• Member Since 11th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen September 5th



“Location. Unknown planet. Objective. Survival of the Swarm.” I am Abathur, or at least I have his body, brain, abilities and a part of his mind and memory. My real name is James or short Jim. Yea I know, not really the most creative name but you can chose you friends but you can't chose your family. Well you all know how this goes, I go to a convention and meet a guy who has a lot of fun messing with people and the universe. He must be a real asshole to think this is fun. Yeah and this is my story. And the story of the Swarm and its future allies.

Something is controlling Equestria, out of the shadows, not there, but history shows its power. Many have fallen and crumbled under his power, but now that its most important tool is back it becomes more active again. Equestria will be consumed by a war that started long ago in another universe. Will they fall or will they rise? Many factions exist in in Equestria, what will they do.

Tags, rating and Charactertags can change over the time.

First, English is not my native language. So my grammar and spelling will be bad, at least I think so. I hope you will enjoy this story even with all the errors. Let me know what you think about it and leave a review, critique is always welcome.
Second, yes it is a Displaced story.

Oh and I own nothing beside the idea.
My Little Pony is property of Hasbro.
StarCrarft 2 is property of Blizzard.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 118 )

Omg... O.O
This was my first idea before I did the Iron lich. So cool! :rainbowkiss:

Good chapter I hope you upadating your story the prologue has very cool and mysterious for the final line but I'm curious what is your native language personnaly I'm french ho and your begin story recive 3 mustache :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

Yay! Another Zerg displaced! This makes three!

Hehehe. Out of the frying pan... and into the fire!

Your token could be a smaller version of a egg sack, and spawn a pair of zerglings or whatever the other displaced wants. Definitely cool story.

Perfect? Abathur admitted in the game that there's no such thing as perfect. Just a goal that you strive for but never achieve.
Now, this should be interesting. Starcraft is a very powerful universe, even Zerglings can take several slices from laser blades before dying.

Hay how about you make some cybrog zerg, would that work?

great i'm looking forward to the next chapter

Just something I should point out in your story summary:

Many fractions exist in in Equestria, what will they do.

I believe the word you're going for is "Factions"

NOW WE HAVE THREE SWARMS!!!!! A Primal pack leader, a Broodmother, and Abathur. :pinkiehappy:

6171406 Thanks. And then you liked metal more than flesh and blood ;P.

6171433 Thanks. Also my native language is german ^^.

6171460 And nothing shall be save in front of the swarms XD.

6171472 fire is still better then Lava. But without it this storys would be boring right?

6171487 The egg is also my idea, but it would become a larva or drone, at least that is what I have planed. With a Larva the options are bigger to create chaos ;P.

6171549 Perfection is always a goal that can never be achieved but he will always try to reach it, but will fail for ever. For me it is worth to mention the goal ;P.
Yea but the existence of Magic and the lack of a real system for it allows for a lot of room to play with it (Why is there no Emoticon with an evil grin in this XD?).

6171683 Someone else would need to bring the tech in my Dimension. The Zerg rarely use technology, they can evolve most of the things they need, but we will see what will happen in the future.

6171738 Thanks.

6171789 Thank you, I correct it right away.

6172723 Let the swarms grow ^^.

I want to thank all of you for the comments and hope i can upload the next chapter fast ^^


Why is there no Tarren or Protoss Displaced yet? We all could have a war! :pinkiecrazy:

6172872 maybe the reason is they can't reproduce the units as easy as the Zerg ^^. would be boring if we Kill a few Terrans or Protoss and nothing is left to kill.


I CAN FIX THIS PROBLEM!!!! Tarren: Machines instead of biological units. Protoss: Same thing but with Psyonic stuff instead.

6172889 With the Protoss i go with you, but a Tarren would just create a machine that he never can control and that would rampage through Equestria ^^.


Isn't that the fun part though? :pinkiecrazy:

6171683 That doesn't really seem their style. If they had metal parts, then those parts won't evolve with them, meaning they'll become liabilities.
6172905 Why don't Protoss troops just get teleported away when they're injured enough instead of dying? They obviously have the technology to do that, and I'm pretty sure that according to lore, Zealots do just that.

oh no its not like theres a race of alien mechanics that can change into cars and/or airplanes and have evolved for C.N.A.

:ajbemused: theres displaced transformers, if they met they can get the c,n,a needed to make cybrogs.

6173368 still, you would need more then just one Protoss to start a war, and to even come close to the numbers of a Zerg swarm you would need a lot. So if they are displaced they would need to be Displaced as a group or as a pair and start to reproduce ;P.
without the needed numbers it would be boring to start a war and just rush them in their base XD.

6173702 C.N.A?


Biological can't evolve with metal. Even if you have C.N.A. Plus cyborg Zerg wouldn't do very much since they just evolve too be better then their opponents.

6172723 You think Dahaka is primal? Hehehe, sorry but nope. I just took the name and butchered it. Although if I did a reboot..... Probably not though.


Oh right.

Me: You over there! Make a Primal Displaced!

Cybernucleic Acid, the transformers d.n.a. this is where they come from

I thin k they can, heve there weapons be zerg and get eating by them is something you dont see coming.

6174359 ok thanks. But i don't think the Zerg would evolve in Metal, maybe some second path of evolution to create some sort of defense Zerg, but healing metal is slower as healing flesh. You need far more metal and in the right purity so you can fix the damage. Flesh is more flexible and the Zerg will just evolve above them with a bit of time. But I don't know what the future will bring ^^.

try mineobots, there at the atime level and can change things into what is need, like migc profuoe metle.


but healing metal is slower as healing flesh.

... Wut?(I get what you mean though:rainbowwild:)

6182847 well they are alive, so i think saying to repair them sounds wrong for me ^^.

The Zerglings

Shouldn't it have been Changelings there?

Also, since when could he command Changelings?

I am working on it ^^.

where do you mean exactly?
Also he can't control the Equestrian Changelings, but Zergs have also a unit that is called Changelings ^^. And this damn things are a pain in the ass in the game -.-

As i said, i would give you a medal for your work . and thanks ^^

6218486 This sentence:

The Zerglings around them had multiple reactions, some of them hide behind their claws others tried to hide in the ground below and others just shook their heads.

Abathur only just came in, there was no mention of any Zerglings before that point.


“RAAWW!” The eyes of the Changelings snapped open as big creatures charged trough the undergrowth and changed the situation completely. The Changelings never had seen someone dealing with a pack of Timberwolves so fast and brutal. But the battle ended to fast for them to run away. And then the creatures formed a circle around them. And they were trapped again.

They weren't called by name in the prologue but they were the ones that killed the timberwolves.

Also first line in Chapter one.

'Time to meet the locals.' With a happy smile, at least in my head it was a smile, I sat in the Overlord as it carried me to the clearing with the Changelings and my Zerglings.

6218505 Ah, I see. Just didn't feel clear to me.

6218658 well i try to make it clearer next time. ^^
I still have my problems with writing in English, so i am happy to have Broodmother Marsara as a betareader ^^.



6254246 well this Equestria will be dead soon XD. But thinking about it right now, this could be funny

This is a perfect way to introduce the swarm and hope you continue to make more chapters! Maybe you could make the abathur make some roachs and infesters as well to balance the swarm army?


One does not simply balance the Zerg. :trollestia:

This is going to be interesting.

Someone saves your troops and comes to you unarmed and alone in your own home, and you try and brain probe them? Not a nice move. Good thing Abathur could probably brain fry her in an instant if he wanted to.

Later, the Swarm will grow, a lot, in the future. But for now it is Zerglings, Drones, Overlords and Larvas.
Also they will get new Essence in the future ^^.
Also,Balance the swarm? No normal creature can really do anything against them XD.


I hope so XD.


A Zerg and unarmed? Never have seen such a thing XD.
Also they are nearly starved, and with so many things out there that could kill you you fear many things ^^.
And for a race that survives with cheating and deceiving it is only natural to be distrustful.
But yea, not so smart trying to charge in his head like this.

6270482 As unarmed as he could possibly be. You can't confiscate the ability to kill someone with your mind.

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