• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2013


Look into my eyes... It's where my demons hide... Don't get too close, it's dark inside...

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This is your typical, stereotypical HIE story exposing all the HIE stereotypes, but like, compressed and crammed into one short chapter, making the pacing extremely awkward and fast. Yeah that's pretty much it.

*Disclaimer, I don't hate HIE stories, I actually love them. Don't sue me. Also, I'm so sorry for this.*

Big thanks to Flutterpriest for the narration! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z_Tb9JOfjQ!

This got featured on 9-26-2016... Why? I have no clue, but thanks!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to New Neighbor

You see that pink-haired girl in front of the statue every day at school, and you want to go up and talk to her. But she seems far too introverted to give you a second glance. So, really, all you need to do is get her into her comfort zone. But when a string of events brings you closer than you'd expected, this shy little sweetheart may just shock you behind closed doors . . .

The second installment of "The Steam Collection". Second-person present-tense perspective set in the EG universe. Rated 'Teen' for some sexy, steamy moments.

Featured on:

Chapters (1)

Depressed Rainbow Dash can hold on no longer. She has to let go.
But first, she writes a letter to Twilight, explaining everything.

This story has been reviewed!
Rage Reviews Grade: Meh

Chapters (1)

Luna, still a bit unhappy at Celestia for banishing her to the moon for a thousand years, wants to have a small, tiny taste of vengeance. To be exact, she wants to send Celestia to the Sun.

So what is Luna going to do first?

Ask Celestia for permission, of course. Complications eventually occur.

Cover art by: drawcreator

Proofread by: The Daring Cookie

EDIT: Featured on 06/08/2015! Thank you all!

EDIT 2: Now with a dramatic reading by the awesome Wander MD! Link to reading

EDIT 3: Big thanks to Constantoine for providing a French translation! Link to French version

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle and her husband, Flash Sentry, have had a perfectly happy life. Then, one day, Flash gets called to Saddle Arabia on a dangerous mission. Twilight waits happily for his return, awaiting him with a surprise that he might never get to see.

Chapters (1)

A timeless foe threatens the land of Equestria, neigh the world and beyond, and only Princess Twilight Sparkle is able to prevent this crisis. She will most certainly embark on a legendary quest that will undoubtedly span many written volumes and be filled, filled to the brim with rock hard drama, life-changing decisions that may jeopardize friendships and even a few cheap laughs along the way. Or not.

Chapters (1)

After a tragic accident claims the lives of Fluttershy and Big Macintosh, Twilight Sparkle begins to grow distant from her remaining friends. She locks herself in her castle and spends her life working on a cure for aging in the hopes her remaining friends can be saved.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie comes up with an idea for the best surprise ever. For three years she works in secret on a surprise for Twilight Sparkle. But Twilight's gift won't be revealed until the last of her friends has passed away.

What kind of surprise could possibly make up for the loss of your best friends?

Chapters (1)

So what would you do if you were suddenly pulled into another world? Panic? Scream? Punch the nearest thing thing you saw in the face? All of the above? Oh dear. That was Celestia. You just punched Celestia in the face.

Better run for it, she looks mad.

A quick story inspired by a prompt from PonyPon over on Derpibooru. Exactly what it says on the tin.

The only warning is that the narrator is a human, and there is a small bit of cursing.

Chapters (1)

WonderZone ("it's where foals gotta go!") is only the most awesome arcade in the world. Just ask Rainbow Dash, age 6. Its the sort of place you long to be growing up.

Some fillies would be content with ten minutes, fifteen, twenty. But all that Rainbow Dash wants - and all that she's getting - is another hour in the ball pit.

Chapters (1)

When one of Raven's spells goes awry she transports herself and the rest of the Titans into Equestria. Landing in the strange world they meet Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Along with the ponies they work to find a way to get back home before anything can happen to Jump city in their absence.

Edited by my dad.

Pre-read by NINJA-PON3 (chapter 1-4) m2pt5 (chapter 5-

Chapters (6)