I AM SORRY · 9:03am Oct 8th, 2017
Look into my eyes... It's where my demons hide... Don't get too close, it's dark inside...
The story is called Applejack's Wonderful Cider, and I highly recommend checking it out if you like grimdark horror stories!
Can't link it here because it's rated Mature but I'm sure you can find it lol.
Rating: Mature for graphic violence, gore, and disturbing themes.
I am currently working on an extremely long fanfic called Tenebras Insurgere, and this is just an update to let you all know how everything is going with that. Here are some details about this new story that you may want to know.
As I said in my last blog I'm writing a gigantic ass fanfiction. To give you an idea of how big, it is to be exactly ten million words by the time it's done. So yeah. I haven't had much time to do anything else
Any of y'all have one?
I can answer that question. It is because I have been recently been working on a very long story with a friend of mine, Pepper Lightning, called Tenebras Insurgere (Translated to Darkness Rising). I'm not going to say much about it now, but just know that we are both working very hard on it and we are both proud of the work we are putting into it. It's far from finished however, but hopefully the first part will be posted in the next month or two. Thank you all for being so patient with me!
Sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I've been working on it though. Just wanted to let yall know that I'm not dead or some crap like that, and expect some new stuff (hopefully) within the next week or two.
It was an idea that came to me, and it wouldn't get out of my head, so I had to write it down.
If you're looking for a shameless gorefic with less story and more gruesome stuff, read Cutler. Have no idea why I wrote it. But write it I did. Yeah. The story is quite obviously rated Mature. And that's about all.
Okay... This is probably old news to some of you, maybe even most of you. But I just recently found out that some guy married a Twilight Sparkle plushie, and that he's convinced that it's the real Twilight. He's (apparently) tried to sue artists who draw NSFW images of Twilight, and he thinks anyone who speaks out against him is a troll. Also, he apparently also takes the thing on dates, tries to feed it, and even tries to have SEX with it.
I wasn't planning to post it at all, but it just kind of happened. If you want to read it, go ahead, but don't expect it to be real great. I wrote it awhile ago randomly at 3 A.M. when I was real tired and not thinking straight. But hey, if you want, go read it. You may like it or some shit, I don't know.
Anyways I have (hopefully) better written stuff coming, so yeah. Keep your eyes out. This one was just kind of to see what would happen if I posted it. Can't link here because Mature.