Still a monster...but less of a bastard. Wish Superman was real so I could get a hug.
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there are almost no words for what I have read here.... But i died laughing so many times....
Name of story instance like fav and follow and of course

>The Merchant is human
We already know about Merchant being some sort of eldritch abomination.
>Everyone happily lived in Equestria, but everything changed when Harmony choked us out
Basicly entire fic is HOOR DURR FUCK THE POLICE and quite unoriginal, just a copy-paste of stories author read on this site.
>landed in Ponyville
>3000 years before the show
When Ponyville don't even existed. Or you really think Granny Smith Apple is 3000 years old?
>virgins don't turn into vampire
In Hellsing virgins TURN into vampires. I'm pretty sure this just a mistake of editing.
>Shows their loss of virginity through bite
Yeah, like we don't knew author is virgin, but thank you for this clarifying.
>Difference in taste of blood of virgin and not-virgin, Celestia rapes her father, Celestia is evil and abusive sister
Basicly fanfic was writen by autistic virgin boy, who watches anime, because SUGOI KAWAII WEEABO and fanservice.
So he just throws every "cool" thing he have ever seen into big pile and puts it on display with some good gallon of autism sauce.
Never be like this guy, seriously.
Watch out. We got a butthurt virgin over here.
Boy is he going to be disappointed when he finds out he's not in the prime universe, but just another fanfic, and a really shitty one at that.
He may start suspect something, if he ever gonna see Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths.
Owlman had same problem.
good god guys give the kid a break this story just needs some touching up and a few fix and it should be good. lets just kick back and wait an see how it goes. so far its good, but some fixes could be made
No, it isn't. This story gonna be good, if he break it down, learn how to write at least a little and start this fic from a new list.
4987300 true there
This is way too edgy for me.
So. He wants to destroy Equestria, and since he's one of the most boringly OP creatures in all of anime he shouldn't have much of a problem with that.
... and he just spent 3000 years sitting in a cave. Like some kind of idiot.
Also, are we supposed to feel any sympathy with this smug, murdering, idiotic bastard? Why? For what reason? He's only shown he should be destroyed asap for the good of all creation.
4988035 Don't care still gonna finish it. Also, I don't want you to feel sympathy, I am merely writing this because I want to. Also, because, there are hardly any good alucard based fanifics on this website. That and he was waiting because, he has a plan, a plan to destroy every. single. one. of the main cast, one by one. But first, he had to wait until Twilight became an Alicorn, cause then it will be all the sweeter.
4986830 Dude if you don't like it don't read it.
Also to everyone, sorry if there are mistakes, I am a novice at writing, plus, I don't watch MLP, so most of my info is going to be made up, or from fanifics I've read. If you don't like it don't read it, I don't care. Also, sorry about the virgin mistake, I must not of proof read it, what I meant was, that to make sure virgins don't turn into vampires, he doesn't inject them with his blood, he just feeds from them.
Also, I will be finishing this story. I did not make it to get likes or get featured or anything like that. I made it for two reason. One, to kill off the main cast of characters in MLP. And two, because there is not one good Alucard fanfic on this site. Also, he knows its not Prime Equestria, he just wants it dead!
4986830 that pic......... I don't even!
Implying your's is good.
I can remember at least two good fics about Alucard.
One is from LoHAV, there guy dressed as Alucard comes to Equestria of Lunaverse.
And other, there Fluttershy goes to Hellsing Abridged universe.
We don't deserve to suffer from your creation, just because you cannot into Google.
4988930 I'm not making you suffer, if you don't like it then don't read it. Also, i'm talking about Alucard fanfics good to me, not to you. I mean fics where Alucard comes to Equestria and does what he does best, MASS MURDER!
4988972 hear you there keep it up my friend
4989029 Thank you doctor.
You know, when I started reading chapter, I thinked "That is better, you even can enjoy it slightly, if you close eyes for grammar.".
And then I cut myself on the edge. THE EDGE! It was big as Gut's dragonslayer or Pyramidhead's hatchet. I'm gonna bleed for days.
After this I know: this shit never gonna be good.
4989066 What do you mean what?
4989096 MASS MURDER. Really?
That's really OP. Overpowered.
>thinks Alucard is all about MASS MURDER
I don't think you like Hellsing or Alucard.
Alucard is not all about violence, murder and cool looks.
Alucard has style, he mock his enemies about how pathetic and weak they in comparison to him, he philosophize about there is border between human and monster.
And you are just edgy kid, who can be entertained by simple display of violence.
You never gonna understand why other people like Alucard, 'cause you see him as BLOOD, MURDER, I'M BIG GUY, while everyone else saw him for his character.
4989102 Exactly, I love stories where the characters are overpowered. IT MAKES IT MORE FUN!
4989107 Dude, I'm not basing him off of regular Hellsing Ultimate Alucard, I'm basing him off of TFS Abridged Alucard. You know the type who doesn't care what you say or do, as long as he has something to kill and a hooker or two, he is happy. And the kind who goes on enthusiastic walks through the woods.
Bah. Not good for me. As for My plan was simple, get military training, go find the Prime Equestria, and destroy it. That way, I will not only destroy it, but I will destroy Every. Single. Last. Equestria. Ever. Created. That includes the fanfic worlds, the alternate worlds, all of it.
Please. That makes it worse.
4989222 Not sure what you mean, but whatever. As I have said, I'm finishing this story whether you guys like it or not.
4989241 Bah. You were a disappointment.
4989259 Bitch do I'm looking like I care? Nope.
Meh. You like killing ponies since you hate mlp
4989274 No, really, do ya think?
4989331 Yes I do.
4989346 Of course it does
4989384 In the words of UberDeathNinja, "What better place for a troll to hide then in plain sight."
I don't know! Why am i wasting my time with you who like to kill ponies
4989451 Neither do i.
"Hate" is a strong word. It's just another story where a human goes to Equestria with super-powers that surpass everyone else. The only difference is he wants to murder them all rather fuck them (and even the former has been done before multiple times). At its core, however, the problem is the same: your lead is boring.
Now look, it's one thing to be loved, and it's a whole other thing to be hated, but to be boring? That's the worst, I think. And I doubt that our boredom is very nourishing.
4994051 i think it's mainly because i'm only half trying with this one. it's mainly a story i just wanted to write.
Obviously you do
i would hate people just killing ponys just cause they don't like the show but this is FUCKING ALUCARD.
So i'm ok with this
5010027 Thanks.
i like this. it just so fucking funny. this story is to be random just to be random.
this story is awesome. and i love storys where the main character has no caring
5010112 Finally someone who understands that this stoy is about the funny tfs abridged alucard not the serious real one.