• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 11,617 Views, 450 Comments

The Fall of The Caribou - Dropbear

Equestria has fallen to the Caribou and has been plunged into a dark age of sexual slavery and wickedness. However, through the selfish actions of a young caribou mage something arrives to change everything. Or rather, someone arrives.

Comments ( 68 )


Aw man.

Elijah is number one in my book, great story my friend

5212862 I have to agree, Elijah is awesome.

And then, Dainn was a zombie.

I knew that straken would kill them all, it was obvius

Luna wasso naive to believe that they wouldnt wipe them out of existence

elijah just wow

“Please make use of the airlocks after you’re done,”

Spike and Twilight both looked up towards the night sky at Pinkie’s call, a shower of shooting stars zipping across the night sky.
The hundreds turned into thousands, all of them streaking across before disappearing.

So beautiful... :pinkiecrazy:

so will you either go into another or start up a new one?

oneshot of what elija does to dainn?

Ah a new rest subject to use, wonderful idea Elijah. And don't worry Nigel, you can do more awesome in the other fics. Also I didn't mind the colonel killing them, I would force the caribou into near extinction. Unless there females and children, then we might try to make citizens out them and keep a close eye on the male children with a promise of the mines or death if they go to their species ways.

The massacre pleases me.

“Nigel,” Orthodox interrupted with a shake of his head. “It’s already over.”

The figure paused for a few moments, Blaze tilting her head.

“I missed it?” the soldier named ‘Nigel’ inquired.

“Yup,” Agent Stuart confirmed, gesturing to the body of Dainn that Elijah was guarding. “We’ve already killed the King.”

XD poor Nigel, I love him (no homo... actually, yes, homo, very homo) And to see him all depressed because he missed the battle.... it was what I expect from him, and makes me sad. Another wonderful story, drop.

Edit: 5213523 oh hell, I took that as yes, they were going to die, but the stars were the ships leaving. God, that's horrific... reminds me of the doctor who episode, after an alien spaceship is shot.

>No Caribou Genocide
>Nigel not kicking any Caribou ass


Listen to this song while they fight Dain.

Now listen to this when He is finally dead.

I would ask for a sequel, but I fell that even if it's good, it would be unnecessary.

And another excellent story concludes!


I will refer you to this comment here:

Edit: 5213523 oh hell, I took that as yes, they were going to die, but the stars were the ships leaving. God, that's horrific... reminds me of the doctor who episode, after an alien spaceship is shot.

Shooting stars are the result of small objects burning up in the atmosphere. There are thousands of them after an airlock is mentioned...

5215474 Pinkamena approves :pinkiecrazy:
♪Make a wish, it's a caribou,
Make a wish, it's a burning caribou♪


Oh, this isn't exactly following FOE canon, so don't rely on me for accurate information.

They are what we would normally view as evil

Says the species that views everything that isn't them as "evil".


To be fair, they did kind of round up all (they think... hehehesequelfollowingasurvivingcaribouhehehe) of the Caribou, lied to the Princess about sparing them, flatout murdered prisoners of war, and then ejected the remains out into space to burn up in the atmosphere. They then pretty much disregard the races that they saved as nothing, and one of them even faked the death of the King so that he could preform science experiments on him.

It's safe to say that they aren't the nicest people around.


faked the death of the King so that he could preform science experiments on him.

*caribou being executed* CREED!!!

Fuck, Elijah. You scary.

what about the female caribou?

I've ran out of nice things to say for your stories.
So share in my large ever flowing ocean of moni.

5620897 All those hundred dollar bills have the same markings!

You blasted counterfeiter!:twilightangry2:

Possible sequel, eh? Well this will be interesting, I'm sure.

Wow this story is my cup of tea. I should this story is epic and awesome along with orthodox

Nice one

I wonder what will happen to sombra and discord. I should reread this story again

that would be beautiful

Second time i read this story and its still epic. Great work:pinkiehappy:

That was some fun violence. Really, if you want to know how Not-Nice humans are, all you need to know is that we nailed our God to a tree(He got better). It occurs to me how horrifying the Caribou would find human religion. You've got the story of Jael, a housewife who seduced an enemy commander and then nailed his brains to the floor(next to Deborah, a figure that is decidedly similar to Straker here), and you've got ritual circumcision.

This. THIS is how you do a proper defeat of the caribou story. God, I loved the whole thing, which is saying something considering all the anthro and pony rape and such. The characters, from Straken to Dante, the relationships formed, the fall. It was just amazing.

It's hard to find a story that tastefully, and I shudder to say the word in this situation, depicts the caribou's actions. It wasn't porn with the caribou getting what was coming to them, and that's a rare quality for stories like this. Then, the comedy was perfect, from how Orthodox flips his shit over being called short to how each of the ISA react to combat. I just can't think of anything that I disliked about this story.

Hat's off to you, man. I plan on reading more in the future.


Thanks for the words. Just a heads up, I am planning a sequel to this (I'm a bit of a sequel whore after all) but it's going to be a while.

6413907 Well get to it faster. Emperor Chalmers can only hold me off for so long. :rainbowlaugh:

"Mommy! Mommy! look what I made!" I squealed happily as I ran into the kitchen where I knew my mother was making us dinner, holding my creation in my hands. It was to be my favorite today, roasted beet! They always make my tummy feel nice and warm afterwards, especially when we eat it while it's still hot.

"Ooh? What did you make for me, sweetie?" My mother asked as she turned around from her cooking, smiling the loving kind smile that makes my heart warms up in happiness without fail every time. I eagerly presents her the necklace of flowers I've spent the afternoon making for her, and I just know her smiles got even brighter. She leaned down and allowed me to put it over her head before giving me a warm motherly hug that I cherish, my little arms returning our brief embrace. "I love you, mommy!" I reminded her with a bright smile, it's my duty to keep mommy happy, after all.

Ever since daddy and the others went to fight a war for god, the village have been lonely lately. And I know that mommy really worries about daddy too, but I know that he'll be alright. He's the bestest warrior and the kindest daddy, after all! we've all preyed to god every day for his safety and I'm sure that we've been good. Sometimes I see mommy look into the distance as if looking for something very far away, I Don't really understand but I think she's sad, so everyday, I try to do something to have her smile and hugs her lots and lots.

I want to be a good girl, after all!


"Sweetie? it's time to get up.." I heard my mother said as she gently shook me awake, I groggily stirs from my slumber, rubbing the sleeps out of my eyes. "Mmnh.. mommy? What's going on?" I asked, confused. It's way too early to start the morning prayers, and much too early to start working our garden. It was still dark, even!

"We've.. we've got to go somewhere, that's all. Come on sweetie.." My mother said to me, I can tell that she's worried again, I'm not sure why. Still sleepy, I picked up Mister Bubbles whom I've been cuddling in my sleep with me and followed my mother. She had a rucksack with her and held my hand as she led me outside where I see the others in similar situations, other mothers taking their children in their arms or hands and leading them.. somewhere. I was about to wave a greeting towards one of my friends when I saw a really strange creature in the middle of us all, there were a few of them and they looked very scary.. their face were smooth and shined with light, their skin looks rigid and weird.. and they're holding something that scares me in their hands, I don't know what they are, but I really don't like it..

"Mommy? Where are we going?" I asked my mother, looking up at her. She looked back down to me with a brave smile that calms me down a little. "We're... going to see daddy, Sweetie." She had answered, and I beamed brightly, I've missed daddy so much and we're going to see him!

We followed the line of others into a strange-looking building where everyone was crowded in. My mother kept holding me close to her while we was there, and soon I felt the ground shook a little. It wasn't enough to really startle me too much, but I am still worried.. but mostly excited to see daddy again.

I didn't know how long we've been standing around, the others murmuring and telling their children to stay quiet, but the door eventually opened again. But it was not our village anymore, we were inside.. something. It was really big, and the strange creatures told us to move again. Me and my mother was then taken to a small room with metal bars and door, there was a cold, metal cot here that I really don't like laying down in. "Mommy? I'm hungry.. when are we going to see daddy?" I complained as she unpacks her rucksack, which made me gasps when I saw what was the content of it. Roasted beets! "Soon, sweetie.. soon." She coos to me reassuringly as she fed me. I loved it when she does that..

I didn't know when I had fallen asleep, but I was startled awake when I hear really scary crackles that sounded very much like lightning, I whimpered and clings onto my mother for dear life. She held me close and coos to me, stroking the back of my head and telling me that it's alright. That everything's going to be fine.

"Mommy?.. I'm scared.." I Whimpered, squeezing onto her tighter. She does so to me as well. "I know, Sweetie.. I know.. Hush now, everything will be alright.." She murmurs to me. I didn't understand what was going on at all, what was happening, all I know is that I am very scared right now, and so is my mother.

Then I saw one of those strange creatures again, it enters our room and my mother held me closer as she tries to keep herself in between me and the strange being, shielding me from the scary person. "Please... no.." She pleaded out a small voice, so small and weak that I almost didn't recognize that it had belonged to my mother's.

The creature raised it's scary.. thing, towards my mother and I, and spat out with so much disgust and hatred in his voice. "Burn in hell, Slaver scums."

I wanted to be a good girl...


Very well written and suitably dark. If it was so, then it would certainty would add a nice touch.

Unfortunately, due to the source material that the fic is based on being nothing more than shameless dom-clop, all Caribou females are happy-to-serve sex slaves with nothing else going on upstairs.

Glad you enjoyed it!
And I've never even seen the source material. But I believe that the world / story is better this way.
And I'm all for writing a good story, even if modifications of source material is required to achieve that.

I recall you said that you did the same too, right? :)


Yeah, I changed some stuff around (like the Crystal Empire not being conquered with Shining and Cadence willingly working for the Caribou), but given as Caribou females didn't feature in this fic at all, it wasn't really something looked at.

However, I was asked for a sequel for this and I thought:
That the story should be from the viewpoint of two young Caribou children, trying to escape and evade Equestria's new 'heroes'.

Of course, that fic might get just a tidge more darker than this one.

Calling it out right now.

They dies. Games of Thrones Style.

Thanks for the follow, BTW! :D It's so awesome to be followed by a fellow writer.

6465262 Any chance we could see Elijah more, because he's the funniest along with Orthodox.

This. This right here.

This is what I've waited for.

this seems like a crossover, with what, I don't know.


No crossover, except if you count my other fics and the Fall of Equestria source.

I really digged this story. You did a good job turning a setting I disliked for its wanton edgy ridiculousness into something humorous with your silly sci-fi stuff.

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