A lost race of an ancient creature reemerges from the mountain of Canterlot, chanting they make their way through Canterlot and towards the mountain opposite of Ponyville. Nothing will stop them, nothing can. They will make their way to their Mountain Keep.
(This is only a parody of both My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the new Yogscast's Diggy Diggy Hole.) This was made only for entertainment purposes and a lost bet.
Saw the title, knew what was coming
Edit: Just read. This isn't bad at all. Could definitely use work in a few places, but that'll have to wait, as it's my bedtime. I'll get more into detail later.
I love this idea and so far you've done a great job executing it. There's just a few mistakes that I've noticed, so I would suggest getting a pre reader.
I knew I'd find something like this eventually! ! :D
Haha all I needed to see was the title.
Perfect background music for everyone!
Oh and the "new" diggy diggy hole...
Dammit, I wanted to do something similar. Oh well, good job mate
4687370 yeah sorry, it would make for a weird fic if I were to write something with the lyrics of the original, So I went with the new.
4687427 Cheers! To the Yogscast!
Plz! Moar!! I wanna see what happens!!!
Wait is this a... Oh my god it is. IT'S A CROSSOVER WITH THE THE YOGSCAST! My dreams have been answered! Oh god I think... I'm gonna fai-hbdshjvbdnvbjhvbkmojinbuvycdxsza
Heh I wanted to do something like this but with twilight as the young dwarf reading the murals from the video. Well done by the way, I shall await the next chapter with anticipation.
I'm really digging this story.
M'aiq fell strange after reading this. Did you do something to M'aiq's drink?
Oh damn, when i read the initial part of the blurb I thought it was the seven dwarfs singing the Hi-ho song. But you can't have everything I suppose.
Nope. It was this Yogscast masterpiece.
So, uh, what's the point of this? There are multiple grammar errors, and beyond that the story itself is, well, dull. Constant scene changes, constant time skips, and the pace is ridiculously rushed. You pretty much skip any kind of meaningful dialogue or description of any kind just to get to the dwarfs, only to then ignore any kind of interaction between the two and just copy/paste lyrics from the song here. That's it. I hate to say it, but so far this feels like nothing more than glorified lyrics.
4690587 Basically, that's it. I can't say other wise, but this story isn't really meant to be taken seriously, it's just something for fun. Well, my fun, maybe not yours
Well, you definitely should not have written the song lyrics in this after the first, full set. As it is, it doesn't give the story anything beyond an inaccurate word count. I really just skipped all the lyrics and read the actual lines detailing what happened.
I love this story so much
Simon, we need song when we mine Good times
4690601 I only really did that because I honestly didn't feel comfortable with just leaving people to listen to the song whilst reading, because most of the time when someone I had read put a song to play during their story, it would end up playing longer then need be. And I really hated that. It would usually ruin the mood for me, so yeah.
you deserve my follow
Diggy Diggy Hole!!! Digging a Hole!!
If ya want heres the original
Who else is subbed to the Yogscast ( Besides the other members)
You know, this story has kind of a weird feeling to it, in that it feels like two stories sharing a space but not actually being connected at all. You have the ponies do some stuff, a few lines are said, and then over half of the chapter involves the dwarfs singing without having really any kind of interaction with the ponies. That's why it feels like two stories to me, because there's no interaction. It feels like neither the ponies nor the dwarfs actually realize the other side is there.
The story isn't necessarily bad, it's just lacking enough description and interaction to be more interesting.
Well now I know i'll be hearing that song a lot more.
We need more Yogscast stories, specifically one where Simon becomes a dwarf, grabs a pick, and then just starts hacking away at the breast rock, while the others watch.
Coloured text? Please don't do that.
Edit: How is this in the feature box? Please don't vote a story up just because you like the crossover.
Can you make more stories based on yogscast songs? Like making sips sing 'big girl' for Celestia!
Been listening to that song all day while writing a section for a story. Seing this story in the feature bar made me giddy... though that could be the mead (Iced Tea) I've been drinking.
lol And that is why nobody messes with the dwarves and their singing!
Ohh this is hilarious! Just stop with the lyrics for the chanting we already know them and I have the song playing while I read this so I don't really think they are needed apart from that great work!
Click ten hour version of Diggy Diggy Hole. Commence read.
Oh my goodness, I never even imagined this day would come! This is just pure awesomeness in written form! So much fun was had both giggling at the dwarves' antics and listening to the revised version of Diggy Diggy Hole. Ahh, Simon, what a wonderful imagination you have to make up stuff like this in a few seconds of Minecraft gameplay.
As much as I hate to be a critic, I find myself agreeing.
If there was more focus on the environment, little details such as, perhaps what the cave the ponies were digging looked like, or maybe the battle that happened between dwarf and pony, instead of simply saying they were pushed back a little in between lyrics?
If you swapped that somewhat for, say, a few lines of lyrics between story, that would be more than acceptable I feel.
As a quick example,
The colored text burns. Just say who's talking.
I've just gotta say I've read the first chapter and I'm disappointed, the story is not good. The first thing I noticed was the fact that the characters seem ooc, next the coloured text burns my retina's (honestly how do you read Pinkie's?) the reason why stories don't use colored text to express their characters, is so the reader can use context clues in the character's speech to find out who is speaking at the moment. The message Celestia sent lacks definition or volume, just being a useless little thing to advance the plot. The story feels as if it was contrived by children and does not have any real plot point besides, "Help, the ground is shaking and destroying our city! Send the Elements!"
However I do have to point out there are few grammatical errors and I don't remember seeing any spelling errors, so props for that I suppose. That is all the praise I can think of to give you right now. But this is just the first chapter and I haven't read the others yet so for all I know it can still change.
I hope this criticism helped.
This just shows what a comment from a person made a while ago; was correct. We people at fimfiction.net have no standards what so goddamn ever.
A story this low of quality made it to the favorites.
It's as if the people did not even consider that this story may be in fact not good, and only liked it/faved it for it being a Diggy Diggy Hole crossover.
This amount of fail is detrimental to my health.
I have nothing more to say.
I...give up. There is no reasoning with regurgitated lyrics. If it was just once I might have been able to tolerate it, though just barely. Twice? Thrice? Fourth? I'm pretty sure I'm digging into my eyes with the sharp end of a spear, but I can't feel the physical pain anymore. The spirits consume me, arglefargle-frig-grak. Afjdhasuibi vafdsa.
Jokes on every one else I loved it, I like the song so it didn't bother me! but truth be told it did get repetitive...
Give this guy some slack it's his first story.
4691758 I enjoyed it so I gave it a like and favorite looks like a bunch of other people did that to and the story made it into the feature page personally I don't see a problem
4692054 Actually, it's not, hehe
Guess what I saw right next to your comment when I saw it?
Stories (7)
Guess what he has in his bio?
"New to writing, please be harsh, I need the criticism."
It's always hard to be critical of a piece of work this bad and not come off sounding like a giant douche nozzle. Spelling issues, questionable wording, out of character dialogue, coloured text, poor formatting, copy/paste blocks of lyrics, terrible pacing, and the list goes on. That's all fine though, you can improve and learn from mistakes and experience. Gotta learn some how so why not enjoy it while you are at it, right?
The biggest issue that I have (and perhaps why a lot of the criticism for this sounds overly harsh) is its popularity. Right now this thing is in the feature box, and as big a shame as it is; that means something. This story is only a couple steps beyond being literally unreadable that it does not deserve to be there considering how many great stories go unnoticed. It is quite clear that the only reason for this stories popularity is because it is a crossover with something from Yogscast. It is sort of like one of the star wars prequels. You saw it because it was a part of Star Wars; not because it was good by itself (I am really hoping that you didn't think any of the prequels were good).
Please don't like something just because it is somewhat related to something else. It's not to dissimilar to an otherwise bad video getting a ton of attention just because it has a pair of tits in it.
Amazing! This was only a popular story just literally yesterday, and now look at it! XD
Absolutely brilliant! Triple thumbs up! Oh wait, I only have two hands...
Screw it, double thumbs up instead then!
4692175 I wouldn't have wrote that I needed the criticism, if I couldn't handle it. It's people like you who help me learn, you criticise for a poorly written story, MY poorly written story. I can't think of anyone who is willing to judge something for its wrongs (And in this case, an awful lot) to sound like a
4692175 Also the popularity thing, while I'm not complaining, I just really wished that some of my other stories would go somewhere, but this one left them in the dust... somehow I just don't like it. Makes me feel kind of let down.
They dig. They dug. And they sing. GG
You know... I feel like this is a huge, missed opportunity.
I've seen a meeting and the resulting cultural clash between dwarves and ponies like, only two times. Two! And only one of them was not a deeply flawed parody from the very beginning!
As for this story; it lacked substance. Substance and direction. That made it difficult to care for what happened to the characters involved, since the things that do happen lack emotional impact.
Nevermind that everything is drowned out by the lyrics of the diggy song.