When a Twilight experiment goes wrong, Rarity is taken to the Pokemon world, where she meets Ash and friends. But in a trainers' world, a new Pokemon is a BIG deal.
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I imagined this story as a comic, and the last paragraph ending like the end of a Loony Tunes video.
Anyways, good story.
Edit: Wait, this is incomplete??
Hehe, well that was a rather nice tale.
That dito is a pimp.
A four outta five.
Heres a line tho
Amusing pic, what's her stage three?
Please continue with the story. It sounds awesome, and I would like to read more.
What?! No RapiTwi reference, perhaps her getting angry and becoming the evolved form of Rapidash, with wings.
That would be awesome.
And now Rainbow finds out about a world where you get super powers and get to fight stuff for fun.
I might make a sequel about the ending... But idk yet. Thanks for the support :)
Not bad. 6/10
I laughed. This was funny. A disturbing with the part with the ditto...
5145258 yeah a squeal about the end and where twilight gets stuck in the pokemon world.

Good Story dude. Though missing pinkie pie on your character list. Let pinkie pie fans know she's in the story
5145258 if you ever do make a sequel to this name it a Spike of friendship.

Don't mean to be rude, but the entire scenario could have been avoided if rarity tried to use her magic to write out what she was saying, unless that would be changed too.
Rarity almost got fucked by a blob... 9/10 would almost get fucked by a blob again!
this was beter then i was expecting 10/10 would read again
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