• Member Since 31st Jul, 2016

Interdimensional cable34

I love reading and writing in my spare time. I believe everyone has the potential to write great and amazing stories. That said I look forward to reading y'all's stories. Don't give up and keep on

READ!!!! 202 stories
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Total Words: 1,239,190
Estimated Reading: 3 days



  • Featured 24814 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

An accident has taken our beloved Apple Bloom from the Apple Family. They can get her back though. They must! Family is everything, and they can’t let their parents last wish be in vain. Discord says he has a way; there are rules, but if little Apple Bloom can be returned, they will obey them.
For the Halloween in April Horror Contest with the Barcast, Here.

Chapters (1)

While visiting Canterlot with Limestone, Marble runs into an energetic pony who could match her twin in cheerfulness. And she's cute. And wants to talk to her. And cute.

Naturally, Marble explodes from shyness.

Pre-read by: Timaeus
Ch. 1 Audio Reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Rainbow's Surprise

On the day of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's wedding, Princess Celestia left Twilight a message saying that she should prepare herself if something happens. The next morning, Twilight awakens to find that all of Ponyville has succumb to a blinding fog. She must now travel a monster-filled town in search for her teacher and friends and try to return Ponyville back to the way it was.

Chapters (15)

Pinkie Pie is being tormented by horrific nightmares. Unable to deal with it by herself anymore she seeks out Twilight's help, but will it have been the best decision when she finds herself alone in an abandoned, fog filled Ponyville?

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/4676/Too-Shy-for-a-Rainbow

There have been a LOT of high-quality readings of Silent Ponyville, but this one is my personal favorite:

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Too Shy for a Rainbow

If you liked this fic, check out the awesome Audio Dub version of it by The Lost Narrator!:

It's been a month since Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash started dating. Everything was going fine until Fluttershy started experiencing horrific nightmares that started keeping her up at night. Looking for answers, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie seek out Twilight. But when the three mares find themselves within the world of Silent Ponyville, will things turn out for the better? Or will things end in tragedy?

Sequel: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/14866/Silent-Ponyville%3A-Reunion

Chapters (14)

The changelings are banished, the day is saved! Yet a victory for one must be a defeat for another, and this particular victory has left one changeling stranded in Canterlot, alone and broken. A certain pink party pony is also alone in the Canterlot night, hiding her depression from her friends. She cannot, however, hide her feelings from a changeling. What will become of this unlikely pair?

As featured in Twilight's Library.

Cover picture by Ruirik

Chapters (5)

When King Thorax released his reformed changelings into Equestria, Mister Lonely Heart set up shop in Ponyville as a "Grievance Counselor". He mimics ponies that his clients have ugly history with. Twilight Sparkle asks him to do a special job that reveals how deeply troubled her personal life really is.

Featured on 6/15/17! First time ever! Yowzah!🎃
TheDizzyDan did a great Youtube reading!IN THIS LINK!

Chapters (1)

As all things in any universe Equestria too had a beginning. In the same way a plant sometimes grows on the remains of its ancestors, Equestria grew on the remains of the world that came before it.

Scientists assume an imbalance in the magical field of the universe caused a gigantic explosion that formed all matter. That matter then gathered and formed Equestria by the virtue of its own gravitational pull. It then pulled in more and more matter until it had absorbed all material in its sphere of influence. Sun and moon got pulled into orbit and the basic foundations of life were laid. And as life tends to do, it inevitably found a way to thrive.

More religious ponies believe that Equestria was formed by an all-powerful creator. Said creator then formed the very universe in a way so they could live in it. Some believe that either Celestia or Luna or both of them did that. Others give that honour to an obscure entity they call Faust.

Neither the scientists nor the priests are correct though. But Twilight Sparkle will soon find out the truth.

Chapters (1)

An alicorn who wishes to repair a friendship in any way possible finds herself aboard Equestria's largest space station. Her goal is to keep things friendly with her old friend, to avoid relapsing into the past and ending up alone. As Twilight attempts to fix the fence, the station becomes contaminated.

There is an Organism...big, relentless, aggressive, and extremely deadly that arrives on the once friendly station, causing chaos and turning the friendly atmosphere into a war zone. Twilight, who has no experience in mechanics or maintenance, has to fix the station.

Watch Twilight as the hunt begins, as ponies turn on one another, and as a friendship slowly begins to crumble. Could you tell me how long it would take you to...sign out?

( Photo created by Pork984)

Chapters (14)