• Member Since 30th Sep, 2013


Swiss is best cheese.

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  • Featured 24814 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Most of ponykind didn't think much of the space far above their heads, until a record from another world fell from the skies.

Chapters (5)

There are all sorts of things that can be done with a cell phone, like summoning encyclopedia articles or getting aurascopes or finding out what the weather can be or talking to friends or ordering food for delivery.

Every pony should have one.

Even if they’re not exactly hoof-friendly.

Now with an audio reading by No One And Nobody

Chapters (1)

Twilight's castle has gone through many wild and life altering changes over the years. What once was a simple library was now the seat of a princess and her council. Not only that, over the years it's played host to so many new and interesting people; each one memorable in their own way.

Which makes it all the stranger that there's this pony tending to the books lately that nobody seems to know... But she seems so familiar!

Top featured 12/5/23-12/11/23! I couldn't be prouder! Thanks to everyone.

Reading by Skijarama/Tone Shift HERE.

Chapters (1)

At a speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations, Celestia learns why humans usually wear clothes.

29/05/2020 - Now with a reading! https://youtu.be/0qmgcZGUbio

Chapters (1)

Diving Bell has a job working for the United Nations International Seabed Authority. It's an obscure government position with an office in Jamaica. She's learned a lot since arriving.

Chapters (1)

Eldritch abominations from outer space abduct an orange yokel. The country bumpkin is fine. The aliens are not.

Trigger Warning! This story contains:
- Applejack just telling the truth when asked.
- Space.
- A nutshot.
- Looting.
- Attempts to be funny.
- Celestia sneezing hard.

*Reached the top of the Feature Box! Nowhere else to go now but down!*

Chapters (1)

There was a time when the ponies did not have smoothies. They turned their heads skyward and cried for a fruity and slushy refreshment, but the princesses couldn't help. Then an alien descended from on high, a chalice in it's hand, and it grinned. For the alien knew of such a thing, and he was willing to share it, for a price.

And that price was two bits a cup.

Fair warning: Word play.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Trouble with Unicorns II

Acorn's apartment on Earth has lots of great features: a dishwasher, forced-air heating and cooling, a coffee maker, a food processor, a gym and laundry room in the basement . . . it's also got a telephone. She's not so keen on the telephone.

Specifically, she’s not so keen on telemarketers.

Chapters (1)

Cammy and Scrim are a husband-and-wife team of window washers in New York City. They’re fast and friendly, and best of all they don’t need ladders or fall arrest gear to do their jobs.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Now with a Chinese translation by FLX071
New Coverart by AlwaysDressesInStyle

Chapters (1)

Daniel, a disciplined member of the secret service, is stuck with one of those jobs. You know, the one where he has to watch over some secondary personnel when his buddies are hitting it big protecting alien royalty itself, especially when one of his is jealous of her friend and keeps pouting about it. Regardless, he occupies the annoying Rainbow Dash as best he can. Well, until a yellow silicon mask falls from the ceiling and the flight takes a turn for the worse.

And when the pilots pass out, someone’s gotta fly the plane.

Finally, a new entry into the 24-hour fics shelf. It’s not a true 24-hour fic again, but it’s close enough for me to include it among the list.

Rated T for a decent amount of profanity.

Proofread by LordJanitor, shalrath, and TheManFromAnotherTime.

Chapters (1)