• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2016

lord baron

Lord baron von sarcophagus, ninja skeleton mastermind, here with ideas and the lack of attention to develop them, will be posting ideas, and not much else


eh? · 4:52am May 30th, 2016

so i came back, again, cause i have nothing else to do, and i'm bored, and when i signed in, i had 1,307 notifications in my feed

that is all

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Comments ( 7 )
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1844469 But the Seraphim are my favorites.:applecry:

As for the second one...it had no story. I mean, come on. Really? All three met in high school? The hell kind of lazy writing is that?! And the Aeon...They didn't even try to name them. It looks like a three year old who just discovered his first words named them.

1843182 I try my best to ignore everything excepth the original game, as I feel the seraphim should be dead (cause xenophobic soldiers), thus forged alliances is moot, and the second one, while it upgraded the gameplay with research, I feel like the story was less concrete than it could've been, and the story was focused less on epic warfare, the literal thousand year war, and was more focused on relationships.

1842759 Nah. I'm the Illogic. Supreme Commander 2 really ruined the Aeon, though.

1841635 my favorite faction
thank god someone actually knows supreme commander, i was starting to think it was all in my head

unless your part of it... oh god, the men in white are coming back

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