Diving Bell has a job working for the United Nations International Seabed Authority. It's an obscure government position with an office in Jamaica. She's learned a lot since arriving.
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As opposed to Diving Bellei.ytimg.com/vi/rFl9kCOgqg4/hqdefault.jpg (which would be more SS&E's department.
On a more serious note, I feel like this barely qualifies as pony enough right now just because of how short it is. I mean, you could replace Diving Bell with a human who doesn't watch much TV and the result would be the same.
Also, does Diving Bell know about the human submarine Celestia found in Equestria? ( going to have to doublecheck I am remembering the right story)
EDIT: yeah, I remembered correctly: Deep
LOL, this was low-key, but funny. I guess every news story has to trigger something Pony. Good work!
Pfft, gotta admit, her discovery of the different types of grass sounds quite amusing. A bit dry but quite informative.
You wrote this whole story just to say that ending line, didn't you?