This story is a sequel to High Maintenance Alicorn Fillies and You.
While Celestia was defending Canterlot from Chrysalis, one of her spells hits a mirror and splits into four, hitting her, Luna, Discord, and Queen Chrysalis. Cadence arrived on the scene, and now is the mother of four, very powerful foals.
Having no idea how to handle babysitting Changelings, or Draconequus, she leaves Shining Armor to watch over the Crystal Empire and heads to Ponyville to ask six very important ponies what to do.
I mean, a spell that got divided between four can't be permanent, can it?
You might want to change your mention of hands to hooves. Ponies don't have hands, after all
Damn thought I caught them all.
Applejack and filly Chrysalis huh neverthough about it. Soo unusal combo
2804827 bleh. same. That's why Ctrl-F for hands, legs, arms, toes, fingers, stand or anything human-related becomes mandatory.
That, and like ." or ," and [[doublespacing]] and stuff like [i] [/i] (I type in BBCode lol. :P)
Highly amusing! But there were a few missed words/spelling errors, but not enough to take me out of it.
Don't apologize, it's an extremely amusing story and quite well written overall. Sorry if I seemed rude.
nah you're fine, I was saying sorry for the errors
I'll get a proofreader on it asap.
No reason to apologize; best of luck regardless.
What could possibly go wrong

Chrysalis is with applejack
Thats your first mistake, as for Pinki and Luna. that might go over well. however I think Twilight will have problems taking care of Celestia initially things will calm down on her end. those are my thoughts on the matter.
Let the headaches begin.
There's a foalification fic trend lately.
Welp at least it helps counter the oviposition trend.
I just write the stories, I don't pay attention to what other stories are similar.
If I was paying attention to that, I'd never write one.
So far not bad. A bit simplistic.
Discy with Shy makes sense.
Tia with Twi is basically a reversal of the prequel so that makes some sense. (Cadance thinking Twi has no experience is wrong. She took care of Spike once they were both old enough. Celestia only raised him as an infant.)
Lulu could go with anypony, really, but would make the most sense to be with Twi as well since Twi works at home, and has Spike to help take care of them, and they can be together. AJ, Pinkie, Dash, and Rarity work all day and the CMC are not mature enough to help. But they could all help out Twi when she needs a break.
As for Chrysi, she should really have stayed with Cadance since only she can give love without feeling it (who really likes Chrysalis?), and since her hubby is the only one who can really contain her if she "grows up" suddenly. Also them working to reform Chrysalis by raising her is mutually ironic.
I'll keep it on my RiL to see where it goes.
Oh how I would love to spill my plot so I can use your unique talent to ensure there aren't any plot holes.
>Fluttershy heard a knock at the door, and turned her head. The dark night obscured any chance of seeing who it was, and the curtains certainly didn’t help either. Opening the door she was greeted by the eager face of a flying Draconequus, and jumped out of the way with a surprised ‘eep’.
>, and
>, and
>, and
Wow, an opening paragraph without any attempt at sentence diversification. Oh, and two of those commas were completely unnecessary ("and" is supposed to remove the need for a comma). Color me unimpressed.
>“Fluttershy it’s Cadence” spoke a voice from the door
Awesome, forgot the punctuation mark at the end of dialogue. Second paragraph is starting off even worse. Are they trying to outdo each other in a race for how to screw up comma placement?
You actually label the flashback as a "flashback". Hooooly shit. I'll just mark this square off on my "Amateurish story mistakes" bingo card here... Seriously, you should be using this thing known as "Organic story-telling". It's where the two characters you have in the scene actually talk about what's going on, rather than sticking a shovel into that mess of exposition and trying to ram it down my throat.
>“To b-be fair your hair looks like ice cream, ”commented Fluttershy.
>, "F
You were too fast on the Spacebar there. Chances are you're too fast in other things as well, like during bed play with the significant other (or the significantly well-paid, at least).
>Fluttershy gently gazed at Discord and said a soft but stern, “no”.
Generally, people capitalize the beginning of dialogue, but I suppose you're blazing a trail. A trail headed right for a sheer cliff face that falls into the Fens of Ferocious Mediocrity.
Wow, how clever and meta of you, delivered with all the subtlety of a brick to the face. There's ABSOLUTELY NO WAY this will turn out well, and I'm not talking about how Fluttershy is going to deal with the foals.
While you aren't even trying to not be rude, I will still thank you for pointing out my errors.
Also I'm a virgin, so congratulations!
I do not claim to be good.
I do not claim to be 'not amateurish.'
I just write.
>I do not claim to be 'not amateurish.'
That's a double-negative.
Right, since you didn't respond with all the maturity usually reserved for a four year-old whose mother won't buy them a chocolate bar at the grocery store, you get help.
Punctuating dialogue.
Sentence structure.
More on it.
(You should read that entire thread, but I linked those two in particular since it's pertinent to the grips I had, which are pervasive and legion).
And the best way to learn how to get better: Read actual, good, professional writing. Published doesn't mean good; just look at Twilight (and its god-awful fanfiction-cum-erotica novel, Fifty Shades of Grey).
Well well, looks like someone can be nice
I've read the first one, but I'll give the others a glance when I have time.
I'm always looking to improve, and I rely on other people to point out where I go wrong so I can try. If no one tells me where, how can I stop a leak?
So, if you have some spare time, I'd love to see you have a look at my Sweetest Belle story, as it is the one I put the most effort into.
Thanks for the advice.

Just wanted to point out that in correcting the author, you've made some mistakes yourself. Not hypocritical, are we, now?
>Says there are errors
>Doesn't point them out
>Claims not substantiated by evidence
Right. You do that. I'll be over here, not giving a fuck.

Like a certain somepony, I'm not gonna spend ages writing a huge, boring comment for people to ignore.
Which is to say "I don't got jack shit."
who wants to bet Cadence will have something to drought. ME!!!!
If I know you right this will backfire and burn to Candance.
Whatever makes you happy, pal!
i like it baby princesses, baby discord, and a baby changeling soo cute
The adult / foal pairings make pretty good sense actually ...
Twily + Tia is obvious
Flutters + Dissy is also pretty obvious
Pinkie + Lulu not obvious but I like
AJ + Chrissy not obvious but I understand. Unless Cadance wants to constantly cast love spells on Chrissy then the best option is to put her in an enviroment full to bursting with Love ... AKA Sweet Apple Acres...
I like it make a new chapter please
This is great....Imma follow you, k?
Medical attention is needed
Spoilers ahead. You stand warned
Cadence gently knocked on the door to Fluttershy’s house, eager to check on the most rowdiest of the babies. Her fears were concerned as the door opened to her press, it hadn’t been closed properly. Walking inside, Cadence could only gape at the mess.
Most Rowdiest should just be rowdiest and concerned should be confirmed.
Throwing up a wing to protect herself, Cadence winced at the strength the cookies hit her.
You should add a with to the end of the sentence and change strength to force.
I'm almost afraid to see what Celestia's been getting up to, if everyone's having this much trouble with the others.
But the bit with Chrissi was adorable!
Chryssy was just so adaawwable. I hope she become nicer after this whole thing blows over
Thanks for the help
Dumb question time ...
Was Twilight nursing Celestia? or was she bottle feeding Celestia?
just curious ...
Ah sorry, must be an Australian thing.
I meant nursing as holding the baby in their arms or lap.
Not in the sense of feeding them.
Yay fire!
Fire good, fire warm, fire fun
Aint Lestie an itty bittie scoundrel.
Cadence made the right choice. Luna apparently didn't like Pinkie Pie for some reason.
(My guess, revenge for making fun of her on Nightmare Night. You never insult a princess.)
I will say this Twilight definately has some skill with magic... enough so to hold off the madness of the Fire.
Calling it now. One of the little ones will somehow - probably accidentally - wind up in Dash's care, and she will turn out to be excessively good with foals to the point where whoever's in her care doesn't even think of misbehaving. And everypony else will be shocked beyond belief, to which she'll respond with, "What? Foals are easy."
I predict that Dash is going to end up foalsitting Luna, and that she was the one who Cadance should have asked to do so in the first place.
2980237 i am kindof thinking that to

Nice chapter so far
Oh God, a baby Discord. May Faust have mercy on their souls.
Calling it now: Dash turns out to be incredibly good with foals.