• Published 24th Jul 2013
  • 8,230 Views, 114 Comments

Little Sister, Big Problem - Twinkletail

A twisted wish by Apple Bloom turns Applejack into a foal. Shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Twilight was no athlete. Anypony who knew her knew this to be true. She was more comfortable sitting and reading than being up and active, and while she was not in bad shape by any means, she did have a tiny paunch that made her level of physicality rather clear. When it came to matters involving her friends in danger, though, nothing could stop her, even if her muscles and her lungs regretted it later.

This was one of those matters, as was clearly evident by the speed she was running and how hard she was breathing. Once Pinkie and Rainbow had headed off to get the other girls, Twilight had spent time grabbing every single book she could find on age manipulation magic. Normally, she would have done the necessary research at home, but thinking of her poor friend trapped as a foal had put her in a bit of a rush. The pile of relevant tomes hovered alongside her, teetering but never falling thanks to her level of magical control. As soon as she reached Sweet Apple Acres and met up with her other friends, she'd actually hit the books and find the solution.

Twilight was so singularly focused on getting to Sweet Apple Acres in record time (or at least record time for anypony not named Rainbow Dash) that she nearly tripped over the small white streak that zoomed across her path. This did nothing to help her previously-documented lack of physical acumen, and it was only by the grace of Celestia that she was able to stop herself from eating dirt or causing an impromptu hailstorm of books.

"What the...Sweetie Belle?" Twilight said, trying to catch her breath. "What's got you in such a rush?"

Sweetie stared at Twilight. This ruined the plan completely. She was pretty sure that a distinct lack of librarian pony would put a bit of a damper on her chances of getting the books she needed.

"Well, I was going to the library," Sweetie lamented.

"In such a rush?" Twilight asked, unable to help a grin. "Well, I'm glad to see you so eager to read, but I'm afraid the library's closed until I return."

Sweetie groaned. It was a big, exasperated groan, enough to startle Twilight. Apparently Sweetie had been taking lessons on theatrics from her sister.

"Wow, you're more eager than I thought," Twilight said, a bemused grin on her face. "It's good to see young minds so excited to learn." She made a mental note to compile a list of books that Sweetie might be interested in. It would be her top priority after Applejack was back to normal.

"It's not that!" Sweetie shouted. She felt a bit bad as she watched the disappointment begin to grow in Twilight's expression, but she didn't have time for misconceptions. "There's something wrong with Applejack and now there's something wrong with Apple Bloom too!"

"What?" Twilight exclaimed. "Oh no! Is Apple Bloom a foal now too?"

"You know about that?" Sweetie asked. "Uh, I mean, no, it's just Applejack that's a foal. But Apple Bloom is acting weird, like she doesn't know that Applejack was ever not a foal!"

Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. Things were bad enough already, but now it looked like it was causing residual effects. Apple Bloom had been exposed to Applejack for the longest time. What if being around her caused whatever was affecting her to mess with her mind? Twilight would have been impressed with and intrigued by the concept if she wasn't too busy being terrified for her friends.

"Oh dear," Twilight said, aware of the severe underreaction apparent in her reaction. She couldn't help it though; she'd gone through her mental Rolodex for a proper reaction to such a situation, but strangely enough, her search had come up fruitless.

"So what do we do?" Sweetie asked, her tone dripping with urgency. "You're the super-amazing magic pony! How do we fix this? I don't want Applejack to stay a foal, no matter how adorably cute she is like that!"

Twilight thought. She thought and thought, long enough that she could see the worry in Sweetie's face build and build.

"A-ha!" Twilight suddenly exclaimed, loudly enough to startle her little filly friend. "We're going to need more books! How do you feel about being my research partner for this, Sweetie Belle?"

Sweetie's heart sank. She was okay with a little bit of searching through books, but being a study partner for Twilight sounded like a lot more than a little bit of work. In fact, it sounded dangerously close to a lot of work, so much so that she nearly wanted to back out right then and there. If it wasn't for how much she wanted to help her friends, she likely would have turned tail right then and there. As it stood, though, rejecting the concept was not an option if she wanted Bloom and Applejack to be fixed.

"...Sure?" Sweetie replied. She hoped that Twilight would overlook her unsure tone, and thankfully for her, the study high that she was currently on allowed for exactly that.

"Great! Let's go!" Twilight said. Sweetie felt herself lifted off of the ground and deposited on Twilight's back, and the two were off to the exciting world of studying.


Carrot and Cup Cake had seen some strange things during their lives in Ponyville, even before Pinkie Pie moved in with them and forever altered their definition of "strange." Ponyville, despite its outward appearance of "sleepy little town," was anything but, and often seemed like a veritable magnet for any oddities that beset Equestria, and the Cakes had lived through their fair share of bizarre goings-on. They were seasoned veterans when it came to the town's weird events. "They saw a lot of odd things" would be the bullet point that they would wish to get across, had they been presenting this information as some kind of narrative.

Yet today still managed to throw them a curveball.

A visit from Apple Bloom and Scootaloo (and usually Sweetie Belle, although she was absent today) was usually an adventure in itself. The little fillies had a certain way of trailing chaos with them wherever they went. The Cakes still remembered when the three had come in here with Big Macintosh and Cheerilee under the effects of what they later found to be a "love poison." Never before had they seen two ponies act that ridiculously affectionate towards each other--or at least not in public, since they thought themselves to be a rather affectionate couple behind closed doors.

Today, though, was a brand new one. The two had brought a mysterious little foal with them. Apple Bloom was insisting that she was her little sister Applejack, which, given their knowledge of Applejack, was a logical fallacy. But Bloom was absolutely insistent about the fact, and would not be convinced otherwise. Scootaloo, on the other hoof, was agreeing with Bloom to her face, but insisting that she was crazy and that they were working on fixing her and Applejack, and requesting that they play along. This only served to make the Cakes certain that both of them were crazy.

And yet here they were, playing along anyway. The Cakes blamed their overactive parenting instincts; Bloom was insisting that she was in charge of her "little sister," and while Bloom was probably the most responsible of her friends, that wasn't saying a lot. Until they could sort out exactly what happened--which likely wouldn't happen until Big Macintosh and Granny Smith got back from their trip that Bloom had informed them of--they would be taking care of "Applejack," and that was that. Besides, it was rare that the twins had somepony around their own age to play with.

Applejack had been quite resistant to being taken away from her sister, but it didn't take long for her to warm up to Mrs. Cake's nuzzling and cooing, and soon she was giggling and squirming in the maternal mare's hooves. Upon closer inspection, Applejack seemed to even be a little younger than the twins, maybe by a couple of months or so. Mrs. Cake quietly reflected on how the twins had gotten so big as she held the tiny foal in her forelegs. She missed them being this size.

Applejack was placed in a playpen with the twins, Bloom insisting on staying close by with Scootaloo and not letting her out of her sight. The twins seemed confused by the new arrival, and if she didn't know better, Scootaloo would have thought that they knew something was up. They inspected the new arrival in their play area carefully. She was inspected from every angle, and one of her hooves fell subject to Pumpkin's traditional test of putting anything new in her mouth. This elicited an identical reaction from Applejack with Pumpkin's hoof, and a bond was quickly formed.

"Aww, they're friends already!" Bloom said with a smile. "Ain't that jus' the cutest thing?"

Scootaloo forced an eye roll as she looked at the foals playing. There was no way that she would admit how heart-wrenchingly adorable the sight was, because to do so would compromise her attitude and reduce her awesomeness quotient by at least 30 percent. It was pretty cute, though, but nopony else needed to know that she thought that.

"Whatever," Scootaloo responded. "So now the Cakes are looking after Applejack. That means you're free to study with us when Sweetie Belle gets back, right?"

"Ah still don't know why yer so dead-set on studyin' all of a sudden," Bloom said. "Don't seem like you at all. Is somethin' up?"

"You don't know the half of it," Scootaloo muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Bloom asked.

"I said, 'You don't have a graph of it,' " Scootaloo replied quickly.

"What does that even mean?" Bloom asked.

"Wanna go get some cupcakes?" Scootaloo asked.

Any questions that Bloom had about Scootaloo's odd statement were quickly forgotten in the name of cupcakes. She hurried over to the playpen and removed Pumpkin's hoof from Applejack's mouth long enough to give her a nuzzle and a kiss.

"Big sis'll be right back, okay cutie?" Bloom told her. She was answered with a coo and a giggle from her sister before she reached for Pumpkin's hoof again. Bloom smiled as she watched Pumpkin offer her hoof back up for suckling, then joined Scootaloo in leaving the room for delicious sugary goodness.


There was absolutely no good reason for Sweetie to take an entire hour getting books. Scootaloo knew this for a fact. Then again, it was Sweetie they were talking about. She wasn't dumb, but she could be a little ditzy at times, and she was certainly easy to distract. If Scootaloo had gone to get the books...no. No, she didn't want to even finish that thought, for the mere idea of stepping hoof into the library was nearly enough to make her break out in boredom hives, and they didn't need to stack an allergic reaction to learning on top of all of their other problems. If Scootaloo had been sent out instead of Sweetie Belle to retrieve something that certainly had nothing at all to do with studying, reading, or anything even remotely scholarly, she would have been back in a half hour at the very most.

It was taking all of Scootaloo's efforts to keep Bloom from checking on Applejack every few minutes. She reassured her over and over and over again that she and the twins were fine in their playpen and didn't have anything with them that could possibly hurt them, and that Mr. and Mrs. Cake, who were taking turns going into the room every five or so minutes, had everything under control.

"What if she needs a bottle?" Bloom asked.

"The Cakes will take care of it," Scootaloo told her.

"What if she needs her diaper changed?" Bloom asked, panic setting in.

"The Cakes have twins," Scootaloo told her. "I'm sure they know how to change diapers."

"But only Ah know how ta make her calm down during it!" the nervous filly exclaimed. "She likes ta have her hooves tickled after it's off, an' if she keeps cryin' then Ah gotta..."

"Enough!" Scootaloo said. "I really don't need to hear the specifics about your sister's diaper changes! I'm sure the Cakes will be able to take care of it." She shook her head a bit, wondering what it might have been like to be Applejack right now. She could only imagine how torturous it would be to be trapped in a foal's body, whatever magic that was in effect making her helplessly behave like one too. Just the idea of losing all semblance of control and watching others take care of her...it sent shivers down her spine.

"Why're ya shiverin?" Bloom asked. Scootaloo, caught in the act, smiled awkwardly.

"Uhh...I was just thinking about...how gross it would be to have to pick up dog droppings for a living!" Scootaloo responded.

"...Ew," Bloom said. "Weirdo." Sometimes, Scootaloo thought, it was good to be known as the one who said weird, gross things. It saved her in situations like this.

The two fillies' attention was drawn to Sugarcube Corner's front door as it flew open. Scootaloo's eyes lit up, expecting Sweetie Belle, but that wasn't the case.

"A-HA!" Pinkie exclaimed, leading Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity into the bakery. "I knew my Pinkie Sense was right! Here's Apple Bloom!"

"Hay girls!" Bloom said with a smile. "Why were ya lookin' fer me?"

"Where's Applejack?" Rainbow shouted.

"Shhh!" Bloom responded. "Applejack don't like it when ponies're hollerin' like that! She's right here in the nursery."

Before Apple Bloom could explain that she had the situation under control, all four adults took off, galloping past the two fillies and towards the nursery. Bloom, furious that they wouldn't even consider the possibility that she knew what she was doing, charged after them, with an exasperated Scootaloo in hot pursuit. The two skidded to a halt just before they would have collided with the grownups, who had frozen in their tracks upon entering the nursery. They peered around the four to take a look at what had gotten them so stunned. There, in the playpen, were Applejack and the Cake twins, snuggled up with each other and napping peacefully.

It was a simple fact that everypony, even those who were stronger than their peers, had a limit to what they could handle. No matter how tough one claimed to be, everypony had a limit, a point where even their gruff demeanor couldn't hold up anymore. Scootaloo, thanks to the adorable sight before her eyes, had reached her limit.

"Awwwww!" Scootaloo cooed, her wings buzzing happily. She quickly threw a hoof over her mouth as soon as she realized what she'd just said, hoping that nopony, especially Rainbow Dash, would notice. Thankfully for her, the attention of the ponies in the room was drawn to the much more pronounced reaction of Fluttershy. The typically-shy pegasus practically flew across the room, hovering over the playpen with a huge smile on her face.

"Isn't she just the cutest, sweetest little dear?" Fluttershy said to nopony in particular. "Oooo, I could just smoosh those little cheeks!" Her reaction seemed to stir Applejack from her sleep, the little foal letting out a sweet little yawn as her little green eyes looked up at the yellow face floating above her, a face that she recognized and that made her smile from ear to ear.

"Futtashy!" Applejack exclaimed, her tiny little voice barely wrapping itself around the name.

If one looked close enough, they could likely see the exact moment that Fluttershy's heart melted. She carefully scooped Applejack up from between the twins and held her close to her face, squeeing happily as she rubbed her nose against the foal's and peppered her with comments about how cute and sweet she was. It took Fluttershy a good 20 or 30 seconds to snap out of her foal-induced reverie, cradling Applejack in her forelegs as she looked back at the other ponies, who were all now staring at her. She blushed lightly and smiled an awkward smile.

"Um...sorry..." Fluttershy squeaked.

"Quite alright, darling," Rarity responded. "She really is the cutest thing, isn't she? Hello, little Applejack!" She reached out and took the bundle of joy from Fluttershy, rubbing noses with her. Suddenly, she stopped.

"Oh," Rarity said, frowning. "She's wet. Here, you may have her back." She passed the foal back to Fluttershy, conjuring up a wet nap and wiping her hooves with it.

"Alright, come on," Rainbow said. "We have to fix her!"

"Fix her?" Bloom piped up. "Ah don't see nothin' wrong with her!"

The grownups, even Pinkie, all stared at Bloom as if she had three heads, and all of them were saying that there was nothing wrong with Applejack.

"Are you loco in the coco?" Pinkie asked. "Applejack's a mph!" It wasn't completely out of the realm of possibility for Pinkie to purposely cut herself off in a silly fashion, but this time it was due to Scootaloo clamping a hoof over her mouth.

"Yeaaah!" Scootaloo said quickly. "She's just fine! Uhh, Apple Bloom, do you mind if I talk to them in private?"

"Free country," Bloom responded with a shrug. Scootaloo quickly helped Fluttershy pass Applejack into Bloom's waiting forelegs--a task which proved difficult with Fluttershy's unwillingness to let the cute little foal go--and urged the four into the front hall.

"Okay, something's wrong with Apple Bloom too," Scootaloo told them once they were alone. "I mean I'm sure you noticed that Applejack's a foal now..."

"Yes, Scootaloo, we've picked up on that," Rarity said.

"Do you know anything about how it happened?" Rainbow asked.

"Not at all," Scootaloo replied. "But what I do know is that it seems to have traumatized Apple Bloom, because now she thinks Applejack's supposed to be a foal!"

"What?!" Rarity exclaimed, her shock echoed by the other three. "How could that be?"

"Search me!" Scootaloo answered. "But there's gonna be no telling her that it's not the case until we figure out how to fix it, because if she hears that, then she's gonna go even more crazy and I don't wanna be responsible for that!"

A moment of silence passed.

"...You read way too many comic books," Rainbow said flatly.

"Now hold on!" Pinkie said. "I saw Apple Bloom right after Applejack became a foal, and she didn't seem nutty at all! What happened between then and now?" Before Anypony could say anything else, the excitable pink pony continued. "Ouh, maybe she fell and bumped her head, and then she woke up and saw Applejack as an adorable little foal and the bump made her brain go all cuckoo and think that she really was a foal! Oh, or maybe she got kidnapped by evil aliens who used a mind control gun to make her think everything was fine! Or maybe there's an alternate dimension where Apple Bloom's older than Applejack and our Apple Bloom got switched with theirs?"

"...Okay," Rainbow said, looking to Scootaloo. "I was wrong. She reads way too many comic books."

"Well, whatever the case may be, we must fix both of them," Rarity said. "Does anypony have any ideas?"

The five ponies stood silent, even Pinkie. Thankfully for them, the silence was soon broken by the front door bursting open.

"I have an idea!" Twilight said as she, Sweetie Belle, and Spike ran into the bakery. "Or rather, we have an idea!"

"Twilight!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "You're here! Wait, how did you know that Rarity asked if anypony had any ideas?"

"What? I didn't know," Twilight said, smiling awkwardly. "I was just excited about our idea. But I guess it worked out well, didn't it? Now where are the Apple sisters?"

The entire group piled into the nursery. The commotion of the eight other ponies (and one dragon) now in the room was enough to wake the twins up, and they both glared at the intruders who dared to disturb their slumber. Applejack, on the other hoof, looked quite happy to see all the company, and waved her hoofsies cheerfully.

"Tiligh!" Applejack exclaimed.

Sweetie nearly passed out from the sheer adorableness of it all, and Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity couldn't help but giggle. Even Scootaloo and Rainbow had to smile.

"Heehee..." Twilight giggled. "She is pretty cute like this." A nudge from Spike broke her out of her moment of distraction. "But we still have to fix her!" The rest of the older ponies in the room nodded resolute nods, save for one very perturbed yellow filly.

"Now why in the world do y'all keep sayin' we gotta fix her?" Bloom protested. "There ain't nothin' broken about her!" Scootaloo tensed up, ready to pounce on Twilight and stop her from blowing Bloom's mind, but she was stopped by Sweetie suddenly grabbing and restraining her.

"Hey! What gives?" Scootaloo grumbled.

"I told Twilight about your plan," Sweetie said, wrapping her forelegs around Scootaloo's midsection. "And she said that we need to tell Apple Bloom the truth! And you know how smart Twilight is, so she must be right!"

"Ugh...fiiiiiiine," Scootaloo said. "Nice grapple, by the way. Never knew you had it in you."

"Thanks!" Sweetie said, smiling proudly. "I learned it when we were trying to be Cutie Mark Crusaders cage fighters."

"That's very nice, girls," Twilight said. "But right now, we've got to fix things, and we have to start with Apple Bloom."

"Me now?!" Bloom exclaimed. "What is with you ponies? Why do ya think there's somethin' wrong with us? Ya got somethin' against us Apples?"

"Of course not, Apple Bloom," Twilight said softly, lighting her horn up. "I love you girls, which is exactly why I need to do this." She leaned down, touching the tip of her horn to Bloom's head. The filly opened her mouth to question it, but stopped as a flood of visions and memories flooded her mind. For about ten seconds, Bloom stood silently, staring off into the middle distance as the spell assaulted her senses, her friends looking on with worry. Finally, the spell ran its course and dissipated. It took a few more seconds before Bloom moved, rubbing her forehead with a hoof.

"Whoa..." Bloom slurred. "That was intense..." She glanced around the room at the ponies staring at her. Her eyes settled on her foalified sister, then went wide.

"Applejack!" Bloom exclaimed. "We gotta fix ya, ASAP!"

"It worked! You're fixed!" Sweetie shouted, throwing her forelegs around her friend. A collective sigh of relief rippled amongst the other ponies in the room.

"Eheh...s-sorry 'bout all that," Bloom said sheepishly. "Ah dunno what came over me..."

"A simple mind control spell," Twilight said with a smile. "Causes by whatever changed your sister. Thankfully, your friend Sweetie Belle is a smart young filly who remembered me telling her about the memory spell I used on the girls to save them from the spells of Discord and...um...myself, by accident." She took a look at the tiny Applejack, who was now idly suckling on her hoof. "I think this might require more than a memory spell, though. If only we knew what had caused it..."

Bloom had already fallen silent as soon as Twilight had even said the word "Discord." After all the trouble that had been caused by not only Applejack's transformation, but her own bout of magic-induced memory alteration, the guilt was getting to be too much for her. She suddenly let out a shout, attracting the attention of everypony in the room.

"It was me!" the filly shouted. "Ah was all upset at Applejack fer bossin' me around so much an' then Discord showed up at mah window an' he said he'd help me an' Ah wished Ah could be the older sister cause Ah thought it was a dream but it wasn't a dream an' even if it was Ah thought he'd make me older but instead he made Applejack a foal an' Ah couldn't tell nopony cause he made me promise Ah wouldn't tell a soul but Ah already caused too much trouble with this an' Ah'm sorry an' Ah jus' want mah normal big sister back!"

All eyes fell on Apple Bloom, who now had her face buried in her forelegs, completely ashamed of herself. Even Applejack and the twins were now staring at her. Twelve sets of eyes bore holes in the filly from different angles; a number made especially odd by the fact that other than Bloom, there had only been ten ponies and one dragon in the room.

"Apple Bloom!" a baritone voice suddenly called out. "I'm must say I'm surprised. I thought you'd keep a promise."

The focus of the ponies and dragon in the room now turned to the nearby hat rack, which bore a set of mismatched eyes; a fact whose strangeness was compounded by the fact that there had not been a hat rack in the room at all prior to now. The fact that it was also holding a bag of half-popped popcorn was another story altogether.

"Discord!" Twilight shouted, flaring her wings out in anger. "How dare you!"

"Well, ex-cuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess," the hat rack responded as it poofed into the familiar shape of the draconequus. "I was only trying my best to bring happiness to a little filly's heart." He snapped his fingers and produced a handkerchief, which he promptly blew his now-runny nose in. "Is that so wrong? Am I so bad?" A trio of mini-Discords popped into existence and began applauding the original's touching speech, the middle of which tossing a bouquet of roses in his direction.

"Enough, Discord!" Twilight demanded. "You shouldn't have-"

"Wait!" Bloom shouted, stepping between the two. "Don't be mad at him! It's not his fault!" Then she hesitated. "...Well, it's not all his fault! It's...mostly mah fault, actually."

"Apple Bloom, you don't have to..." Rarity began, but Bloom silenced her.

"No, Ah really do," Bloom said. "Discord never woulda done this if Ah didn't ask fer it...even though it wasn't exactly what Ah wanted. But it happened cause Ah was upset with Applejack, even though she wasn't tryin' ta upset me. She was jus' lookin' out fer me, an' Ah was begin' a brat." She walked over to her currently-little sister and hugged her. "Ah'm real sorry, Applejack, an' Ah really want ya back ta normal." The others smiled as the little foal reached her tiny forelegs up and hugged back.

"That's very mature of you, Apple Bloom," Twilight said. Then she turned her gaze to Discord. "And I certainly hope that somepony will change her back."

"What? Of course I will!" Discord said. "I'm no monster, my dear Twilight. I've even taught little Apple Bloom a valuable lesson about friendship! In fact, I should probably inform Princess Celestia. That's what you used to always do, isn't it? Spike! Take a letter!"

"In your dreams," Spike muttered.

"Perhaps," Discord mused, turning a devilish grin towards Spike. "Although I certainly wouldn't want to do that in your dreams, Spikey-Poo, I don't believe Rarity would want to share the stage."

"C'mon, Discord," Bloom said, frowning a little. "Couldja please jus' change her back?" She employed her most potent weapon once more, this time in Discord's direction, giving him the biggest, saddest eyes she could muster.

"Please, please! Holster your weapons!" Discord exclaimed, wincing. "I'm doing it, I'm doing it!" Then he patted Bloom on her head. "You know, I would have fixed this so much sooner if you only told on me sooner."

"What?!" Bloom shouted. "But you made me promise not to!"

"A-ha! My second lesson!" Discord laughed. "A promise is important, but isn't the well-being of your sister much more so?"

"Well if Ah knew that woulda gotten ha ta change her back, then Ah woulda said somethin' sooner!" Bloom protested.

"Hm...I guess I did leave that bit of information out," Discord said with a smile. "How forgetful of me. Now come on, let's make your Apple not so teeny." The draconequus snapped his fingers, and there was a puff of smoke localized around Applejack. When it dissipated, the mare was standing there, fully grown once more and looking quite dazed.

"Applejack!" Bloom shouted, throwing her forelegs around her once-again-big sister. "Ah'm so sorry fer what Ah did ta ya! Please don't be upset at me! Ah promise Ah'll listen ta ya an' not overreact so much anymore!"

Applejack was silent. She had just spent the better part of the day as a tiny foal, a large portion of which was spent so deep under the spell that she was thinking like a foal as well. Reorienting herself to a grownup body and adult thoughts was taking some getting used to. Some foalish thoughts hadn't quite faded yet, and part of her wanted to start crying at the sudden change. She fought that urge off as she finally managed to wrap a foreleg around Bloom.

"...Ah never wanna experience that again," Applejack said. "But yeh...Ah fergive ya, Apple Bloom. Ah ain't completely innocent either, ya know. Ah coulda met ya halfway on some things. Ah'll try not ta be so demand in' in the future."

"No!" Bloom said. "You were right, really. Ah shouldn't have acted like Ah did." She gave her sister a nuzzle, and Applejack nuzzled back.

"Yer right," Applejack said. "Ah'm glad ya understand. An' Ah sure hope ya understand when Ah say that yer grounded fer the rest of the day."

"Ah understand completely!" Bloom said with a smile. She let go of Applejack, then suddenly began to snicker.

"Now what's so funny?" Applejack asked. Her attention was turned to her backside as Bloom scampered behind her. It was then that she noticed that the damp diaper she'd been wearing had been resized with her. She blushed beet red as she felt Bloom pat it.

"Does Applejack need her sister ta give her a change~?" Bloom asked sweetly, much to the embarrassment of her padded sister.

"Oh shush," Applejack squeaked as the others burst into laughter.

Comments ( 13 )

I was honestly expecting this to be longer. Seriously, cramming all of this plot in the last chapter makes it feel a bit rushed. :applejackunsure:

Ah well. This was still an enjoyable ride. Again, it felt very much like an actual episode from the show, or at least a story from the comics. In fact, looking back on it now, there are parallels one can draw to Somepony to Watch Over Me, what with Apple Bloom coming to resent Applejack's role as the big older sister and does something reckless about it. But with the inclusion of Discord and exploring different themes, this story manages to stand on its own as well. Nicely done. :twilightsmile:

5352912 Yeah, it even kind of has the same ending. Though I feel like in this case it makes even less sense for Apple Bloom to just be okay with Applejack completely bossing her around. Applejack was more than willing to compromise, and that's where it should've stopped.

That ending was pure gold though. Discord would be the kind of guy to forget such an important detail. :rainbowlaugh:


Whoops, maybe I should have clarified that better. It was supposed to more like Bloom saying "I understand if you have to be a little bossy sometimes" while AJ was saying "I'll try to lighten up."

If AJ is on the road to regressing to age zero, then Discord has taken his game too far.

AJ better remember her time as a foal, it makes a good vacation for her at least.

"Oh," Rarity said, frowning. "She's wet. Here, you may have her back."

You think she'd have gotten used to that when Sweetie Belle was a baby

"...Okay," Rainbow said, looking to Scootaloo. "I was wrong. She reads way too many comic books."

RD saying too many comics? Geeze!

5353372 Well, that was probably years and years ago. Even so, if Rarity's ever going to have foals of her own someday, she's going to have to get use to things like that.

Awesome story. All I have to say.

Enjoyable. Hoped it was longer, but it was still a decent way to end things.

Worth the wait.

I love the Zelda reference. Amazing story. you should really do a sequel!:twilightsmile:

I liek the story, and applebloom learning a lesson. Afterall a little choaos isn't all bad as long as they learn right..

This story was too cute!

This was an interesting story with good characterization and a fun plot. If I had to pick something to be critical about... It kind of felt like it was building towards a conclusion that it never quiet reached. The story wraps up a little too neatly as a result, and while the conflict in the story is obvious, the stakes never really seem to rise.

All and all I still enjoyed reading it, and there were a few funny moments that got a genuine smile, if not an outright laugh. I think I could've done without all of the diaper humor though.

Ah was bein' a brat.

"Well if Ah knew that woulda gotten ya ta change her back, then Ah woulda said somethin' sooner!" Bloom protested.

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