• Published 27th Jan 2014
  • 3,714 Views, 157 Comments

It - mr lovecolt

For some, sex is not about the experience. It is about survival. Join Glittershell as she meets with Iron Will, her newest client.

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Comments ( 156 )

Dude, I was at the book store today and we saw that book by Stephen king, when I showed it to my friend, he looked at me with the most scared look on his face I've ever seen and said, "No, put it back." I don't think I should do that again. (Perhaps a birthday present?)

3851428 Bundle it with the movie also dude.

3851551 XD Definitely dude.

Goddamn, this was powerful. Well done. Explicit enough to describe her revulsion at her own body, but not enough to push it into smut territory. Great job. :ajsmug:

3851622 Thank you. I know that I didn't want the sex to turn it into a clopfic. However, when dealing with this issue, the sex had to be there.

I think I almost cried.

I would change my name to a link to this story if that weren't such a stupid idea.

Wow, what a sad story...

Is it wrong that I'm crying right now?

I think it's a shame that this probably will never get the recognition it deserves, and that a lot of folks on this site will down vote it because of the subject matter.

It's exceptionally well written, the pacing is tight and the subject matter is heart braeakingly 'real' (Or, as 'real' as stories about transgendered small horses whoring themselves to minotaurs can be).

Keep up the good work, M.E. Lovecolt.

P.S. Is it wrong to say I was a tiny bit turned on reading this?

3851772 No, it is not. The fact is, however, that this happens. I'm not saying to call for revolution or things like that, but there are ways to make a difference in any person's life. Be it volunteering with a homeless shelter. Even just letting someone know that they are not alone can be enough.

3851808 Although I tried to ensure that the sex scenes were written in a way to not emphasize clop, I, unfortunately, do not have any control over your genitalia.


promote it on your blog boi

i am seriously
to get this featured

Quite possibly one of the best fics I've read in a while. Very emotional and well told. Kudos, my boy.


your response is fantastically unfunny

portalz pls go

That was difficult to read at one point. powerful writing. I choked up a bit.



A certain person has gotten me here, let's see if he was right....
Edit: It was.

Bam, added this shit.

This story was fantastic.

I don't normally comment on stories like these, nor do I really read them, but damn. Just...damn. That's all I have to say. It was painful reading this, but not in a bad way. This made me feel and it was painful. I could feel my heart clench. This is a wonderfully written story.

I wish this wasn't a oneshot :fluttershbad:

Great story. I can definitely see why it's being praised so highly around the site:raritywink:
Like & Favorite:twilightsmile:

Or purple panties apparently:trollestia:

This was actually a very good story thank you M E Lovecolt for writing it and thank you Para for leading me here :twilightsmile:

Hey there!
I really hope you don't mind to terribly, but as I was reading I noticed some mechanical things here and there that might bear mentioning. Some of this might be intentional, so if it is, feel free to ignore me.

>Along the streets of Manehattan, a small, mustard-colored mare runs through the streets
You say streets twice here. "A small, mustard-colored mare runs through the streets of Manehatten" would mean essentially the same thing.

>The high rises of the city, the epicenter of the financial universe of Equestria, flank her on each side.
I would say, but epicenter sort of conflicts with ther being two of them. You might need to find a new word, since one should not be able to be flanked by two "epicenters" on either side.

>She gallops quickly, which is an irony
this might be stylistic, but "an irony" -> "ironic" might flow a bit better.

>She squeezes the atomizer, exuding a scent combining the savory scent of maple leaves and the sweet scent of gardenia.
You use 'scent' three times here.

>Glittershell fights the urge to run away at what is normally considered a predator to the ponies as the minotaur moves forward.
'at' -> 'from'
just a personal note, but the addendum of 'as the minotaur moves forward' here seems like it would fit better with your style if it was "from what is normally a predator to the ponies. The minotaur moves forward."

>She knows not to judge anypony by their body.
This is important, because it (seems like) it's gonna be central to your main theme, but the point might not be best made by a simple line in the midst of this other stuff. That being said, it's an alright line for foreshadowing.

>“You’re the one they sent?” He asks.
"He" -> "he"

>“Yes sir,”
might be wrong, but i'd probably write this is "Yes, sir,"

> touch her, “He certainly went all out, didn’t he?”
"He" -> "he" since the dialogue is continuing from the last quotations.

>“I’m sorry.” She replies instinctively.
sorry," she replies

>“You’re a very pretty little mare, aren’t you?” He asks.
"He" -> "he"

>“Step inside.” He commands.
inside," he commands

>hangs a collection of weapons, most of them Glittershell cannot name.
an em-dash would work better than a comma here. I can't tell you exactly why (my grammar senses are very feely and not so much scholastic).

>“She left when our daughter went off to college.” He says. “Iron Will is alone.”
college," he says.

>“What is the matter?” She asks.
if you're using a dialogue tag (said, asked, yelled, whined, other synonyms) the sentence keeps going onwards from the dialogue, and so you don't need to capitalize things as if a new sentence was started.
additionally, if you're using a dialogue tag (see above) the punctuation (./,/?/!/...) should not be a period, because it would cause a full stop in the sentence, which contradicts the role of the dialogue tag.

>“You need to know that tonight is just that.” He says. “Iron Will
that," he says

>“No worries.” She replies.
worries," she replies.

>“I beg your pardon?” She asks.
she asks.

>Does everypony see it, she asks herself.
there should be a question mark here (the italics are unformatted because i'm typing this in a notepad first) but idk where is 'proper.' I'd probably do it as /'Does everypony see it?'/ she asks herself.

>She thinks of the interactions that have taken place over the past few days
had taken place

> from it’s sheathe.

>She continues to look on as the cock continues to grow.
might be intentional, but 'continues'x2

>“Iron Will thinks he’d really like to meet you.” He says. “Why don’t you say hello?”
you," he says.

>She feels with her tongue a vein running
Maybe should be "she feels, with her tongue, a vein..."

>“Yeah,” he growls, “Work that cock.”
Work -> work

>“So what’s your name?” He asks.
he asks

>“Iron Will does not like being lied to.” He says darkly.
lied to," he says darkly.

>“What are you doing?” He asks.
he asks

>“I am not a stallion,” she replies with as much confidence as she can muster, “My body just-”
"my body just"

>“I am not a stallion.” She simply repeats.
stallion," she
also, after this line are there meant to be two linebreaks?

>“Take off the dress.” He repeats.
dress," he repeats.

>“Purple panties.” He growls.
panties," he growls.

>“I like how they make me look, sir.” She gasps.
sir," she gasps.

>“You do, do you?” He mutters.
he mutters

>“Yes, sir!” She cries.
she cries.

> but she knows that if left unchecked the tear will only grow.
again, not sure about this, but "but she knows that, if left unchecked, the tear will only grow.

The style fit, the tone was coherent, the message was clear, and other generic positive qualifiers. I always really appreciate seeing stories use sex for more than just clop and you did a pretty good job making that happen with your story. Kudos, my friend!

This is a fantastically written story about a filly trapped in the body of a colt and what she does to survive. I really enjoyed this and I would definitely read any sequels you felt the urge to write, or even stories following a similar theme like maybe a colt trapped in the body of a filly trying to explain this to her parents/friends. Great story, here have this gif.

Am I the only one who just likes Snails as he is in canon? Y'know, as in not portrayed as a transgender pony.

I've got nothing against trans people, but it's more than a little annoying to see a character you like radically changed to promote an agenda.

It's featured.:rainbowkiss:

Dayum! I came buckets, some of its in my eye. I'll be okay. This was incredible! Thumbs up the wazoo! :heart:

3853375 Unlike Lyra and Bon Bon, Vinyl Scratch and octavia, ectera?
people mess around with the canon to make new and interesting things that they can share with others that share theinterest of ponies and (in this case) the trans community. Don't go onto into an environment simply to voice dissent on a subject that has little impact on you. its breaking Wheaton's law.

Sorry if this came off as rambling or incoherent, its 1am at the moment.

i am a simple reader, i have only one rule... the story needs to be good
clop/non-clop, F/M M/M i don't care... loved Tango de la Yegua Enmascarada (so under appreciated in my view) and i love this one, its a damn good story

you get a 10/10 from me, short but powerful, the "clop" is a secondary in this story

Excellent story and so much potential for a prequel... and possibly a sequel.

That hurt. Thank you.

Also, I hope you're enjoying the featured box.


how could you possibly like canon snails
he's dimwitted, hideous, and a one-dimensional stereotype of young males
like one half of beavis and butthead except without the music videos and the lulzy cartoon shorts
this at least adds an interesting bit of irony to his and snips' portrayals as 'typical' boys

Some of your corrections are wrong, or are sub-optimal...

>The high rises of the city, the epicenter of the financial universe of Equestria, flank her on each side.

"the city" is the epicenter of the financial universe. It's singular.

> touch her, “He certainly went all out, didn’t he?”
"He" -> "he" since the dialogue is continuing from the last quotations.

Alternatively, it could (maybe should) be:

> touch her. “He certainly went all out, didn’t he?”

in which case, the "He" is correct.

>hangs a collection of weapons, most of them Glittershell cannot name.
an em-dash would work better than a comma here. I can't tell you exactly why (my grammar senses are very feely and not so much scholastic).

Using an em-dash (alt-1501) or a spaced en-dash (alt-1500) clarifies that she cannot name the weapons, not that she cannot name the windows.

>Does everypony see it, she asks herself.
there should be a question mark here (the italics are unformatted because i'm typing this in a notepad first) but idk where is 'proper.' I'd probably do it as /'Does everypony see it?'/ she asks herself.

You can use italics, or you can just pretend it's written as if it were speech, just without the speech marks. I often use italics for emphasis. I suggest you do not use single quotes for thoughts, as single quotes are sometimes used for actual speech.

> from it’s sheathe.

also it's "sheath". "To sheathe" is the verb.

>“Yeah,” he growls, “Work that cock.”
Work -> work

I would suggest:

>“Yeah,” he growls. “Work that cock.”

"Yeah." could even be "Yeah!" - it works as a standalone clause.

>“I am not a stallion,” she replies with as much confidence as she can muster, “My body just-”
"my body just"

Nope. Flat wrong. It should be:

“I am not a stallion,” she replies, with as much confidence as she can muster. “My body just—”

The second sentence is cut off, and the em-dash represents that. Alternatives are a trailing "...", but it is certainly incorrect to not have any punctuation before the closing speech mark.

>“I like how they make me look, sir.” She gasps.
sir," she gasps.

It could be two independent clauses. Your choice, but the suggestion is less prone to confusion.

And finally, yes, I really liked this story. It actually read far less dark than I expected. The pain is hidden, and in actual fact the part that Glittershell really hated was when "it" appeared. Not the job itself - though that frightened her - but her own body's expression of sexual excitation.

Also, was I right in picking up at one point that Iron Will's wife and daughter left because he abused them? It did seem to be implied...

Ugh, you again. I'll try to describe everything wrong with this comment.

1. I have no idea how you like canon snails. He is so boring, dumb, and ugly it pains me seeing him have screen time. Like parasprite said, he's like a one-dimensional stereotype of young males. To me, the biggest reason Glitter is actually likeable is because she seems leagues smarter.

If we ignore how possibly unlikeable canon Snails is, there are still better explanations for everything wrong with this comment.

2. Implying a character is trans to "promote an agenda", as you put it. What agenda is he promoting exactly? If the agenda he's promoting is to show how being trans can hurt youth, then by all means promote it. Like it or not, this sort of thing happens every day across the world, and it doesn't hurt to show it and possibly make people more sympathetic to trans people in the process.

3. Implying there is something wrong with portraying a character as trans. Being mad at a story for portraying a normally male character as mtf is like getting mad at a story for having rule 63 characters in it. :unsuresweetie:

This is a whole new level of dark... but I love it! :fluttercry:

This was amazing. This was fantastically done. You delivered the pain just as it was meant to. And you did it without the 'bad end' I expected (I expected far more violence against Glitter... as youth such as she in our world are so often the victims of terrible violence). So very much got done right here. I'm gushing at this point...

Oh, can I say that I appreciate that you did not depict the Mane Six as ponies of unlimited understanding. AJ clearly was traditional, and as far as these things go, that isn't too surprising. She gets stuck with lots of 'redneck' stereotypes, but with good reason: she is quite traditional. The fact that you made Rarity, Twilight and Fluttershy not be sympathetic was quite bold. I mean, Rainbow doesn't really understand tact, and so the laughing is a bit ambiguous. Rarity... as my favourite Mane, I'd like to think would understand... and an argument could be made that 'of course she would', but that's not what this story is about. Twilight I feel is the one that best shows your empathy of transgender plight (as well as I, as someone who is cys, comprehends it) because even with all of her understanding of the world, Glitter is treated like a study sample and not a human... well, pony. It also seemed to make the most impact per word, as all this concept was presented in just a sentence, really. I approve of information density. I think for most Fluttershy cuts the deepest (I personally felt it with Rarity). The full and complete embodiment of kindness doesn't want to deal with her. It really sets the stage of how lowly the people of Ponyville feel about her. I want to feel it unfair or something that Pinkie never cared... since the rest of the Mane Six had to be shown as shitty ponies... but I can't. Pinkie saying no to a party is hard to imagine. I kind of feel that she's go to a 'kick Pinkie out of town party' if she was invited. More to the point, it doesn't seem like something she could ever notice. Well, she'd notice because that's part of what she does, but I can't imagine her ever caring. But maybe even that says something. Pinkie is friends with everyone. Which means that her friendship is due to nothing more than Glitter's pulse.

One of the best things I've read on this site. You deserve your feature and far more. This is something to be proud of.

What's this?

I'm... Crying?


Well, it's been a long time since a fimfic last did that to me.

Well done Sir, well done.


This is trutly dark on so many levels... and it was wel written, here have my thumbs up, feel bad for snails tho :fluttershysad:

She felt like a butterfly metamorphosing in reverse... that is a powerful metaphor.

It shows how much a Glitter reviles her body, much like how a butterfly might if it had to undergo the same thing.

Heh, would the transcended want to return to their earthly states?


What is "Wheaton's Law," and why should we obey it?:derpyderp2:

Extremely good story, well-written, and psychologically-dark in a naturalistic rather than forced sense. I strongly sympathized with Glittershell, and I was also glad that you didn't make Iron Will into a villain.

I never saw him in canon as being a cruel being, but rather one who believed in teaching others to be strong so that their lives would be improved (which is why he worked so well interacting with Fluttershy, as IMO they are both kind creatures with different approaches). I noticed that he (1) made it clear to Glittershell that this was a one-night thing, to avoid hurting him/her, and (2) despite that, he couldn't avoid caring about him/her and trying to help, just a little bit.

One thing: how is Glittershell getting shelter that night? Was he/she properly paid for this? I don't like to think of the poor little pony being out in the cold night -- I'm a native New Yorker originally, so I know what you mean about lethal Manehattan winters.

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