This story is a sequel to Flurry Heart's Story: The Perfect Storm Streak
Everyone in Ponyville is preparing for the event of the summer: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich's wedding! Unfortunately, Flurry starts to notice something just isn't right: Pinkie seems to be a little stressed out and not exactly herself. Perhaps Flurry is just a little apprehensive about the fact that her own parents had to deal with a changeling invasion in their wedding years ago. Twilight has the Changeling Necklace which helps her to see through changeling disguises, so everything should be fine, right? Also, why is Maud acting so weird?
Inspired by the official show, this is part of a fan-made sequel series I created called "Flurry Heart's Story", which documents the adventures of Flurry Heart as she makes friends and faces new and familiar villains, some of which may still be redeemable.
Next story: The Ghost of Grogar
Flurry Heart's Story and its author are in no way associated with Hasbro or any of the creative team behind My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This series is entirely fan-made and is created in honor of the official show. No copyright infringement is intended or encouraged. Please support the official release.