Night is coming soon so just sell the prototype to the nearest store. Also, throw those bottles to the winds, I have no further use for them."

"Doesn't that seem like a HUGE waste of all the resources poured into-"

"Hush minion! I'm getting an idea! I shall take the blueprints and modify them into pony-piloted mechas to punch Ursas in the face!!"


You're about to drink the plasmid when you hear,

"Mistah Tennant! Big Mac! Get up here!"

You put the plasmid away and head upstairs.

"Insect Swarm" plasmid added to Inventory

After all that, Applejack had called both you and Big Red to... fix her bed. You have no clue as to why she needed two ponies, okay... 1 pony and a changeling, but still you and Big Red went to work. After fixing her bed, we find you both on the front porch drinking ice-cold lemonade on break and you ask Big Red...

BrownDog77 comment

“So Red, how’s the honeymoon been treating ya?” you ask him causing him to do a spit take.

“I uh... don’t know what yer talking about...” he stammers.

“Uh huh, and you just hang out with your 'Wife' all night for your health?”

He just coughs nervously and doesn't answer which you smirk at. Thankfully for Big Red, your brother from another mother Flash decides to land near you.

“Hey Baker, how ya doin?”

“Pretty good Flash. I mean outside of almost getting crushed by some apple trees (probably wanting revenge for all those mashed apples), pretty good.”

Flash winces a little in concern before he gets an idea and says,

“Hey! I got free tickets that expire today, you wanna join?” he asks.

“Well I’m kind of on the clock, unless Big Red says it-”

“Eyup!” he interrupts a little too quickly.

“Oh, you sure? Cause I thought...”

“Nope!” he says, clearly not wanting to continue your conversation.

“Alright, thanks man.” Flash says as he grabs your hoof and drags you off.

Turns out, the Tickets were for a free Spa day for two. Flash received them from Lotus after the Loveocalypse as an apology for going all Zangief on him. He could've given you a heads up though so as he entered the door, you quickly downed a Transformation potion (3 Transformation potions remaining).


You're now in your Pony body (dark-grey unicorn with normal blue eyes (still sporting that diagonal eye scar from Fillydelphia), orange mane and tail, and a midnight yin-yang Cutie Mark) as you and Flash walk into the spa area.

“Whoa, your eyes look totally different without all your stuff on” Flash comments.

“Quit looking at my eyes!” you snap at him.

You feel nervous about running into Aloe, but when you reach the back, you realize it’s much worse than running into Aloe, because all of the Deadly Six are here!

Fluttershy still looks a bit sad from last night, but Applejack and Rainbow are visually checking out your body with approving lusty looks in their eyes, causing you to blush, but then your blush turns into an annoyed glare as you say,

"Do I need to remind you two that I have restraining orders on standby?"

Rainbow and Applejack's eyes widen this as they quickly shake their heads back and forth and look away... but they still make side glances at you. You sigh slightly as you feel somepony rubbing your shoulders as someling says,

“Oh, so good to see you out of your clothes again Mr. Tennant,” Aloe purs.

“Baker? Flash? What are you two doing here?” asks Twilight.

“Lotus gave me a free ticket for two that expires today and I thought, why not?” Flash answers.

“Does Big Mac know you’re here?” Applejack asks.

“Eyup.” you answer causing some of them to chuckle a bit.

“Ah yes, I had lost hope in you coming in Mr. Sentry,” says Lotus. "Again, I deeply apologize for my behavior on Hearts and Hooves Day."

"As I said before, don't worry about it." Flash brushes off, "Besides, if I'm gonna get clobbered, at least it was in the style of my favorite Street Brawler character."

Lotus giggles as she says,

“Please help yourself to the Mudbaths while we finish with the girls.”

“And Me!” Spike chimes in with Cucumbers in his eyes.

You laugh nervously as the girls eye you and jump into the mudbath. Pretty soon, everyone starts gossiping over the Foal Free Press. As they do this, you notice out of the corner of your eyes...

MindsEye comment

Featherweight peeking through a window with a camera. You grab a bit of mud from the bath and throw it at the window.

"What was that for?" Lotus protests.

"Saw a... bug! Yeah, a pesky... Shutterbug. Hehehe."

The ponies give you odd looks before going back to their conversation. You see Featherweight at another window, glaring daggers at you. Seeing that the other ponies (and dragon) in the room are distracted by their conversation, you sneak over to the window and open it.

"What was that?!" Featherweight whispers.

"I told you no pictures of me or Nightshade!"

"You're not the only pony in the room, you know." Featherweight protests.

You bite you lip, lost in thought for a moment,

The kid's got a point, but if he takes a picture at the wrong time, he could accidentally catch me without my disguise. Who knows when this potion will drop, and if he takes a picture when it does at the right angle while I'm in the mud bath....ugh I can't even think about it. I got lucky with Thunderlane's pictures so I am NOT taking another risk like that...

With that thought, you shake your head and say,

"Doesn't matter. If I'm around somepony, they're off limits too."

"That was never part of our deal!"

"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further!" You sternly say before slamming the window.

"What do you have against windows, Mr. Tennant?" Lotus snaps at you

"We do have a room with none of them..." Aloe teases, but Lotus cuts her off before you can have a nosebleed,

"Yes, sister, it's called the broom closet. And you'll be seeing an awful lot of it this week if you don't control yourself around our guests."

"Lotus..." Aloe pouts causing most of the mares in the room (and you) to roll your eyes before they continue their conversation while you take a look at the Foal Free Press copy Rainbow brought in. Seeing something you like, you chime in...

BrownDog77 comment

“This Gabby Gums is a hoot, I can’t believe Princess Celestia is such a Glutton.” you say to Flash as you show him the picture of Celestia stuffing her face with cake. Instead of laughing, he gets a distant look on his face and shudder,

“It’s not so funny when you’re there in person...” he says, clearly having a traumatic flashback.

"I couldn't agree more..." Twilight adds, also shivering.

To liven the mood, you flip the page and laugh about how the Mayor dies her mane grey,

“Why in the world would you want to look older?”

“I know, what a garish thought,” Rarity agrees.

“Still, this Gabby Gums is just tabloid journalism with no respect for anypony's privacy.” Twilight scolds.

“Lighten Up, Twilight, she ain’t hurtin no one.” Applejack counters.

“Yeah, she’s just some kid finding her talent. Heck, maybe the girls know who she is.” you comment.

“And besides, they’re not the front page headlines, just the minor gossip pages,” Flash adds.

“Yeah, the really exciting story is the front page about Mare Do Well!” Pinkie excitedly says as she holds up the newspaper.

Dash looks upset at that as Twilight smirks,

“Yes, now that is certainly a great piece of news."

“I for one just love her costume.” Rarity comments.

“I think she’s great for helping others.” Fluttershy adds.

“Hey, she’s not that great...” Dash mumbles.

“Not that great? Take a look at this article that Gabby did on her,” says Pinkie.

The Picture shows Mare Do Well stopping a runaway cab with only her rear legs, while Rainbow Dash is in an unflattering position in the dirt, which you, Flash, and (strangely) Applejack smirk at.

“Hey! I could’ve stopped that if she wasn’t there! Besides, she’s not cool enough to show her face like I am, she’s a coward... Ooo, write that one down Spike, I gotta use that later.”

Spike gets out a notepad and says aloud as he writes,

“Coward... no face... Got it!”

Twilight rolls her eyes at this.

“Yeah, she’s clearly hiding something. She’s a menace to society.” you agree with Dash, causing everyone to look at you strangely.

“What? She's a masked vigilante and those lead to nothing but trouble. I learned that first-hoof." you say, gesturing to your eye scar.

The ponies (and dragon) in the room all look down in sadness (realizing what you're referring to) while Dash looks at you with a combination of thankfulness and sympathy.

“Thank you! Finally somepony who sides with me.”

“Oh lighten up Rainbow. Why don't you join me in one of these delicious hooficures?" Rarity suggests.

“Is it really that good?” Rainbow Dash asks, to which everyone agrees. Hay, even you agree, a Hooficure feels awesome (even if you do have to ruin it an hour later Falcon Punching an apple tree).

"Well, maybe just one little hoof..."

She reluctantly tries to have one, but she freaks out and declares that she can’t stand anyone touching her hooves, which Spike makes a note of in his notebook. While she freaks out, you notice a cardboard box sneaking into the corner of the room. While the Deadly 6 are distracted by something Spike said, you storm over and grab and grab the box while saying,

"Lousy try kid. That trick doesn't work for me and it's certainly not going-"

you stop in your tracks when you throw it away revealing... a colt you've never seen before sitting under it.

"Hi." he says.

"And just what are you doing here?" you ask the colt with a deadpan look on your face.

"Featherweight paid me a bit to walk in with a box over my head." he shrugs.

You spin around to see Featherweight snap a picture from the second window. He smirks at you before flying away, but you throw a glob of mud after him with a snarl. You then sigh as you tell the other colt,

"Kid, you may want to get out of here before Lotus catches you and puts you in a limblock."

And head back to the mudbath and sit back in your seat as the colt takes your warning and bolts out of there.

“What’d you do that for?” Flash asks.

“Gotta show the kids the pecking order” you comment.

“Still, that's not very nice” he says.

“Don't sweat it. It’ll be fine...”


“Big Brother, a mean stallion threw mud at me!” Featherweight whines, “And he threatened to burn my heart out for doing my job!”

“WHAT!” an enraged Bulk Biceps roars.


A Shiver comes over you,

“Just... fine...”

Must you always tempt Lady Luck, you fool...


Nightshade and the girls are standing before Diamond Tiara at her editor desk,

“You four have done well, but we need more! I need pictures, Pictures of Spider-Mane!”

“But he’s a fictional character” Apple Bloom comments.

“I mean Mare-Do-Well. If you can find her in a Spider-Mane outfit, that would be even better! Gabby Gums put the Foal Free Press on the map, but getting something juicy on the most talked-about superhero in town will make me the greatest newspaper mogul in history since Citizen Mane!”

Luna, the Mysterious Mare Do Well has been done to death! Nightshade thinks, I got an even bigger. better, juicer story that will blow that cheap copycat of Daddy out of the ocean! The only problem is...

“Should I rat out Daddy to further my own career and help my friends get their Cutie Marks?" Nightshade mumbles to herself.

What should Nightshade do?

Author's Note:

Sorry for the lateness, hope the episode was worth the wait!

Uh Oh....Will you guys have Nightshade follow the path of evil and have her expose her dad..or will you make her do something that'll be a good scope while also sticking it to Diamond?

Also, the Hoofball team naming contest in the Life of a Wanted Changeling Series is coming to a close soon as it ends next week on Friday! Go over and name stuff now!

Last chapter's question answer is...

I think her favorite soda would be the "Graveyard". It being a mixture of every soda together at once (She ate pork ramen, custard, fish fingers, and raw meat pounded thin on the TARDIS, I don't think she's very picky, oh and also gemstones in the Diamond Dog cave)

Congrats to Love the Changeling for giving this answer. It makes sense that the biggest eater on the planet who loves all kinds of food would love the drink that has it all! Plus you all win in a sense that way.

Today's question is...

Have you had/are going to have Spring Break soon?

Since mines 2 week's away, I figured it would be nice to know when you guys get off as well.

Thanks for reading and have a good day!

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