• Member Since 23rd Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Splash Surfer 216

Hello or aloha! I’m SplashSurfer216, I’m born with Asperger’s syndrome, and am just a guy with big ambitions and writing happens to be one of them!


An update · 1:25am Dec 14th, 2022

A couple days ago, news broke out on Twitter about a series of inappropriate behaviors and harassing messages I made towards members of the community. While there is context and truth behind this behavior, I will not devolve into too many details as to prevent anymore judgement and pain that my actions have caused, whether it was my intention or not. The best I can do right now, is address what has happened, express my sincerest apologies wherever I can, and move forward to the road of

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Report Splash Surfer 216 · 327 views ·

Belated 2022 Update · 3:58am Apr 15th, 2022

Hey, everyone!

First off, no, I'm not dead, just been busy, a lot of things have been going on in life in the past year, far too many to discuss. But with a new year, comes a fresh new start! So, here's a bit of an update of some of the new things that'll be going on.

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Report Splash Surfer 216 · 323 views ·

2021 Update · 11:08pm Jan 5th, 2021

Hey there guys,

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Report Splash Surfer 216 · 394 views ·

Update · 2:59am Nov 26th, 2018

Hey guys,

I bet you're wondering what the hold up is on updating my stories. I sincerely apologize for the hiatus, and hope to eventually update my stories soon and so on.

I would like to offer some explainations as to why I haven't been as active on here as I used to.

1. Obviously, my personal life does tend to leave me distracted, as well as the fact that at the start of next year I'll be starting school again, so I might be a little more slow on updating stories.

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Report Splash Surfer 216 · 551 views ·

The nerve of some people... · 1:38am Jun 14th, 2018

Talk about impolite! This one wiseacre comments on my issue report on github and accusing me of reposting garbage that isn’t very clear enough before asking if I cleared my cache and cookies history.

Can you believe how rude some people can be sometimes? I was patient and waited as along as I could for a response and this what I get? WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME PEOPLE?

At the end of the day, let this be a warning to everypony to watch who comments on their stuff.

Report Splash Surfer 216 · 336 views ·

Rise of the Shadow Empire due for retooling · 10:10am Jun 13th, 2018

Okay guys,

Due to the success of the retooled version of “Ponyville Runaways”, I’ve started noticing and slowly figuring out why “Rise of the Shadow Empire” is becoming not very noticed enough. So I’ve enlisted the help of someone to help me fix some errors and add some things to the story to make it seem easier to follow, and to quicken the pace enough, and whatnot.

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Report Splash Surfer 216 · 329 views ·

Chapters back up soon! · 2:07pm Jun 11th, 2018

Good news, everypony. I’m happy to announce that chapters 1-5 of “Ponyvilke Runaways” have finished a week along of retooling and will be back up either today or tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Update: All chapters are back up at this point, enjoy!

Report Splash Surfer 216 · 334 views ·

Once again... · 12:26am Jun 9th, 2018

Ugh... once again after updating my Nextbook, I’m booted out of my account and now it’s that buffering, access denied cursor bull(yay) with this site on my end. What is up with this site sometimes?

I’ve reported the issue again, but still have yet to receive a response.

Sorry guys, but I’m not sure when this will be fixed so that I can reupload the retooled version of “Ponyville Runaways” next week, or do my work with Everfree...

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Report Splash Surfer 216 · 281 views ·

The Future of "Ponyville Runaways" · 6:21pm Jun 6th, 2018

Hey guys,

I have some rather unfortunate news to give you....

First off I'd like to thank you all for making "Ponyville Runaways" into among one of the most popular fics on this site, this has been the most fun I have writing next to "Rise of the Shadow Empire".

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Report Splash Surfer 216 · 609 views ·

It’s gonna be of those days. · 12:34am Apr 17th, 2018

Does this ever happen to anyone? On your computer, when you try to sign back into Fimfiction through it, does it for some reason not redirect you your account and just stays on the login page with a buffering symbol on the green button and your cursor turns into an “access denied” symbol? Yeah, that’s what going on with my Nextbook and I’m starting to lose patience.: twilightangry2: I’ve already contacted knighty about the issue and have been assured that the problem will be sorted out but so

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Report Splash Surfer 216 · 249 views ·