• Member Since 30th Sep, 2013


Swiss is best cheese.

Side-splitters 34 stories
Found 32 stories in 45ms

Total Words: 260,500
Estimated Reading: 17 hours



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Eldritch abominations from outer space abduct an orange yokel. The country bumpkin is fine. The aliens are not.

Trigger Warning! This story contains:
- Applejack just telling the truth when asked.
- Space.
- A nutshot.
- Looting.
- Attempts to be funny.
- Celestia sneezing hard.

*Reached the top of the Feature Box! Nowhere else to go now but down!*

Chapters (1)

When a Twilight experiment goes wrong, Rarity is taken to the Pokemon world, where she meets Ash and friends. But in a trainers' world, a new Pokemon is a BIG deal.

Chapters (1)

When a human asks a certain purple unicorn a question that not even the almighty human race can answer, to what lengths would she be willing to go to put the age-old question to rest?

Chapters (1)

The Conversion Bureau never made any sense anyway, but here are some places where it would have made less sense.
Not necessarily worlds where the ponies would lose the fight - just worlds where conversion wouldn't logically work.

Before suggesting a World, read the index to make sure I haven't done it already.

Chapters (27)

Mr Howtobasic doesn't understand. One moment, he was teaching people how to do things in the correct manner, and the next, he's here in Equestria. Well, at least there are eggs around.

Chapters (1)

What happens when the C.E.O of a company whose motto is 'We sell products and get in fights' appears in a world full of candy-colored ponies? We're going to find out the hard way in this one shot, action packed fic!

TF2 and MLP belong to their legal owners

Chapters (1)

Anon comes from a universe that operates by kung fu movie physics and he's still able to function as such. Imagine every cheesy kung fu movie mixed into one story.

This was done as a collaboration between me, Bolding, Anonymous Assassin, Fugger, 8th Sin, and someone that didn't want to be named.

Chapters (1)

Arby's is a fast food chain dedicated to "Having the Meats". When one of these chains expands it's way into Ponyville, most ponies are both skeptical and nauseous. Some however, are eager to try new things.

Which member of the royal family will get hopelessly hooked on this stuff?

How long before eating meat is considered "normal" by Equestrian standards? It would have to be soon, because a certain carnivorous princesses one goal is to raise awareness that eating meat is not really a big deal.

Chapters (1)